The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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185 1120 nines we manufac 8260 onlv good Car $150 jy To best ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Installed Open tinning 100f piecework rates Broadway Des Am Bid XV men must be resale work: or and 1 Rlrl week West Sider 98 and young steady co YE Mld once with good with com make lint fond (up West Ap Kelly ME 3683 STEPS pm Co ex do 2d roofing let us $14 0 to $126 $500 CARPtNTRY repair remodeling addi tions cupboards Call SH 8357 EtmTSA operafoH: hitelT to 2 5 vA icint rr'Mitfeni: hourly rate all round brick work: good working conditions i ne roer Jo maintain production handle men: 1st shin: 48 hour week 2439 rate nrM Die Co GENERAL officTrl: Experienced West Side real estate office good salary AT lias opening in Clcx eland call any tire wisr6w if amnG WI565W5T WALLS PAPER BAB WINDOW CLEANING HE 334 MAin CEdar BO Seles Sales SEWING machines oiled and adjusted In vour home $1 electrification with case $3495 CL 9173 13960 Lorain Ave i pholstlring Let Vs 'REUPHOLSTER Your urniture and save vou money We will call day or evening with sam ples and prices Call us first NELSON UPHOLSTERING CO r1570 f6 HE 5658 Eves RA 1569 Key Punch Operator Prefer Remington Rand experience 9 days salary American Greeting Pub Ushers 1300 78th St X' SALESMAN Man capable of earning upward of $5000 per year on profit sharing basis placing equipment In stores on meter plan no car needed Call Mr oley CH 0185 9 to 12 noon for personal overview SALRMAN: rience not required tions and closinc as time required must have a mission Call Tawney appointment for Interview THE ELLIOTT GUEST ni IB CMhr SALESMAN to sell dressed beef and veal and boneless beef on drawing ac count and commission basts: must know Cleveland trade and know the busi ness Give all details regarding your qualifications in first letter Bvx 5099 Plain Dealer i Toolroom Machine Hands 2d shift: steady: hourly rate Midland Steel Products Co 10615 Madison Ave readv for work On 1031 A Martisnn operator on 'coats'" hour ACCOUNTING EXPERT accountanL pa for small bus! eaa LI berty 95 2 3 8 Al ESwif' RN club pfax short hours Urge commission YE663 (Continued en Writ are COOK Or 2d maid: white: experienced and references required excellent salary: willing tp work in country convenient transportation Willoughby 406 (re verse char COOK: White: downstair: no laundry or heavy cleaning pleasant room near Shaker rapid and Lee Rd bus stav references: gnod salary WA 183 8 COOK "and general: for woman whn likes country experience and references required Chagrin alls large East and prelects: steady conditions red 9:30 to 5:30 or eleclromatlc typewriter aalary: per coai IXCTRICAL wiring a a prompt srrnre GA HELP WANTED MALE Tailor Steady employment hourly rate Apply Northern Ohio Clener 4 04 9 Rocky River Drive TLM STUDY MEN with automotive electrical wiring back ground: experienced In large assembly and pressroom operations standard data tine opportunity for capable fully quali fied young man: good salary The While Motor Coach Division 1455 185 (south of St ('lalrj TfE man: Kfcdlum'Ure planT expanding experienced preferred in elec flic motor manufacturing practice thia Is a good Job tor right man: give full details qualifications and Balmy ex pected Box 19895 Plain Dealer TINNER and roofer Ivimc repairs hourly steady 123'1 Lee Rd To represent national heating orguntra lion permanent future to men with initiative and ambition we Ira you experience not nccessgrr drawing ac count and commission Holland urnace Co 12500 Euclid Ave $250 $275 $270 $220 1 uirct Lathe Operator Must be first class 2A operator job shop hourly rate Lee Tool Co 4151 Broadway General Office Work 5 day week: salary: permanent position 508 Great Lakes Life Bldg 9 and Vincent St MA 8010 Light actory Work Racking and pecking 3 steady Side girls age 20 35: hourly rate piy mornings ria ting LlNINi ly rate GL 9357 1232 9 Superior LINOTYPE operator: St eady work plug overtime hourly rate Town Press 1900 Superior SUPER BUILT ASPHALT DRIVES Parking lots commercial paving engi neered to your needs free estimate and inspection: 2 years to pay MODERN DRIVEWAY CO INC BO 3536 AC 6762 Cleveland's Oldest Driveway Co ASPHALT drives Hot ree estimates Industrial residential and parking areas 50 Years' Experience CLEVELAND TRINIDAD PAVING CO Western Reserve Bldg MA6950 ASPHALT CONCRETE WORK WATERPROOING TERMS I DESIRED BAGS ORD INC OR 8400 Heights real estate: expe tnorougn msiruc stanee given car and 6797 7910 SK KE 3695 TAYLORS SEWING MACHINE SERV ICE Guaranteed repairs on all makes by factory trained mechanics: authorized White agency parts attachments sup plies belts and buttons covered while you shop Phone MA 3R00 Ext 215 SEWING MACHINES Repaired sold rented bought and mod emlrwl: Ohio's largest dealer AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE CO 6 900 ree Estimates EX 69 0 0 CARPEN LR Experienced: hourly rate Anply Payment office General Electric pia rnrx Tar TENTERS: West Side 1 Kaav vnn complete remodeling serv etc: immeaiate GENERAL office work trp Ing and filing Schwartz urniture CO 7636 Broadway MI 4280 GENERAL office" clerk 18 to 35 Kay week permanent: downtown salary MrsBassett CH 7256 HAND SEWERS Experienced finishers and armholt hasten clothing guaranteed hourly rate with good earning oppor tunity and benefits such as sickness accident and life insurance hospitaliza tion paid holidays and vacation The Joseph eiss Co 2149 53 be tween Clark and Lorain SOAP MAKER Or zoap assistant experienced In making liquid snaps waxes and dis infectant good salaiy to start State age and picvlous employe) ou: men know of this ad Box 1771 Plain Dealer SODA Experienced day and evening shift: per manent salary Miller Drug apply mornings 2134 167 GENERAL OICE Typist comptometer operator perma nent 5 day week: salary The Standard Drug Co 408 St Clair GENERAL office work light typing re quired 1 girl office 5 day week sal ary United Shoe Machinery Corp 740 Superior Ron m819 OICE Some typing with shorthand preferred but not essential no bookkeeping salary HELP MALI BUTCHER to cut meat wK6 reiiaola and honest: good salary Market Middlefield Ohio Phone Middlefield 25058 or Burton 7158 after 7 cabinet Makers Experienced In furniture and bar fix tures: good hourly rate Plant Wood PiGducts 3 14 2 33 MAINTENANCE MAN Experienced in repairing general fac tory equipment for nights must oper ate lathe: hourly rate Cleveland Haid wara A orging 4518 Lakeside Ave MAINTENANCE man: Good salary cx peusw fine opportunity tor man experi enced In cleaning air conditioning and exhaust duct systems night wok: car or small truck required 321 Citizens Bide MAIN 1 ENANCE MAN COUNTER MEN To work 1n sandwich shop: gnod salary meals Tasty Burger Systems 10622 lu cu a COUNTER ExperlenceJ? man to work in meat market: work: salary Blank's Market Sunrrinr CE 2142 COUNTED man: or auto parts store steady: salary day oil each week whit MI 021 1 MECHANIC Heating ventilating and refrigeration: night shift: high hourly prate Cleveland Graphite Bronze Company 17000 St Clair Ave MECHANICAL" tNfi INER or employment 1n northeastern Ohio layout and development work: experience In steel plate essential: state salary expected Reply to Box 19399 Plain Dealer MeXTcutTERS: uH 'thne goo3 salary Apply The Kroger Co 1 6997 Lorain Ave riday July 25l MEaTcUTTERS full or part time? ex pc rt need A pp 1 1 430 St Clair Mechanical Designers Process Piping lengthy employment: rood salary erguson Co 1783 11 CH 5 870 Comptometer Operator Single opportunity for permanent em ployment Procter Gamble Co Cleve land Branch office: need be proficient In addition multiplication only consists In the extension and checking of ordem: salary 5 day week downtown oppor tunity for participation In profit sharing plan Call Mr Lucey JR 3024 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR 21 to 301 excellent opportunity for ex perienced girl in billing dept: no typ ing must be fast neat and accurate 5 days 40 hour week base salary $150 per month Graybar Electric Co 1010 Rock well a ve Comptometer Operators Auditing office experience not neces sary: full time salary Apply 5th floor employment office Taylor Son Co Comptometer Typist Experienced: permanent position down town location: 5 day week: pleasant working conditions: salary orest City Prod i els I nc 722 Bo live Rd Comptometer Calculator Operators for part time assignments tn various parts of city and downtown high hourly rate Stineel Service 605 Caxton Bld 9th Prospect CH 3871 Comptometer Operator Experienced high school graduate nr better 18 to 35 permanent hours 5 day week salary Western Electric Co 10101 Woodland Ave COMPTOMETER OPERATORS Experienced only need apply wanted by accounting department of downtown rail road office starting salary about $190 per month Box 9395 Plain Dealer Comptometer Operator Experienced in all operations salary American Greeting Publisher! 