The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

BROOKLYN EAGLE, MONDAY, JULY 22. EMPIRE CITY ENTRIES BUSHWICK SPLIT MARRED BY RIOT Michifsch Hits Form as Wall ci.mri tf( H't. ti unw rosT. wfathh FIRST M.ilwi: rlaimint; 3 year Homesteads Win, 2-1; Lose, 4-3, Indea Horse lneke t. T.T I.IH Court I -I els tl I MIH Our Ml Itarha I 2 l.adv And' No Ro- 1 1 1 l.itlle MHr He Camilliaa tlfi I Helen Spol Marrello III Spans No Roy 1 11 VYenilll Meade III, Aihiona No Hoy I la a i sim i.os No Ro in, i l.asl f'hanea No Rpv Ilk ft Mi! Illuminated Mr.

n't 1 11 11 SPORTS MIRROR Today Vrar Ago Thaflrrlon mnn Arlinjlon Classic and $35,600 la Johnston tired in ttrrtrh and finished third behind Sun Lover. Three Year Ago Wally Berf-rr'a ninth inninr home run beat Cincinnati, 6 5. for Giants. FiVe Year. Ago Baron Gotl-' fried Von Crimm, German re, routrd Wilmer Alliwin.

in aeronri Davia Cup ainglea matrh of aeries. fi, fi 3. 6 4, to even match at one victory apiece. Inter-Community League Leaders Upset Victims The Hawks A. C.

clinched second place in the American Division Lavish Changes At Spa Course President George H. Bull Has Track Modernized As Meet Opens Next Monday By V. T. VREELAND Stall Correspondent at r'it Knqlf Saratoga. July 22 The Spa track is flickcrine.

ready to sparkle a week from today, the opening of the 30-day meetint? which promises to be the ereatst and most brilliant in Us long history. The plant has bpen made over at a cost of $200,000. A army of turf scribes from all sections of the SECOND RACE NOT FILLED THIRD R.M ttl.tMlfl; eialmint. maiden As Bottles and Cushions Fly They're calling him "Battling Walter Van Grofski" now nt Dexter Park. The Bushwicks' catcher earned this name yesterday as he highlighted an even break of a double-header with the Homestead Grays by chasing into the stands after an alleged bottle tosser.

The Dexters lost the first game, 21, and won the second. 43. The Battler didn't score a wit, not oven a knockdown, but he misrUM to chalk up three runs in furnished enough excitement for thf fief(jnd ramP. Empire State gave the plant a louna a new, respienaeni, planted on the oldest racing strip of ground now in existence. lnde Horse lorsev HI P.P.

MM Our itraea Johnson It I fi ll l.alour tsheihamer I la 1 SIX All (irey No Boy I li I Inal Moul 11 4 vRipplinf On Heher III A ai'i super show (itihert 111 i to' Dot Will Mout UK l.ia Mini Me Not Urichl II" IK I hup N'anes Haas 111 Wind No Roy 1 1 10 Oiirens Barce Roy II IOI PTH K.Ur: rlaimlna; 4-year-olds and up: about ail furlont. Jnriei Horse Jorkey HI P.P. Forty rich! Rarba III I Bold lurk Sloul 111 i Pont Neul li Rente. I'M Iskie No Boy I Sl.t Post ork No Roy Km A Huh Sropo Meade I'M i Mary SrhiiltJ Mrada II'! 1 f'Ir'TH RArr SI. Ft. Handieap: annul tlx furlnnis. Index Horse HI. PP. 'HH Ronnrealonr e. Hebeet I fill' Last Frontier Anderson iVi 1 Kill Knltht No hor I 1:1 Shipmadilly neramlllia HI Roman Hal Haas A Isainle Anne II No hoy 111 a SIXTH RACF si.mki: rlaiminai and op: mile and one-sixteenth.

Index Horse Jorkey Vtl. P.P. fiK.A Harls Settler boy 111 I Star of Padula Gilbert 111 1 Seurry No hoy Jim IH4MI nslera No boy ll'i 4 ilfi; l-umiere No hoy 1 1 A (lit: I Impressionist Anderson 1IR 6t'i Boston Pal Bhelhamer 111 SF FN'TH RACK Sl.JOIIi eialmint; t-sear-olds an dnp: mile and ane-eithth. Index Horse Jorkey Wl. P.p.