1300 7 8 th Comptometer Operator Par roll dept: salary The Joseph eiss Co 2 1 19 53 COOK AND MAID Mansfield (O) family rcqulm first class cook and a competent maid good working conditions and living quarters Apply Box 6599 Plain Dealer giving references and wages desired SALESMAN With car good opportunity 75 to $125 weekly draw against commission 16300 Euclid Ave 10 a to 3 to call on autnmollve Job bers and car wreckers In Ohio: sales ex perience and car necessary commission write'" statin: qualification and experi ence Box 6797 I a De a I Experienced in iextiles? calling on hospitals etc established teuitory: fine opportunity Call rey Hotel Cleveland Saturday from 4 mt LIBERAL "drawing' tor "experienced gro cery salesman with following of retail grocers and Institutional trade Write Bo 68 95 Blain Dealer REPRESENTATIVE for an outstanding elrY line may he carried In conjunc tion with other lines commission nasis ROTER EJlfldison hlcasq SALESMAN: To sell tobaccos and candies salary steady job age Superior $20 UP "dally commission: selling all weather raincoats: frea kits See Mr Hopper Hotel Gillsy EMPLOYMENT MALE Dry Cleaning Stores East and West Side excellent oppor tunity early promotion to managers positions no experience necessary: steady weekly salary Phone A 2924 for ap poi on CLERK TYPIST Experienced permanent position down town location 5 day week pleasant working conditions: salary orest City ProductsInc722Boilvar Rd CLERK BILLING DEPT Experienced on comptometer adding ma chine typing: attractive salary 5 day week Iron ireman Mfg Co 3170 VA106 St CLERK MESSENGER Salary: Permanent: investment firm 1737 Union Commerce Bldg MA 0170or A 1463 CLERK West Side preferred high hourly rate Eagle Dry Cleaners 8007 Denison CLERK for pay roll and" cost dept: some comptometer typing salary The Con ral Brass Mf Co2 9 5 0EJ 5 clerk typist Gnrxl at figures: ideal working condi tions: salary CH0900 (TLerK: General work: no nights nr Sun salary MU 9837 Vassar Drug 13861 Euclid CLERK: or food store salary 15100 aL525j CLERK: t)ry cleaning hourly rate Su perfnr car 12 4 2li Ari ington COOK and housework: white: cool room and bath: 4 adults: references re quired near Shaker rapid transit ply Box 10195 Pl a Deale AUfO PARTS MAN experience preferred permanent: good paying salary Olen Motors 10604 flAKER: Experienced male or7emaTe salary Drive in Pinera jtOQ2Prospcct BAKER: Experienced at bench salary 136 2 69 BARBER: Good sieaiy In a tablUhed shop: top salary and com Biis sinn ranks Barber Service 580 Broad st ElvrU BARBER: steady salarv and comnus slon: start July 28 14768 Euclid Ave MU 1756 BAR ea work or" and Sat salary or commission 7117 Broadway Av BARKER Union Saturdays only 6427 Lorain Ave at tn 2 a BARBER: Union i initfl 1nrln Ave 4Q94 Eartender? Davs "salary T5T3 7 1 DI 9756 MACHINE CO 5508 Sash and frames steady work: good hourly rate experienced only need apply nurA Mmhr Co 7555 Bessemer SlH LING machine operator Qwn setup shift premium: hourly rate overtime Anderson Co 1935 96 ME 6337 I macKihe operators: 4 1 ex perienced able to read blueprints da own setup: hourlv rate second ahifi Natl Co 1X200 Madison MILLING machine operator: Mustmake own setup: hourly rate Accurate Ma chhe Tool Inc 2015 65 St HAND SEWERS Experienced on coats preferred: 1 ece wor ra es 1 3 1 2 Ontario HAND SEWING inishers and button sewers expert4 enced: salary Shermans Clothes 8101 1 1 TlANDV man for maintenance wonk: some carpenter experience good hourly rate General Baking Co 1887 36 HANDY men and helpers around heat treating plant: hourly rate time and halt over 40 hours1043 62 Heater: Experienced in gas car burizing on rotary furnace good work ing condition: high hourly rate 1430 Lekegifle Ave HEATING service: Must be experrehred In service and repair of residential temperature controls hourly rate MU 4200 rtmple laboratory technique in physf clans office or appointment phone SW 2600 DRUG SUNDRY CLERK Salary plus commission: no Rundv Apply Waynje Drug Co 5634 Broadway i VATOR 25: hlt hourly rate 415 NatL City Bank Bldg on CLfVfLAND LAP veALtR HIOAY JULY 2S MAU (roniinued rom Preceding Psge) MECHANIC Experienced: hourly or Hat rate steady work pleasant shop vacation with pay Lake Auto Body 10026 DehOtt ME 7879 Stationary Engineer (Licensed good hourly rate Anply at employment office Republic Steel Corp Independence Rd under Clark Ave Bridge SUPERINTENDENT or lumberyard must be able fn take complete charge of retail yard and men attractive salary tn the right man state quaniicatmna ana experience letter Box 386 Station Cleveland SURACE and form grtridorr (4 perlenced able io read blueprints nwn srftirr hnurlv rate: 1 sf and shift NHL TnnlCo 11200 Madison SURACE grinder (Hllb shift premium: hourly rate overtime Anderson Co1 9 3 5W9 6 lM 6 3 37L SURVEY and publicity work only: no selling special I training employ ment and housing checkup work offers worthwhile earnings on part or full time work on fee basis to qualified men: in sflfutmn established since 1916: offering technical shop practice training plus government subsistence to mechanical veterans part time work available on liberal rates Phone AT 7373 lor de tails TIMEsTUDY ENGINEER or well established plant employing tour to five hundred employ irply specific experience in tfm tudy in ma chine hap sheet metal fabrication welding and assembly state salary ex pected must be gcd man experienced in seft'rg piecework rates immdiae open ing permanent Reply to Personnel Director Box 477 Gallon SALESMAN Opening lor alert young man In amuse ment field comrnusiou and bonus: car necessary: northern territory now open Write fully Box 4190 Plain Dealer CRANEMAN 10 ton overhead: night shift 45 hours: hourly rate Lewis Welding Engineer ing Co 1 Interstate St Bedfoid Ohio CUSTODIAN for small LakewoM apart ment part time: man and wife white salary and 3 room suite: must be ex perienced and good mechanic only ap plications giving full information as to experience and qualifications consid ered Boxt 520PlanDcalcr CUSTODIAN: or church: on Eass'ide good salary and residence Box 16891 Plain Dealer DESIGNERS CHECKERS or the design of strip and wire mill machinery must be experienced: salary Wean Equipment Corp 22800 Lakeland Blvd Euclid IV 5770 DESIGN DRATSMEN" Several experienced men wanted for de sign layout and detail of rolling mH! machinery and reiattkl equipment The Norths Company Erie Pa DRILL press operator Highland Machine Co 1431 St Clair TOOL DIE DESIGNER Stampings and bushings only man with wide experience on gennal nd pro gtesslve tooling: give full details of background experience and starling salary required' our organization knows Of lliis ad Box 28081 Plain lalcr Tool and Cutter Grinder Must be capable of grinding turning facing and boring tools dulls learners end mills and milling machine cutters brazing carbide cutting tools carbolay grinding reading blueprints and using gauges have own tools 5 days lion ireman Mfg Co 3170 TOOL INSPECTOR Job shop experience hourly rate Ac curnte Machine Tnulx inc 2015 65 TOOLMAKER And all round mechanic In a plant manufacturing automatic strew machine products man with several years experi ence steady co operative and indus trious: one of middle age preferred hourly rate Call IV 7Q2 for appolnt ment Electrical and mechanical experience: some welding: hourly rate Cleveland Co operative Stove 67 St Rrpi eentat ivc Lidgerwood Industries will appoint (or defined area qualified sales representa tive to handle scnncapital and consumer goods selnng to industry dealers job bers: applicants will be personally inter viewed state facts fully In first letter Address Lidgerwood 7 Dey Nt New SHOE SALESMAN Experienced shoe man lor West Side family shoe store excellent salary and 0 11 CL 21 H5 pepitck gboc inc store manager Salary and com mission MA 1366 SILK SPOTTER Wholesale cleaning plant: experienced only salary 14024 Aspinwall St Clalr 140 stru'lcar Sales Product designer Draftsman checker nlennine ornoessinr 'Mechanical tester tensile strength $300 Organic chemist $300 Steam engineer $400 JOHN Hawley says more and more firms are employing the people we rec ommend because we merchandise your qualifications HAWLEY A ASSOCIATES 621 Swella nd BJd CH 4 306 ENGINEERS designers draftsman Cleveland