Mantacna Anderson I Connie Plant orlirlt III till Kioan Knitbt No boy fit Pharn Warrior Frrard lilii aAre all Royle -1 flliA allead Hunter Shrlhamer 1 1 ti aV C. C. Stahle and II Bedoell entrv. xAnprenliee allnssanre elaimed. In the Inter-Community Baseball League yesterday by defeating the first-place Columbians, 8 5.

at the Parade Grounds, it was the first setback of the campaign for the leaders. In the National Division, the Bay Ridge Ramblers tossed the loop a panic by upsetting the leajue-leading Hillords, 6 5. First and second places will be decided next week when the Hilfords meet the Power- house B. B. C.

and the Ramblers tie up with the Acomas A. C. Victoria B. B. C.

nosed out. the Duryea A. 5 and the Saranac A. C. topped the Hill Billy A.

32, in other American loop games. In another National bracket contest. Shore View A. C. bowed to the Fort Hamilton Mohawks, 98.

Scores by innings: r. V'flnrla C. -10 0 0 10 10 5-5 11 1 nu-yrs Aii-Stars I 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 1 BpHeries---A-aiiaro Mayrose and Cer-m neilo; Pataffi and Nunes. Has R'mbi rs 02507000 0 fi 11 2 Hlltords 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 8 4 Batten. and D'Anarlo and Cahill, McGar'v.

Hawks A. C. 3300n0O2R10 4 Columbian B. B. 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 5 5 and Abramsoni Rivezzo, Siiversteln and Ciraolo.

Hill BiUv A. 0002000002 3 S-tranac A. C. 000010020 3 5 4 Batteries E. Qu.gley and Dato: Kisser and II Shore View A.

2 0 2 0 0 0 4 -8 8 5 Ft. 111 i It Mohawks 2 3 12 10x9 9 1 B.merie.. Payne Brennan and J. Martin, Jovct, Vimt llliegha and Acardi STANMNft OF fl.l'BS NATIONAL DIVISION Pet .1 4 A'S 4 4 .1 .27.1 11 9 1 soo 5 7 .417 2 10 10 15 look-see yesterday. There they up io ine minute outiu winy In transforming the Spa track to an up-to-date plant, George H.

Bull, president of the S. R. has pro-i for increased comfort ar.d pleasure of his patrons. This by ex-teiiciing the grandstand and clubhouse, making them 100 feet deeper, erectin; new balconies, with additional promenades that lead to tables which assist in manv things that onng contentment and delight to those who are hungry and thirsty. New have been built, new driveways laid out.

and those arriving by car from the south may now enter the ground from the Nelson Ave. side. New parking fields have been constructed convenient to all patrons. In all. the seating rapacitv of the grandstand and clubhouse, as well as the parkins spare show that the Spa track is up to the minute in every detail and approaches nearer the capacity of Belmont Park than the other tracks, Empire City, Aqueduct and Jamaica.

Fight Betting Setups Eight complete pari-mutuel setups have been installed, each having ticket sellers, cashiers, change and information windows a total of 307 windows and a crew of 450 men, all under the direction of Mortimer M. Mahony, mutuM manager, and his chief lieutenant. David Heisman. Of the 30" windows. 169 will be for ticket sellers.

123 for cashiers and 10 for chanie and information. There will be 19fl ticket issuing machines located in the 163 windows, as f-everal windows will have more than one machine. Patrons of the track who wish to bet various amounts will find machines conveniently located where they can purchase tickets in denominations of $100, $50, $10, $5 and 82 straight, place and show. There will also be a number of $15 and $3 combination windows, where "across the board'' ticket.s win. place and show mav be purchased.

Another feature will be a $4 window, win and place. Beneath the main grandstand are 72 selling windows and 63 cashiers. Two sew are in the grandflaiid mezzanine, one having 11 sellers and 7 cashiers and the other 11 sellers and 8 cashiers. The lower clubhouse section has 24 sellers and 14 cafhiers, while the clubhouse mezzanine has 10 sellers and 6 cashiers. In the paddock there are 13 sellers and 10 cashiers, while the field stand, the only one in the State $1 admission has 13 sellers and 8 tas'hiers.

In addition to the ticket sflltrs and cashiers, the mtltucl crew 4.50 is composed of super-isors. calculators, sheet writers, board men. ticket checkers, change men, information clerks, money room men, messengers and porters. Tip for Bettors Just a reminder how to place your wager, a method that prevents confusion and Suppose you want to bet on No. 7.