Engineering Agcv 2 1 32 9 MALE IHSTRUCTIOH RERIGERATlQN air conditioning day classes I approved also evening classes Boston Tech Inst 4707 Euclid EX 7343 PLASTICS training day and evening claves: I approved Plastics Tech lnvt 5200Euchd APPROVED for I training Cleveland School of Welding 2261 14th Stat Carnegie AveA PR 0032 LYING srhoolApproved for veterans: fly In spare time no age limit Horn's ying School A 0077 A 5373 ELECTRICITY school practical course I approved: part time work 1017 Euclid SU 1230 Open 10 tn 8 LEARN bartering: Big demand Moler College 812 Prospect MA 8070 bartering: Men women Clave land Barber College 2 2 SuoartOr VETERANS earn $175 5200 a month while learning drattingMA 61' HELP EMALE BASE MENT AT ER PROOING 3 Years to Pay WE GUARANTEE A DRY BAsem*nT Warner Mam tens Co PR 6 4 3 2 3K 1ATINQ CHIMNEYS REPAIRED BUILT Roofing: all kinds slate and tile a spe cialty asphalting flat roofs bllllUWS UCC WYNDTDS ROOING TSTTTT Djro'ifD CwtsflUEVS ireplaces Outdoor Grille LO 891 3 BRICKLAYING NEW OR Chimneys steps fireplaces DI S309 BUILDIN MODERN I ZING REPAIR SIDING ROOING GUTTERS Remodeling repairing tile kitchens bathrooms attics and porches plaster ing and plumbing combination alumi num storm windows: easy terms free estimate Office BR 3362 Residence BR 0278 CARPENTRY Repairs and remodekng garages perches recreation rooms our specialties immediate service zlin car penter contractor builder WA 4738 CARPENTRY Let us repair natnt nr 1 ice: attics porches arrive STtT 1 AAV aSVERT Y6UR5b LOOR Or Unused space to Jiving quarters: 1n come will make your house payments: no cash required AT 4149 HELP WANTED MALE diemaRers Must be 1st class: build and develop all types of dies job shop experience hourly rat The Efficient Tool A Die Co 9314 Elizabeth Ave DIEMAKER job shop expeilence high hourly and overtime only top notch men apply Grothe Machine Tool mm Maaison ave DIE' MAKERS Experienced on die east dies hourly rate At Machine Tool 14800 ea a vr 01 EM AKERS: "Dav shift only export enced men need apply hourly rate taqn or DISHWASHER: White vvt side nights salary Call ED 9807 after 3 D1UETS1AN Excellent opportunity for ynung man with at least 2 years machine tool or related experience: salat with overtime The Motch A Mcriywcathcr Machinery CO 688 70 St DRArTSMEN Positions open for draftsmen with some experience in sheet metal work and preferably with elementary knowledge of steel detailing hourly rate Please phone or write Mr Rnggcn In sulated Building Division The Austin Co 1255 222 IV 3000 ja sell combination windows Ind dors one of the best window and profit sharing propositions ever offered Triple Seal Co CL 4200 eves and Sun GA SALESMAN Grade A between 35 and 50 for a career job must be well educated and have ear: draw Call Mr Sherman EN 3606 SALESMAN Young aggressive free to travel liberal drawing account and opportunity for excellent earnings write fully Box 4 Dealer SAT 8Ta Cl cvcliihd aiicT" mu Ing territory: for direct selling $695 all purpose home appliance earn $20 a day up on cqmniHsmn must have ear Mn itcl 2Pn SALESMAN: Experienced In direct sell ing can make a well pavinr permanent connection with a rated co: excellent drawing account 5595 st Clair SALESMAN Veteran with amateur photography nr 16 mm equipment experience salat 2300 PayneAvej MAJ9173 SALESMAN: Experienced fluorescent lighling line lor store and fsetory: in stitutions good fwnmlwimw car needed Box 22395 Plain Dealer 'SALESMEN Over 30 must he experienced in selling Insurance securities or high grade tan gibles: bring proof with you that you have made $5000 per year In prewar days: this 1s a relatively new product being Introduced by a 60 yea: old com pany: SEWER ELECTRIC CLEANING AND REPAIRING EN 3680 SEWlNSMACiliNES REPAIRS SEWING MACHTnES Vacuum Cleaners All Makex Repaired ree estimate One year guarantee ol'tljEk feEVX lrLr 2 016 Euclid Ave 10019 Euclid A vp 10525 Detroit Ave 4216 Peart Rd 16680 Kinsman Rd 74 8 185th St ACCOUNTS receivable clerk some knowl edge of machine posting preferred 5 day reek salary Armour Co 304 Orange Ave OICE MANAGER Salary permanent: downtown: full charge: experience necessary Box 4397 Pl iin Dealer ASSISTAN cashier Must be Able tn type bookkeeping back ground preferred 5 day week perma nent salary The Ohio Chemical Co 1177 Marquette HE J1000 ASSISTAN'T COOK Experienced fnr small Industrial cafe teria: weekly salary Eaton Mfg Co 65 and Central ASSISI' PRESSER Experienc'd only: hoHy rate whMeT' sal cloning plant 14021 Aspinwall Ave St Clsir 140 St car BAKERY SALES 3 rpen lad display and aell fane vanetv baked good In convenient East Sde master market salary isher oods 2323 Laacslde (take St Clair ran SANDWICH man: Goo3 aalarr Say work apply in person Euclid Beach miln room iiiw fEPVlC manager experienced for Chevrolet garage nights salary 14481 Euclid Ave operator mild steh 45 hours per week hourly rate Lewis Welding Engineering Co 1 fntermate St Beeford Ohio SHEET metal foreman? first clam mass production experience only must know si mntiem mcrsi working conditions $75 week to $100 to party who qualifies: must stand In vestigation also one Jaynut man Phone 32 Wadsworth Ohio for appointment SHEET metal mechanics tor industrial sheet metal work hou ly rate Sheet Metal Products Co 1 39O El 70th SHIPPING clerks several to later work into sales some traveling must have high school education or better: age to 35 reply own handwriting listing previous employments good salary Box 23395 Plain Dealer Shipping Stock Room Help 1 to 35 permanent positinn: hourly rate Campus Sweater A Sportswear Co 234 St Clair Apply 9 to 1 1:30 SHOEMAKER' All round to manage work: hourly rate or salaiy Rizzo's 2178 Noble Rd GL 8917 SHoCfrpair'mah: Experience? sMaryv Oles Garrettsville Phone pany: excellent earnings and future must have car salary commission and car allowance Call EX 7850 lor ap pointment SALESMEN: NMioiiarttahlzafion re quires salesmen for Cleveland and vicin ity product nationally advertised re ceiving wide acceptance by manufactur ers and property owners: specialty sell ing experience helpful Only men accus tomed to earning minimum of $5000 per year nerd apply Commission basis Call SU 4 130 for appqhitme nf HOUSE PAINTING Pure white lead and linseed oil paint: all work and material guaranteed fully injured prompt service at reasonable prices: for estimaUa call any time SH 1270 SH 1270 PH MBIG SEWERINO 2 PLUSiBING repairs steam new installations hot water tanks copper Uries Call anv time HE 7943 ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING CO 24 hour service: ritten guarantee 5555 BO 4100 PLTTmBING and repair work: work guaranteed EN 1646 PLUMBING iTE A71N Xn SEW ffli CLEANING prompt service 10 9641 PiUSiBiNrir Kpalrs: Large small: day" night anywhere reasonable YE 2007 RERlGLKAtlON RERIGERATOR REPAIR Guaranteed service on all makes: com tnerclak domestlr: low rates day and night service BR 23 59 7r RESIDENTIAL Quality shingles skilled workmanship free Inspection and estimates ASK OR MR 0 ROURKE MA 5590 ROOING AND GUTTERS New and repaired 2 veterans all work guaranteed: quick service free estimates Callus for our Inw bld EN 37 56 ROO leaks repaired promptly by ex perts new roofs: furnaces cleaned and repaired free estimates LO 5443 NEW rooE repairs all gutter worE9 0738 Konjure 5670 mctaC fumaci work roofing tinning gcneralrcpalr GA 6824 REPAIRS tar asphalt cold dr Hot slate etc Immediate service EN1 93fL ROOING tinning metal decks guar anteed Insured workmen RE 2323 SEWER CLEANING OPENED Or no charge have a reliable company do your work 24 Hour Economical Written guarantee Copper Water Line Installed AERO ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING HE 2797 ree Estimates BO 4400 CLEANING Immediate service guaranteed work WA 4997 ESTIMATES REE RA 7555 SEWER BLOCKED? Call Apex EX 7866 REE ESTIMATES AT 8844 No "Tharpes OHIO STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE cabinetmakers Machinist journeyman Glsholt operators West Sausage makers PrTi'r hi'ar nnt'afCir orte heaters $120 Cash register mechanic $75 $100 wk Auto mechanic experienced $150 Licensed Dlci engineer Silk spotter experienced He hnllifrr wood exnerlcnced 1 242 West Third St CHcrry098CL EMPLOYMENT Standards engineer $6000 lool designer relocate Open Assistant supt aircraft Open Supervisor assembly Open Accounting instructors to $4200 oftlc? mgr foods $3ono Bookkeeper furniture $2400 Trainee cleaning 1 Bill Office clerical downtown $1800 Jr draftsman wll teach $t60 Maintenance all around $150 hour Machine ahop trainee Open 723 Union Commerce Bldg PR 1000 EMPLOYMENT Room 682 the Old Arcade SU 3812 Ton engineer Open orema co i room $300 $400 Designer machinery Time study Jr mechanical engineer Chemist young Sales young Bookkeeper 40 45 Office rk typing riff irf hnv Welders $130 8150 hour Lath nneratnrs 14 5 hur INTERSTATE exchange 806 Hippodrome 4 1 year CH 0867 Industrial plant engineers $750 1000 Chief time study relocate $350 $500 Punch press foreman $350 $400 Chief engineer truck bodies Open Chief tool die engineer metals Open Plant supt electric motors $7 50 oreman machine shop assembly Open Ciedltmcn heavy risks $700 Staff accountants cost $650 Office mgr accountant $5nn Salesmen supply $350 $450 Employment mgr Iron foundry $4 50 KEY POSITIONS Technical Office Career planning and job placement Brvke through psychological testing Your results graphically charted to the position you best fit A mailing program printed for you to employers selected from our files This testing metnnd already a requi site fnr employment by many firms SCIENTIIC PLACEMENT SYSTEMS 330 Schofield Bldg MAin 5863 (Not an employment accncyl melba Oliver S39 Guardian Bldg CH 0728 open to i 'axuraay engineer automotive engineer machine tool heating ventilating engineers abrasives To contact home owners for roofing siding gutters end furnaces: let us show yuu how to make real money drawing account plus commission Apply 1 0020 Carnegie Ave CANVASSERS to seh heating equipment aalary and commission RA 764 2 CANVASSER (2it "To contact home owners for modernization: $ton per week draw to men who quality Durable Construction Co GL 3067 CARPEN'l'ERS Steady year round work on steel plant maintenance: hourly rate Apply at em ployment office Republic Steel Corp Independence Rd under Clark Avt Bridge CARl1 ENTERS (10) Steady wojk rain or shine: rough and finish: good deal for good mon hourly rate Ccntpj Rd at Scottsdale: Robert Dvorak LO 4040 inish 'or rough wmk good hourly rate pleasant working conditions ake Bay Hornes Westlake 1610 or eve BOOKKEEPER: Experienced: salary Mireau Laundry 2240 St Clair BOOKKEEPING office some dictation: 5 day 9 a 4:30: 55 Broadway steadv: state Qualifications age religion salat expected Box 4490 Plain Dealer yea JViciif 1 6 1 aMr hanging interior painting iara plw jhnwiv IPAtRHANCItfr and ata i lint wont guaranteed teanxbl rtes hpprfdatf your bulrs MU 3444 EXCELLENT future: age 25 35 salary $30u0 per year: applicant will be sent to home office in Hanford Conn for weexs training after training will icturn to Cleveland and be placed in charge nf department for 1 year while completing training for specialized sales work must be resident of Cleveland have 2 years nf college and give evidence of succcm in past occupationsPPly Box 2 5 1951 a in Dealer Outstanding Oppoi tunity Our expansion In Cleveland requires 2 aaditlonal men of ambition and sincerity who will not be satisfied with less than l(10 $200 per week bas id on sales na experience necessary we train you must have car and over 25 years of xge mar ried preferred we will run another ad next week but it will cost you $100 to waif or interview call CH 0648 ENS I EADY" WORK cxalr Inc expanding Cleveland sur rounding territory will start several ic snonsible men In permanent work no experience we train earnings unlimited profit bash should oe satisfied with $75 week fnr 1st 90 davs: character references required Apply July 28 1 13902 Euclid Ave boOstyour Income Excellent part time employment avail able to schoolteachers reined or semi rutiled men or men now employed wishing to supplement present income excellent product with high public ac ceptance: commission $5 to $25 per snm zu nnuis rcquiiea wePKiy essentia! Box 291 Rl plain Dealer tMMDf ATE GPEN1GS Steady interesting work manufacturing boilers machinery assemblers engine lathe horizontal boring mill vertical boring mill radial drill press 'older ooremakers gas wcldeis electric weld ers fitters chippers sheet metal work ers carpenters layout The Babco*ck A Wilcox Co Barberton Employment office open 8 4p AGGRESSIVE MAN To operate established mute on East Side nf Cleveland must furnish satis factory references and be willing tn work for assured future salary plus honu4: company car furnished: prefer) cd age 35 to 55 ee Mr Magg 1971 E65St VETERANS interested In circufarmn wnrx and traveling throughout United Starrs with nationally known company: earnings up to $350 per month salary and commission plus bonuses must be honorably discharged Hom service Ap ply in person only between Ila and 4 3818 Prospect Mr Vinci 'JOHNS MANVlILE Will hire to work dhectly for their rockwool division a high grade specialty man to operate In Greater Cleveland area auto requited excellent commission setup See A Rockr 1 1 on 240 no Eu rt I Aye CAN YOU CI OS I' We offer an amusem*nt device that can bring excellent income to aggressive salrs mlnded rnan: must have clean rec ord and stand bond car essential com mission plus bonus please write fully £nx 220 Plain Dcap MEN BART 'EIME Many of our part time dealers make good selling Rexairs on profit basis Phnne MU 6186 for evening Interview appointment Pcxalr Inc 13902 Euclid Ave YOUNG MEN or general work in super food market: good salary 8625 Houch Ave IRST class cake baker wanted $160 per week tn start Wire er write Zche Bakery 121 21 Erie a Cal! Erie Union housing work: best working nmnr I CARPENTERS union: steady 10 jobs 2 1039 Maplertdgc Rd near Clague La mile hL of Lorain LA M50 CARbEiTER: main tenance work: hourly rate overtime Eberhard Mfg Co 2734 Tennysnn Rd CARPENTERS 4 Steady work rain or sninc: unmn wages Di Carlo Builders Hillcrest 1171L CARPENTERS Experienced In house building: West Side and Parma: steady Hon ra bonus sU 3243 CARPENTER roimanem Job: Tvast SiSc location union scale YE6892 CAR washer All round service station man salary Adamic Super Service ton 10228 St Clair GL 3549 CHAUBEUR: Middle aged: exnerlenced only those with recent references please answer Box 9895 Plain Dealer CHEI1 to lane complete charge nf kitchen in established restaurant seat ing 200 thorough experience in New York kosher style cuisine essential ex cellent salary write reference and qual tfications Box 3197 Plain Dealer CHE for fine restaurant: permanenl position salary Box 32475 Plain Dealer CLERK for easier and general office work single preferred: excellent oppor tunity for advancement salary Gen Baking Co 1887 36 fiERks Produce stnck: full good salary Apnly The Kroger Co 18097 Lorain Ave riday July 25 Collector Salesman To collect and sell established accounts: this position offe good income and also a secure future: a good car neces sary salary and commission Apply Mitchell 3350 25 CONVEYOR REPAIR be able to weld hourly rate: steady employment overtime Conveyor Repair Service Inc 139 10 Aspinwall COOK Grill genera! manager good salary Deans Diner 1 1604 Euclid HELP MALI HOTEL WORK Age 20 to 25 experienced operator: train as relief clerk front nffke salary See Mr Clark Olmsted Hotel Industrial Engineer Experienced time study observer with automotive elec I rival wiring background experience in large assembly and press room lime studies desirable standard data tine opportunity for capable fully qualified young man good salary The White Motor Coach Division 1455 E185 tsouih of Si Clain 1 A I achine Must be experienced class A 40 hour week: salary The Weatheihead Co 300 1 3 1 INSTALLERS or wood combination windows rate per window 652 ront St stairci Rrt ra ihln INSTRUCTOR fnr cabinet workUour ly rate See Mr Warner Nicholas Wadp Inc 512 Eagle Ave I NTERNAL GRIND1 NG Experienced in extruding dies: hourly rale: 1st and 2d shift Majestic and Heald Machines Atlas Bolt Screw Co Il30jvanhoe Rd JANITORS: CD steady 40 hmir week? salary vacation Case Institute of Technology GA 6680 Ext 15 1 LA BORERS lumber yard hourly rale Nottingham KE 7 562 la vnfPr artist Work on direct mall and sales promo tlon studio or agency experience es sential salary Grlswold Eshleman 1410 Terminal Tower LEARNERS Hi and nTjT chimng no experience required must be over 18 hourly rate: all three shifts National Toni Co 11200 Madison LICENSED IREMAN Hourly rate World Publishing Co 2231 IIOJ LINOTYrS operator Steady' wortTIus overtime hourly rate Tower Press 1900 Superior 1ACH1NE Special light machinery shop experi ence: salary American Greeting Pub llshers 1300 W78th MACHINE HELPERS Hourly rate good working conditions Apply 8 to 5 daily eept Saturday National Screw Mfg Co 2440 75th St MAC! 1 1 NERl 1 RA 1 A Machine shop and repair experience hourly rate American Greeting Pub ilshers 13QQ 78 Al CHIIKIS rnund machinists with some experi ence on larger machines for steady work in steel piant maintenance shop alter noun or night shifts: hourly rate Apply employment office Republic Steel Corp Independence Rd under Clark Ave Brt dce MACHINIST: xuprienced machine and printing press repair man hourly rate Bonnar Vawtcr 1 7 1 7 30 Al AIL CLERK JR Sala opportunity for advancement Addressocraph Co 1200 Babbitt Rd HELPERS To help on trucking material steady Job not too heavy some lifting overtime hourly rate Reid Products 1071 Power Ave near 12 and Superior HOSTESS Experienced for restaurant: age to 50: capable alert good salary meals convenient location Box 16791 Plaifi Dealer HOUSEWORK Experienced: private room and bath: no laundry no heavy cleaning high salary DA 961 7 HOUSEWORK cooking iiid general: New home beautiful maid's room bath and dressing room on 2d 3 in family good salary for capable experienced per son with references WE 8591 HOUSEWORK Plain cooking white 18 to 40 no laundry no heavy cleaning: own room and bath experienced Shaker $35 to $30 DR 0050 HOUSEWORK general: Must be able to serve and assist cooking 3 in family no laundry stay private room and bath Call LA 7310 HOUSEWORK: Genera! 