Go to the window where you wish to obtain a straight, place or show ticket and ask for No. 7. If you wish to purchase mote than one ticket, say No. 7. three Always give the number of your horse FIRST and then follow it with the amount of tickets von desire.

Beats Own Record Helsinki. July 22 Matti Jar-vinen, Finland's great javelin thrower, ysterriay surpassed his own Olympic record of 238 feer 7 inrhes with a heave of 241 6 feet in Finland's Home Olvmpies. hv more than 50,000 honoring th" war dead. Jarvinen set, his Olvmpie mark in the 1032 Games sr. Is AngPles.

suffer little if any pain when they are hooked. This, it is thought, is because of the fact that there are very few nerve.s about the Jaw which could cause that sensation. Some trout have been known to have been hooked two or three limes during the same day, the fisherman using the same kind of bait. Most authorities agree tnt fish do have a sensation of hut not us great, as that of the higher animals. Although fluke have been somewhat, scarce hPrenhout.s, Capt.

Lucky Sieve, of the Sa Pigeon II. of Sheepshead Bav, has in taking fair numbers of these fish. Some have weighed up to 6 pounds and better. PISHING IteBOflTS SHF.F.PSHF.AD BAY mil rv 6 A.M. EFFORT II CAP.

wilscy, IS.I-:ni Defense Nears By MAX I.ODAW Harry will be In the running when his national A. A. U. singles title comes up for defenje, Aug. 10, at Manhattan Beach.

demonstrated with a convincing 319 triumph over Hal Hanfl at. Broad Channel, which practically clinched his Class A diadem in the round-robin series, that the forthcoming U. S. event will not be the two-man monopoly dominated by Mort Alexander and Joe Garbcr, as many followers expect. There was no evidence of a sore arm as Michitsch served and placed his way to a one-sided win over Queens County's second best singles player.

Unquestionably it, was the top Mlchitsch performance in many months and the Channel faithful faithful did ont spare raves to express their approval of Harry's splendid comeback. In the other A duels. Art Alexander beat Bill Lieder. 3122. and Pat D'Orsi won from Freddy Schmidt, 3124.

Th Class sin-glfs wound up with Herb Kaufman triumphing In a pair of 2116 sets over Ken Groves. Cy Jappe gained third prize with 1821, 2112, 214 scores against Jack Naused. The remainder of Channel activity was confined to the four-wall courts, Johnny Roberuon and Oscar Prescott. qualifying for a semi-final meeting through respective wins over Bob Zipp, 217, 621, 2114. and Dom Zinno.

216, 217. In a prelim. Vic Vail accounted for Al Gnlriin, 1621, 2110, 21 16. Another quarterfinal saw George Countis eliminate Eddie Brown, 2115. 2112.

Lucy Caruso Prevails Severe! keen scraps marked th round-of-eight play for the women's A. A. U. crown at Ravenhall. For -one set against Marie Zanett, Lucy Caruso had a battle on her hands, winning.

2118. after ciead-lock at 18-all. However, La Caruso braced in th? second and ran out a 215 set. Madeline Naused, 15-yrar-old Ozme Park resident and youngest, competitor in the tourney, lost a grueling encounter to Jean Adelman, 2112, 1421, 2116. Ruth Srhwartz surprised i Ann Todd, 1821.

2112. 21 9. and Hannah Kaufman topped Ruih Warner, 2110, 2119, in the other i quarter-final tests. I Herb Rosenbaum and Paul Sil-I verman. beating Dan Levinson and Eddie Buckner, 2113, went on to score in the Class A Manhattan sweeps final by the same score against Leo Wolff and Eddie Ko-vel.

who similarly allowed 13 in their prelim with Larry Mandel and Irv Dicker. The Invitation sweeps i at the beach was won by Moe Oren-stcin and Nick Shinkarik, who de- feated Cy Alexander and Marvin Hecht, 2115, in the final. The victors upset George Baskin and Vic, Hershkowitz, 2118. in the 1 semis, -which also saw Phil Silver-stein and George Kronengold 11m-! ited to 18 against Alexander-Hecht. Fisch-Kaufman Score Lucy Fisch and Hannah Kauf-i man vanquished Jean Rifkin and Rose Marks, 2114, 2116, and i Blanche Goodman and Lottie i Barth triumphed over Tessie Schneider and Rebecca Sabath.

2113, 2116, in the Brighton Beach semis for women. The men's sweeps final resulted in Saul Schmookler and Dave winning from Sid Pearl and Frank Gluckler. 2110. In special games Art Wolfe beat Harry Goldstein, 2513, and Dave Small and Raskin trimmed Morris Rosen and Leo Block, 2518. i At Scoville, Angelo Trulio and Henry Herz won from Joe Abuelo and Moe Schlesinger, 2111.

2111, in ft special match. Bill Bender and Buddy Hilter were doubles virs as the Cypress Hills round-j robin for Class got under way, scoring over Cliff Starrett and i George Walters, 252, and i Wetzel and Letter Foerster, 2513. Wetzel and Foerster came in for wins against Starrett-Walters. 25 13, and Jim Regan-Bill Mertens, 2.52. Foy Takes Golf Title Eastern Point.

July 22 iriEdriio Foy. 22-year-old half-hark on the Holy Cross fool ball squad, yesterday won the trophy with a 4 and 3 victory over Ralph Rngnrt, 19-year-cld district, champion nf Washington, D. in the 36-hole final of the Shenecossett Men's Invitation golf tournament. Sports Today I BASFBAI I. I Newark Bears vs.

Toronto Maple Leafs, at Ruppert Stadium. 262 Wilson Newark, 3 Jersey Giants is Mon'real Royals, two sanies, at Rooseve'l Siadiuin Side and Daniorih J-rey city. 6 30 m. BprinallelH C.rev" P'fn-rre at M'rrirV Rud. near Farmers Bou.evard.

Spr.nafirid Gardens, n.m. BOXING Starlight Park. Bosmn Road and 177th St the Bronx. 30 m. (iOI.F Lona Island amateur-pro nne-rtsy tournament, at Hempstead.

0 a Wrsi cheater amateur-pro one-dar tour, nament, at Briar Hills, Briarciift Manor. 9 a m. HORSE RACING Empire City meeting, at Yonkcrs. 2.15 p.m. MIDGET AITO RACING Thompson'i Stadium, Stapletcn.

S. I. 8 30 p.m. roLO National tournament. Bostwrk ld maiitens: live and tie-half fnrlonrt.

7.ear-o!l: fiye snd a hair furlonif. Percudani Tops Bike Qualifiers Seven members of the Unione Sportiva Italiana survived the eliminations on Marine Park cycle track yesterday for the New York State championships, to be held next month. Freddy Percudani, Manhattan division, topped the scorers with eight points as the result of placins first, in the one-mile sprint; third in the five-mile open and fourth in the 20-mile point Blind. Al Bay Shore, and Anthony month Brooklyn, were second and third with six and five points, respectively. The summaries: One-mile sprint -Won by rurtam, Caesar Percudani.

Freddy Per- seconri: Al Blair, third; Louis Grejorle, tourth. Time, 3:10. Five-mile open Won bv Anthony Pas-satnontt. Nick Cialdcila. second: Freddy i Percudani.

third; Caesar Percudani, fourth. Time, 14:10. 20-mile point race Tie for first place between Al Blair and Gene Cottone. 13 points: Louis Greeorio, 11 points; Freddy Peicuciani, 10 points. STANDING OF Ql AI.IFIFRS Home Poin's 1.

Fifdnv Percudani. Manhattan 2. Al Blr. Bay Sho-e. L.

I 3. Anthony Passanionti. kiyn 4. Corone. B-ooklyn 5.

Csesai Percud-m Manhattan fi. Nick Cialdeils. Manhattan 7. Loins GrEoi io. nokiyn Vic Obeck Named On All-Star Team Providence, R.

July 22 The first "imall-college" athlete to become a member of the Eastern College All-Star football team in two i years is victor OoecK, springtield 1 left tackle. His acceptance of an invit.uion to join the 1940 team for it.s Fresh Air Fund game witli the GimiUs in the Polo Grounds, New York, Wednesday. Sept. 4. was.

an-j uoiinted today by Tuss McLauyhry, head coach. i Obeck is the third tackle to Join the squad and the biggest so far. He weighs 220 pounds and stands six feet. The other two who have accepted invitations are Harry Stella, 1939 Army captain and in tercollegiate heavyweight boxing champion, and Frank Kristufek. oustanding lineman of last Fall's Pittsburgh team.