3 5 4 "stay small family own room and bath WI 7089 HOUSEWORK: No cooking no laun dry: own room bath and radio 3 children A 0863 RUuwEVOftK': White 20 35 years cTdT general and plain cooking: $30 weekly ED1783 HOUSEWORK: No laundry no heavy work: stay nights near rapid DR2J229 HOUSEWORK: No cooking stay nights: 2 children: reference $25 YE HOUSEWORK: General salary A 0 690 INSURANCE 1 05th Eudld $180 to start and bonus advancement fire and casualty experi ence necessary Box 28982 Plain Dealer INTERVIEWER for housing shoi hours: responsible position college training pre ferred: car desirable salary Apply 9 to 11 Western Reserve University 11105 Euclid LOOPER: Must be experienced: salary or piecework Shaker Knitting Mills 1220 6 MACHINE OPERATORS We will train you to operate punch presses if you are willing to work on the 2d shift after training our presses are completely guarded and safe 34 day week downtown: no lifting not dirty fair hourly rate Reid Products 1071 Power Ave near E12 and Superior MILLINERY MAKER Experienced In better millinery good salary pleasant surroundings Engel etzerl226 Huron Rd AHLLINERY MANAGER Capable experienced enegetlc millinery manager wanted Apply Normandie Hats 2059 4th St Cleveland MOON Hopkins billing machine opera tor: Experienced salary Murray Ohio Co 1 1 15 El 5 2S NIGHT" teTepHone 12 a to 7 a 44 hour week salary 1 maal must type GA 7880 NURSE Desire middle aged woman who wants a good home with reasonable salary to care for elderly man HE 1338 or PO 12 69 NURSES: One for doctors' office prefer applicant with surgical experience aso 1 undergraduate for general duty relief shift salary Call HE 8580 NURSE: To relieve for vacations la small nursing home hours 7 3 salary 8920 Nottingham Rd IV 7628 NUftfctf practi raf or lady experienced? In care of invalid salary LA 8764 OICE CLERK And switchboard operator: nr mung residence some tvpine experience no dictation salary and full maintenance Call GA 6794 And experienced sewing machine oper ator Mfg Co 52 84 Broadway Ml 4889 OPERXTOR Teletype some typing: M4 dsv week: salary Anderson Co 1988 96 St ME 6337 RECEPTIONIST 25 to 40 good typist: pleasant sur roundings 5 days: salary American Greetin Pub! I shers 1306 78 St Salad and Sandwich Alaker 10 30 a 7:30 no unds or holidays good Mlar and meals Clover leaf Restaurants 62 Old A read SALES gljT: or recon! and gift shop full time or part ume evenings salary rAL 3q0(l SALESLADIES: Experienced wrar priswpxr lingerie aerenrts: salary plus commission Hutton's Inc 15001 Detroit Ave SALESLADY With fur or cloth roxt experience: steady position excellent salary Liberty ur Co 1028 uel id SALESWOMAN Young attractive experienced to sell handbags snd accessories and o'mmii51on Engel etzer 1226 Huron Rd SALESWOMEN (4) To sell xeats and cleaning: good Drnf Ia 2 With car good opportunity: $75 to $125 weekly draw against commission will sin 16300 Euclid 10 a tn 2'30 SALESMEN Tn sell premiers leading vacuum cleaner experience unnecessary: commission 8508 Houghs SALESMEN: I2l area with acme mechanical background to contact indusirla! accounts wlln posi tioner tools commission for interne i To contact siding gutters ehn hnw drawing account plus commission Apply 10020 Carnegl Avp CARD PULLERS Good salary: hnur 5 day week Apply the Kroger Co 5700 Truscon Ave SOLDERMEN and metal finishers fnr contour torch soldering of truck bodies 4 5 hour week: days: good starting hourly rate plus automatic Increases American Coach Body Co 9503 Woodland SPOT welder experienced 40 hour week steady: good hourly rate Write fully Box 31 997 Plain Dealer SPRINGER Experienced for upholstered furniture: good hourly or piecework rates Supreme unutuie Co 2101 Superior 'STAMPINGS Well established Cleveland firm about to add stamping department to present business needs young man familiar with this business to handle dept in cluding sales and estimating wonderful opportunity State experience salary ex pectrd Box 6996 Plain Dealer Boring Mill Operator Horizontal and vertical: must be 1st class and make own setup job shop ex perience on tools dies jigs fixtures hourly rate The Efficient Tool Die Co 93 14 Elizabeth Ave SORING mill operators 23 shift: hourly rate 40 hour week 9401 Sandusky DI 47 24 BRAKE operators spot welders "arTd la bcren: Good hourly rate 40 hours per week Interior Steel Equipment Co 3352 69 off Quincy BREAD BAKER Experienced preferred salary Apply Mr Eb Hote I Hn 1 1 end cm BRICKLAYERS urnace and worit with Avertim: hnurlv rate hard Mfg Co 2734 Tennyson Rd tl block from Buckeye and 88 St) BRICKLAYERS for housing program top wage bonus West Side Parma SU 3243 BUER apprentices: Hourly rate anS piecework National Plating 2790 Grand Ave burning Machine Operator night shift: 45 hour week hourly rate Lewis Welding Engineer ing Corp 1 Interstate St Bedford BLACKSMITH Steel mm experience gooa nouriy rare good working conditions bus service Apply at once employment office Inde pendence Rd under Clark Pershing Bridge Republic Steel Corp (Corrigan McKinney pl ant) BLACKSMITH: 1st shift hourly rate Upson Walton Co 12500 Elmwood Ave eit I 7th bL BODY MAN htch hnurlv rate: tiGoiac bales HELPWftNTED MALE PRESSER on "meni sarmsnt einerl ened high hourly rate steady Glass Dry Cleaners J4 19 read Rt rx SSsSH and spotter wanted hourly rale 15209 Kinsman Road Proiiuct Eneincer Broad experience In the development of electric portable and home type sew ing machines excellent opportunity for the right man include full particulars of background and past experience plant located in southern Connecticut Box 14599 ph In Dealer PRODUCTION routing englhce must have time study experience on short run Reduction salary Box 28281 PR ESS Experienced punch press operators at least 3 pieHsroom background days high hourly rate plus piecework The Whit? Motor Coach Division 14 55 fr 1 85 St (south of St Clair) Bunch Press Operators Experienced Rood hourly rat? Machine Tool Die Co 3180 Berea Rd Punch Press Operator Permanent hourly rat? Grabler Mfg CT 656 5 Broadway A ve Quality Control Inspector Experienced opportunity 5 day salarv American Greeting Pub lishers 100 78 REAL ESTATE A fine connection fnr an experienced salesman: good leads good listings commission basis Johnson Really Real tnrs 11621 Detroit Ave LA 4645 Riggers and Iron Workers or maintenance work in steel plant Heady work: hourly rat? Apply at employment office Republic Steel Corp Independence Rd under Clark Ave Bridge Experienced fitting and alteration for specialty shop salary Apply Davids 734 Euclid 'GENERAL CLERICAL Capable responsible person interested In future assist bookkeeping position with East Side Chevrolet dealer a knowledge of bookkeeping and dictation desirable but not essential good salary gtoRaantworklng conditiotn WA 4714 GENERAL OICE bookkeeping 25 io 30 accurate with figures and good typist good al aiy permanent opportunitv 1 gir! of fice: Euclid at 65 st Telephone EN 4220 ap po I Unc General Office Clerk Some typing excellent opportunity for a recent high school graduate experl encr not necessary aalary See Mr Kessler Pennsyhania Rubber 4k Supply 2819 Prospect GENERAL OICE No shorthand 40 hour $32 week itart: paid vacation yearly bonus national concern: state age training etc Box 32197 Plain Dealer GENERAL OICE Capable and apt to figures typing per manent: white over 20 salary $30 week Home Beverage Co 10516 Morison manent position Valley Camp Co 1468 W9 St CH 6120 BOOKKEEPER Age 21 to 35 experienced Burroughs or machine operator salary Apply person Room 1005 Central National' Bank 308 Euclid BOOKKEEPER Accounts receivable and pay roll ex perienced West Side: 2 glrI Office salary Reply in own handwriting Box 11981 Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER ull charge 5 day week: aalary: per manent East Ride Phone RA 6800 Mr Angel Miller Drug BOOKKEEPER and general office: Must be capable handling books except closing entries and go ernment reports not over 35: good salary and opportunity: on Euclid Ave Telephone EN 373J2 BOOKKEEPER General accounting salary 5 days a week DI 1000 BOOKKEEPER stendciaphctT 1 girL of fice: reliable experienced: capable of handling details: permanent East Sid? salary Box 6896 Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER: Some experience com petent pleasant downtown office ad salar PR 70 8 0 BOOKKEEPER: ull charge small "set books permanent salary: small office Valley Oil Co 522 Standard Bldg LINOLEUMS LINOLEUM for everv room and Installed SK 6644 cr WA 5633 LINOLEUM INSTALLED COVING SINK TOPS ETC CL 213 3 POjB 2 5 2 4S(RYPLASTERING STUCCO PLASTERING: Small or large mbs: a ra teed wor ic 1 881 PLASTERING painting papering pairing large or small EX 6807 PLASTER and repair experienced white free estimate LO4167 M4TTRSS RENOVATING HAVE your old mattress mad? ilk? new save th difference: box springs retied DIXIE BEDDING CO SU 3780 PA IN TINGAPERIIANGINC PAPER cleaned all sizes $250 room painting walls washed Kem Toning WHITE PR 64 19 PAEP hanging painting plastering: good work: reasonable rates Call Mr Rhodes orMr Stepp HE 8148 EXPERTpaperhanslng and painting Sanitas specialty reasonable work guaranteed MU 4728 HOUSE PAINTING White lead and oil one coat a specialty papering reasonable WO 8 3 54 PAPER efraned removed painting Kem EX i Pap'Tinf painting jemndei I A 1 1 menu in old hodse ree estimate IEXTERIOR painting pure lead oil Guaranty WA 3218 LO 9347 4444 £laC cinders for drivewaiys nn nr mrr ft trm ajird lit 44nY JOHN for driveway $225 ton ING KEM TON'ING CALL EXJ 615j wni or morr tasr vvesi we apreaa 11 cinders 1 5yaid MI8 90 8 fEMEf invewaywaTks floors curbs guaranteed reasonable ME 9427 Cement work CONTRACTOR 1369 HL SW 27M El CTR1CAL APPLIANCES RADIOS" VACIfUM EquipCp 1 6 LECTRICAL WIRING ELECTRICAL 1 lights tad U) repairs very YOUNG MAN Under 25 ars of as? for work In an Insurance office: expeiinre not nr'f's ssry will tiam for an underwriter per manent pusition salary: 5 day eek CH4 529 CburiE "wanted armer and wife capable of housework: 74 acres fiuit and grain: excellent home and sal ary for right couple no children Phone or see A elber Sandy Haven arm Mlddlerldre Rd Madison Ohio Phone Mad i son 2 4 1 7 WE have an opening (or 2 ynung men to join our sales force with a nauorml ccmpany: drawing account and commis sion appointments only SW 9413 ri and Sat 6 Sun 11 A 3 6 9 family" In stitution northeast Ohio wife to do plain cooyjng: man farmer cr handy rran good home and salary Box 3 3899 PiRin Dealer EXPERIENCED borcmatlc operator and srt up men 10 hours nicht shift 5:30 to 4 hourly rate Th? Barco Machine Products Co 1975 65 Personal in tervlcw EdwardLucic WANTED: Roofing and Insulation sales man highest commissions paid must have car Cail 1n person 8 10 a 3:30 4:30 Becker Rooflne Co 11523 Madison Ave MID AVES 1' ORGE Has opening for hammer man: hourly and piecework rates Apply 17301 St ClMr 1 1 A form gt I a Experienced on and Excello thread grinding: must be able to read blueprints: do own setup: hourly rate: alternate shifts Natl Tool Co 1 1 2 00 Madison YOUNG men (3) to work in concessions at Chippewa Lake Park for balance of summer: salary percmtag? living quar ters available Apply In person to Phil Jacobs atthe park MIDGET or small man for air condi tioning duct cleaning and maintenance service white night work: steady good sa I a ry opportunity MA 1 0 9 4 SELL complete line choir? groceries household supplies to consumer: commis sion weekly Write Box 1838 Colum bus Ohio CARPENTERS (3) Steady finish work union scale west Acoustical Co: phone at MA 9031 CARPENTERS Steady wont union scale Parklawn Ave Middleburgh Height off Pearl Rd luat past Bagley Stanley on job CL 3092 ull time good salary Apply the Kroger Co 16997 Lorain Ave riday July 25 1 2 4 CASHIER and candy sales: days: salary restaurant experience preferred: as? 23 40 Call after 2 In person Huvlris Prnspect Weat 2 St CLERICAL SttNOGRAPHlC SbIm: all round office work hourly overtime Excelsior Stamp Works Co 1 5 Euclid Arcade COOK White: salary uniform Strand Res tauranU 2209 Payne Ave COoR? 2d: salary Phone WlllouchSy 99 HILP WANTED EMALE (Continued rom Preceding oiuran) inpripnrM i iKtKiu preferred salary stead: vacation BO 6951 goo3 salary 493 260 RE 0351 EipeiTenceJ 5 days no evenings steady salaiy BO SKA UTX 'instructor "well known school salary Box 3397 J'laln Deale" BEAUTY operator Steady! "5 day good salaiy jLOmrnlxsion EN 4074 CLERK Burrow billing machine operator and office clerical: permanent 5 day week 4 0 hotus salaiy Call at 1000 Mid land Bldg Expanding mgxnirxtlnn heeds person ex perienced or willing to learn complete phase of billing work: niitbl be good typist: 44 hour hourly rale Ohio Machinery Co 6606 Schaaf Rd BR 3939 Typist SPRAYERS Experienced for 1st snd 2d shift hour ly and pieccwpiic rats Cleveland Healer Co 1933 114 st (between Detroit and MadisonU PAPER cutter: Experienced: hourly hour week som overtime Crane Howard Lithograph Co 1435 12 CH PASTRY cook for northern Ohio country club open ell year gnnd salary with room and board furnished Box 10035 Plain Dealer A TT A ft: or wood wo I a sembly fixtures hourly rate See Mr Warner Nicholas Wade Inc 512 Engle Ave PHARMACISTS to start as assistant managers in Cleve land and vicinity salary and of profit The Standard Drug Co Cleve land 0 PICKLERS Experienced on sheet metal pickling for porcelain enameling hourly rate and bonus Cleveland Co Operative Stove Co 2335 67 SL PICTURE callers operators proof passers coupon men crew managers salary or commission Suite 4 1699 2 5 St PIPE ITTERS Experienced on general maintenance and new construction for steel plant hourly rate Apply employment office Republic Steel Corp Independence Rd under Clark Ave Bridge PLANER HAND Small planer jobbing type work hourly rate and overtime Allas Car Mfg Co l120 Ivanho? Pth PLANER OPERATOR Ist clas job shop cxpcrienc: make own setup: hourly rate The Efficient Tool Die Co 9314 Elizabeth Ave HELPERS or nights: serious reliable men only: steady work: hourly we will train Kelly Plating Co 10316 Madison PLATER helpers: (2: Experienced fnr 3d shift 48 lfour week: union shop hourly rate 21 39 Orange A ve PLATERS helpers: Hourly rate Na tional Plating 279J Grand Ave PLUM Experienced on repair work: steady: good aes hourly iate Box 6095 Plain Dealer PLUMBING WAREHOUSEMAN Local established desires a man experienced In filling orders parking shipping: excellent future Box 25685 Plain Dealer POLISHERS and buffers wanediExpejT enced piecework Call at Cameg'e Pohshine Buffing Co 782 105 POLISHER: Experienced on white meul hourly rate Cleveland Lamp Co 5518 Euclid Aye Power Shear Operator Experienced: read micrometer day shift hourly rate steady St Clair Nolting ham area KE 1161 BRESSERS Must be experienced good hourly rate Society Dry Cleaners 3419 Carnegie PRESSER STEAM CLEANER Experienced only sober: high hourly rate excollent working condltjors GL 1334 PRSER tailor Stedy position high hourly rate fine opportunity Miller Bros Dry Cleanfnt 1559 Winchester I akewond fc'Migh work mut exc Hent GL "737 15452 Euclid Ave OPERATORS Experienced on power sewing machines Good hourly rate convenient location: one street west ctf Square Room 419 1426 3 street ORDER BILLING Clerk typist aalary prefer woman oy er 30 Ca 11 Mr Keeley HB 0500 PASTRY cook for northern Ohio coun try club: open all year rood salary with room and board furnished Box 32297 TPlain Dealer PERSONNEL office: Typing neeewary beginner or experienced salary and com mission Box 29281 Dealer PHO TO INISHER Experienced but not required: steady po sition salary Eastman Kodak Stores Inc 806 Huron Rd A CT I A i th stay private home salary Box 23495 Plain Dealer PRESSERS Ladle dresses: hourly and piecework rates life and healtij Insurance vaca tion with pay Th? Gottfried Co 282 Detroit' Ave 5 minutes from Square on ulton Detroit or Clifton car lint1 PRESSER MAN or married women over 18 for pillow service $3380 for 48 hours Apply Pillow room Greyhound Bus De pot XI a mand 5 BOY Ltrlngin vicinity 134 St Clair: to work from 2 8 sal ary Progressive Laundry 13402 Glen YOUNG man 25 years with grocery and meat experience hourly rate CallW 2585 for wholesaTe'house stock wort: must be honest salaiy 731 Woodland Ave BOYS wanted vendi cream 'com mission Pnlar Bar Ice Cream Co 9607 St qalr YOUNG man: Sandwich ihop night? rood halary and uniforms Hasly Tasty 18432 Lake Shm? Blvd INTELLIGENT to learn to epr3fe Linotyr hourly basis Box 23895 plain ROYS 16 21: car hops lor West $lde drive in: good wage Call ED 9725 HELP ASINTS Jj "iitfx rT euAti Desires repi nenuthe on commission BEAUTiGlANf oasis MA 1943 UNUSUAL opportunity for man to be come aflillated with large national in stitution concentrated fi week (raining course given successful applicant at home nftlee Jn East all expense paid apphcanl inual be permanent resident of Cleveland 25 35 at least 2 years college picferable married man pefprrrd but will consider single appil cant inusl have excellent personality and be able Io meet executive type business man: salary $4200 and Incentive com mission Box M95x plain Dealer SALESMAN "WANTED' America's outstanding manufacturer of brnssiiies requires representative for Ohio Pennsylvania: opportunity to han dle fastest selling brassl'ues: earn excellent Income drawing account against commission Cleveland or Pitts burgh resident preferred: must have car write details Quest Shnn Mark Bras sieres 358 ifth Avenue New Yoik 1 NewYnrk ASPHALT TILE SALESMAN Tn represent large eastern mfr In Cleveland territory acquainted with floor (overlng contractors builders and architects excellent salary or chawing against Robert Slrnon salesmanager Interviewing applicants in Cleveland now write for appointment staling qualifications address and phone Box 13799 Plain Dealer Uyi TENTIONU Army riavy pilot and college trained men ac? 25 35 nationally known com 1 lj 1 0 1 tn 1 1 I A train you income $5000 plus annual ly based on sales: urtall sales experi ence helpful Writ? Box 5295 Plain Dealer giving complete information and phone num be 1 nterview SALESMAN West Sid? territory with residential following to sell overhead type doors and electric operators prefer man who has sold lumber nr similar lines: drawing account against commission All particulais in first letter Box 4581 Plain Dealer Ve have an opening for three experi enced ieca salesmen tnese ahi? tn dn wbntsal and kindly give us your past sales expert in vn iirsr prrpr ture a complete line nf poultry and dairy products and sell them through estab iished dealers Boxi 1699 Plain pcaler BUILDING paper mfr offer oppor tunity to aggressive well establish'd agent in Cleveland area: sell complete line of top qual ity building papers to jobbers and building supply dealers: commlsion basis give references and details at once Box 9 2 99 In Dea ler once 2 meii ovtr 3fi interested in learning sales work tests given without costs io determine your sales aptitudeit you qualify we will teach you using one of the best sales courses in the country: good money while you learn based on sales must have car CE 0169 SALES representative indus trial trade northern Ohio several hun dred potential customer have been con tacted and a number are now buying: commission only Writ? Kent Chemical Co 1600 Linden Ave Grand Rapids Michfor particulars SIDING closer: call on qualified leads for roofing siding and construction must be Cleveland resi dent: plenty of leads: drawing account against commissions phone for appoint ment LI 2002 Mr Caccn Untied Con struction Un 101 Clair Ave UTURE ASSURED (4) conscientious workers willing to learn heat engineering: permanent in teresting work draw commission Hol land urnace Co 1478 St Clair Ave SALESMAN: Experienced sell beauty supplies must have cat" references re quired drawing against commission basis INDEPENDENT BEAUTY SUPPLY HE 2339 Large midwest builder of special machinery jigs fixtures and weldments geek contact established en gineering firm in position to solicit contract work Write Box 8399 Plain Dealer A Ra flfar with rn 1 1 re stores In city of Cleveland: sell floor and table to eat accounts: com mission and drawing account Lamp Co 5 518 Euclid Ave HE 8374 with own car free to travel fnr national advertising company: all our salesmen average $700 to $1000 commission a month Se? Mr Myers Hotel Statler 5 to 7 'Toolmaker Must be 1st class job shop experience hourly rate Accurate Machine Tool Inc 2015 65 St AiriTTMECHANIC To rebuild ord 8 motors: must be A salary or piecework steady work tor right man Heller Motor 2777 MQneld YR 7202 AU'l'O MECHANIC Buick experienced desired flat rate with guarantee excellent wniklng condition Ralph Stewart BulcW C0uMU 7300 AUTO MECHANIC Experienced on Chrysler products: must be lat class West Side dealer flat rate fiteudel Molois 8630 Lorain AUTO mechanic "wanted as jarag? plus 75G of all profits A Garage 105 Wade Park after 10 a ALT'S mechanic Expericheed: good working conditions: well equipped shop hourly or flat rale HlnkcT Service 9321 Wade 4 AUT5 kr products: flat rate with guarantee vacation with pay Ralph Horton Inc 580 Broadway Bedford 80 AUTO irst class mechanic to work days: hour )y rate Call Mr Kramer CIl 1 24 2 Auto Parts Manager Experienced parts excellent op portunity for right man: high salary plus commission McCARROLL INC TQ0Q EUCLID parts man experienced on Chrys ler built parts: excellent opportunity for experienced man to make life time con nection with direct factory Chrysler Plymouth dealer at a good salary Box 20379 Plain Doalen AUTO RAINIER Also undercoater: hourly rate Mayfkld Auto Body 2775 Mayfield Rd YE 26S8 Drill Press Radial drill must also be able to oper ate Key sealer nouriy rate ana time Atlas Car Mfg Co Ivanhoe Rd nh 1 rTrv clpanln? peiienccd ill furnish truck salary plus commission LQ 2355 days SK 0170 evenings DRIVER light salary reed AutoParts 8644J3uckcycRd DRWEit i'afcsmah: Klodern Laundry 5804 Superior ELECTRICIAN Preferably with some mechanical experi ence on self propelled Industrial cars hourly rate and overtime Atlas Car Mfg Co 1120 Ivanhoe Rd ELECTRICIAN Class general plant maintenance: day shift: hourly late Call National Smelting Co DI 0060 ENGINEERS Wanted by a well established firm ex perienced architectural structural me chanical electrical and industrial with opportunity for steady employment: hour ly rale Smith Hinchman Giylls Inc Ketelhut RE 3355 Extension 169 Engineering Draftsmen Or Jr engineers Industrial electrical lay out good salary and opportunity The Dingk Clark Co MA 6733 Engineering Designer's Structurai steel concrete piping hourly rate Arthur McKea A Co: 2300 Chester A ve help: Semiskilled mefaT products hourly rate The Martin Co 1150 3d St LOOR HANDS' Experienced In" heavy Industrial work: hourly rate overtime Atlas Car Mfg 1120 Ivanhne LOOR INSPECTOR Must read blueprints precision work: high hourly rate Le Rol Co 1 200 pfb OOD products salesman: excellent position open for man 30 to 40 years of ag? call on retail grocery trade in East Cleveland and outlying area must have car: apply by letter giving age past experience to Box 9199 Plain Dealer OUNDRY'LABOR High hourly rale Anchor oundryismthfirid Rd Bedford 0 1LRWCI SAILSMLN To be trained in heating and air con ditioning: commission Holland ur nac? Co 16J06 Detredr LA 4 01 URNAccl mechanics: Mustb experf enced: sfeadv vear round work: good hourly rate Adams Heating Service 550 200 St KE 5200 IDRnXcL INrt LLLRS And reset men: commission Holland urnacej 16306 Detroit LA 1 operators modern controlled atmopshcre: hourly rare 1 5389 URNiTl RE salesman experienced for West Side store: salarv and bonus: good opportunity Schwartz urniture Co 7636 Broadway MI 4 280 'oreman: Excellent opening for man with successful production supervisory experience over turret lathe departments thorough knowledge of machine operation methods setups and materials needed Writ? immediately to personnel department Clark Bros Co Inc Olean New York GENERAL machine veterans pre ferred with 1 year experience hourly rate Zagar ool CoM 2 3 8 8 0 La land GENERATOR man experienced hourly rate 54 hmir week Apply In person 9 100 St Cla ir GROCERY salesman: fMinccTlot lowlng necessary liberal drawing ex penses against profits Writ Box L2390 Plain Dealer fkph'klNG painting ani Kem 'foh 8ns: free Pt' 4 559 aPEHINU ffem Tone free GL 0088 AINTING paper wall 'wash ing A work GA 1646 PAINTING AND DECORATING exterior PAPER barging pa tn tint: rtMcnabie qulrlr servk guaranteed SK 255 2 ainting and Ciean Experienced: uorkina Service Inc 80 03 Bros way Body and ender Men Percentage bast and guarantee excel lent worxlng conditions See Mr Paul The Ohio Motors COm1900E 24 BODY and fender repair men (ST? Hourly rate: overtime vacation: in surance' Ideal conditions steady Schae fer Body 5009 Superior Sbi5Y and fender repair man: irst class only steady employment high hourly rate Ohio Body Co 8514 Carnegie Ave BODY and fender man: must be ex perienced: hourly rate Ga rare 45 14 0 BOfiY in3 fender mani Experienced? 44 hour week $100 7700 LakeAve BOILERMAKERS Experienced man for varied work tn steel plant maintenance and fabricating shop: should be able to lay out own work: hourly rate Apply employment office Republic Steel Corp Independ ence Rd under Clark Aye Bridge BOltfck shop steel fa ication'and ch cutting: Experienced preferred Apply a at Boom Boiler Welding Co 2514 Center St HELP EMPLOYMENT "bureau: fimi't rrrent desk downtown cernmlsrion 30381 Plain Dealer LTGHT High hourly starting rite potential earn ing of $4 5 per week 2d and 3d shifts no experience necessary only Industrial Rayan Wailord south of Tnraln file Clerk Experienced' capable handling reponib a central file position good saury and op portunity The Bank of Ohio 921 Huron Rd ITITiR CARET VRNTTt RE CLEAXIXG CARPET UPHOLSTERY CLEANING In your home store or office lowest rates guaranteed service free estimate SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING CO CH 1552 Eve PO £7 04 PROESSION A uTnitur cleaners your work done at your convenience reason able summer rates Call DI 3412 be tween 9 a CARPETS repaircdclearied made over? and laid BUCKEYE CARPET CO 4059 Hough RE 0150 RD 0234 EX 4367 clean Your own carpets And save: rent our rarppt cleaning ma ehine Tool Shed Inc SU 4016 Bookkeeping: Machine Opmator Burroughs 78: salary: 5 day weekEucltd 66 EX47OO Burroughs Bookkeeping Machin? operator experienced on high keyboard 5 dav week: salary Bud Radio inc2iiB oo CANVASSERS home owners for and furnace to make real' COOK short order salary meals and uniform Apply 2 4 Alic? Dallas Restaura 2 fl 1 2 Lorain Av? COOK SLPhilonienas rectory salary TT 3540 COOK: German Hungarian or Slovak Victory 9270 (JOKING and general: Stay nfgKfs: Pleasant person for permanent job with good family: Shaker Heights near i apid while YE 7887 COOKING and housework: aduTCfamily no laundry or heavy cleaning salary A 3587 COUNTER girl Good hourly rate: ex perience unnecessary Apply Mr Jones Prospect COUNTER girls: Days or' nights salary Svtem 5501 Euclid 1 0 a1nL CURR SERVICE GIRLS' Salary and excellent tips: pleasant con ditions nights: no experience necessary: 4 East Side locations or Interview phone IV 3070 9:30 10:30 a or 2 5 Manners Drtve In Restaurant Corp Dictaphone Operator Opportunity for experienced riri large engineering organizationvnrkln rAnAifinnt' WPfk holiday and vacation nay Apply in person or wrlir riving experience when available and salary desired Arthur McKee fc Cq 2300 Chester Avgj Dictaphone Operator Some stenography 40 hour week: occa sional overtime excellent working condi tions: permanent salarv Call Mr Me Intvre Globe Stamping 1250 6 St WO 08S4 DICTAPHONK OPERATOR Experienced temporary only 'or 3 weeks 5 day 40 hour week: $8 per day Graybar Electric Co 1010 Rock well OICE 1 urret Lathe Operator Experienced in Jobbing work hourly rate and overtime Ohio Screw Machine Products Co in ip Elk Av? UPHOLSTERER wanted: steadv employ ment old established concern wages $125 up depending on ability Call Marion 2969 or write Howison A How aid Custom urniture Shop Marion OhY UPlTOLS'IERER Steady position: good hourly rate with meal provided permanent Apply House WATCHMAKER: Experienced: perma nent Job: salary Stale Watch Co 511 Schofield Bldjj CH 81 67 WATCHMAN Night? age under 80 7 days week small plant permanent: weekly salary Royal Brass 1420 43 WELDERS arc for" Tight gauge sheet metal expanding truck body organiza tion 45 hours days good starting hourly rate plus automatic Increases American Coach Body Co 9303 Woodland Ave Electric Arc Alloy foutuiiy daywork hourly rate A ply plant Jr 1 679 Collamcr Rd WOODWORKERS: Experienced all rnun3 mlllmen: hourly rate TJie Star Cabinet 74 fg Co 1061 8 Cedar Ave (upstatrsn wbODWOPKING rnillfmeman: Mani capable supervising small living rnnm furniture millroom old established firm factnjy located In western Pennsylvania steady job weekly pay and bonus In lerview will be arranged in Cleveland Give lull deiiils In first letter Box 9499 Plain Dealer WORKING foreman for plating ihum ur schedule and hourly rate: Orangp Av? Station Attendants Young men 20 to 30 years of age high school graduates: permanent positions Cleveland Heights and Shaker Heights locations salary See Mr Hilton 3083 Broadway Standard Oil Co o' Ohio EX IRM IN A RATS roaches bedbugs moths etc DUNN EXTERMINATING OR 6696 LOOR SANfN( 2 LOORS sanded finished degreased? waxed Asphalt and rubber tile installed: estimates free Reliable loor Co GL 4087 eves EV 524 5 KE 0716 loor sanding rrlinlshing reasonable: guaranteed Call SK 5649 LO 5810 URNACE CLEANING 'RPAIR URNACES Recemented $15 cleaning $5 ah types nearing equipment and rpnalred ALKO HEATING A SUPPLY CO GL J1 81 and "chimney vac uum cleaned: $4 to $6 city wide serv ice 10 discount on cleaning this month NATIONAL HEATING A 6516 CLEAN YOUR OWN Rent our furnace and boiler cleaning: machine Toni Shed Inc SU 4016 LOWEST prices: Clean repair? install all mikes free estimates YE2590 IIA( LINGANI TRUCKING VTfTEitA wHiT" dump truck wantswbrk hauling rubbish ashes cinders top soil etc by hour load or contract reasonable: dependable GA 5812 IIAL'tiNG ANDRUCKINd Contract or hourly rate The elite: Bros two ex GI SW 8 7 4 5X VETERAN wants moving and hauling: coveted van and open truck large or sm a lln nb a an nig ht A 088 PICK UP rubbish and garbage: deliver cinders $7 a load SK 7857 3378 132 HAULINSnrSHES IJBBtSH'ETi' ljtondump truck EX131JL aTT kinds? large small: full qr part time LO 0625 VET with clump wants work OR 742 6 INS( 5LATION PROMPT service on iberglas blown in Airway Iniulafion Co SW 2332 LANDSCAPING RANKS TreeService: Expert pruning and removing free estimates EX 5724 ROTOTILL1NG lawns garden farm tree removals CL 14 88 TOPSOIL $2 per yard? yard loads West Side deliveries MI 6908 LAUNDRY SERVICE LAUNDR alP kinds: pickup and'de livrr close to Sha er Squ are WA 3383 MOLDERS On and cope and drag ma chines working 6 day per weex salary pay In cash on Saturday CLEVELAND OUNDRY CO 3818 Harvard Ave MOTOR reboriitg and rebuilding experi enced hourly rate Superior Motor Re builder Inc 1 264 Carnegie Ave NIGHT CLERK General office some knowledge of typ ing: salary: permanent HERTZ DRIV UR SL STATIONS 1865 1 7th St JCali tn person OICE CLERKS: 2 neat appearing vet eran 20 24 frr permanent positions with periodical salts bureau: $45 per week guaranteed commission and bonus Anply 8:30 a 401 9th Chester Bl dr ER cfei and "gpnerar office wnrk: Large corporation downtown location: 5 ay week permanent talai yCH 7210 Painters Structural Iron Must be able to climb and work from scaffolds steady work: hourly rate Apply at employment office Republic Steel Corp Independence Rd under (liark Ave Bridge PAINTER: Experienced 'in' filling sand ing and apray finishing machine tools or similar equipment good opportunity tn become departmental foreman in answering give detailed experience and age Box 4399 Plain Dealer West Side union capable" 8005 Loialn ME 290 PAINTER 1st class fn and out union Call WA 3549 2912 11 PAINTERS: union scale: apply In person Lang Sarstrelt 4410 Euclid WALL washing sanitas wallpaper clean ing also carpet cleaning estimate RA 1434 HOME CLEANING CD WALL washing paper cleaning Rem Toning experienced: white CHAS A BARR GA WALL washing gutter cleaning and painting house exteriors washed Vet ex an a Wind nw Clcani 7482 HOUSE cleaning A i wall washing woodwork and paper Cleaning John son RA 7851 HOUSE Cloning A wall washing woodwork: paper Walker ER WALL and woodwork washing paper cleaning: neat work EN8233 I (Tji 'I RE Al 8 ASHER In Sv exptrienrea ex i van any WaIkin machine repaired In yur pr experienced ex I WO 04 0 ONCR TE WORK DR I EW A YS CONCRETE ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS loor wa'ks steps porche chirnmneyt prompt service terms Carroll Cement Cnnt a ctcr OR 4 300 EMNt work: Driveways sidewalks basem*nt floors retaining walls and waterproofing 30 experience IV 7120 KE 4243 aLl'y'pes Driveway aidewa cement floors re build under old homes CE 947 Montrere 1596 JpECiaC Concrete pervICe Ws Use Certified Concrete Years to Pay CH 1929 2 year guarantee GA 210 CLMxr work driveways siaewaiKs TonlnP wi ashine ba nt nfl fioor! Gerald kU vyKsrr luu wi ijuv i' aIa I nalnfin Evenings YE 4610 hrx pa PWPHAKf Kpm Tone' S9 room: rend 1st elas Din ap RA 1157 APERHANGiNG IN 1 KiUK t'AlX.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6635

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.