Obeck has been a tremendous tackle in small college football for three years and finished his career with such a burst of power last Fall that he was drafted by the Chicago Cardinals of the National Football League a.s well as the All-Stars. Following the game he ini ends to play a year of pro ball with the idea of earning his way to a master's degree in physical education. O'Brien Motor-Pace victor at Velodrome Henry O'Brien captured the 25-mile motor-paced feature event at Coney Ioland Velodrome last night in the fast time of 37:43.4. Gerard Debaets finished second, while Gus-tave Killian was third and Clark Alby, fourth. Mike Di Filippo.

leadpr on points, suffered a bad spill half way through the race. In the ten-mile race, fashinned on the six-day scheme. George Slupman garnered first villi 23 points. Caesar Moretti was second with 16. with Danny EspOMto.

third, with 14. Torchy Peden t.nri Tom Saetta lied for fourth with 11 markers. George Buslard of the Gotham Cyclists won the three-mile rsce for amateurs. Take Archerv Diadems Lancaster. July 22 A) Philadelphia archers scored a total of 8.194 points to win the team title in an Invitation archery tournament at.

the Franklin and Academy Field yesterday. E. Majors, Baltimore, captured high individual score with 1.230. Vrs. William Clark.

Baltimore, n-tn high individual in the ladies' class witn 1 ,048. i i I i 1 I I i I I 1 HiiTords BBC. Bay RidRe Ramblers Acomas BBC Pnw-rhou-e B. B. C.

Bhore View A c. Celtndje A Fori Hsmlltnn Mohsak-AMERICAN DIVISION Columbian B. B. C. A Duryea All-Stars Victoria B.

C. Montauk Triangles Saranac A. C. Hill Billy A. C.

St. Rose Nine Gains Ground The St. Rose nine reduced the Legion Cubs' lead in the Brooklyn Amateur League to a half game bv defeating the Hilltop A. 17 to 5. at the Parade Grounds.

In Ihp other leaztie coniesls. th' Parkhill club went into third place by turning back Fishery Council, 11 to B. and the Jerro Brothers, aided by a four-run rally in the seventh inning, won from United Stales Steel, 11 to 9. Score by inninas: Hilltop A. C.

St. Rose 1 0 10 2 10 0 1 0 0 0 16 Batteries Brenner. Wathey. Grady. S.

Bono and Pisarra; Daa'son and Boehmer. U. S. Steel Jerio Bros. B.illenes Woud ni'd Turapiuo Pi.

lie: CoiuiCii -0 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 II and Cruw Pel I 4 0 1 s. Pal Klnll Battel ie S.iniiiiil ami Kiiu-steiu; Koch Cal-on and STANDING Ol" 1 It wir lu.wu ians. ine person ne selected as his cuarry denied hrow-ing the bottle and claimed Van Grofski ripped his shirt and cut his mouth. The tumult occurred In the sixth Inning of the nightcap, when the fans along the third base line were howling their disapproval of Urn- pire Meyers' changing his mind on i a home run ball hit by Howard Easterling, Gray's third baseman, over the right field fence. Bottle-Cushion Barrage Originally Meyers called it fair but Umpire Shannon ruled the ball foul and Meyers switched his decision.

This brought the Grays onto the field and stirred the fans to tossing pop bottles and cashions. It. was one of these missiles that enraged Van Grofski. More than a hundred fans came onto the field. Police, responding to a riot call, cleared the diamond.

The Bushwicks used three pitchers in the second game, Jim Duffy, Kri Spangler and Jimmy Pattison. Pattison was the winning pitcher and drove Al Cnccitiello to third whence he scored on an error. The first, game was a tightly fought battle, in which a single by Norman Jackson sent home Easter- ling with the winning run. The Bushwicks have won once from the Grays while losing four, On Wednesday the Bushwicks face the House of David; on Friday 1 the Fraser Club of Lynn, and on Sunday the Springfield Greys in a twin bill. The box scores: FIRST GAME Bushwicks Homestead Grays ahrhna aorhoa Ashw 4 1 3 2 0 Whatlpv.rt '01 2ft Rpit; 3b 3 1 6 ni'mm rt 4 0 1 10 Hall.ct SOO 3 3ft 1 2ft Mishkin 3 0 1110 4 1110 1 Bheerin.rt 3 0 0 4 ft 1 1 0 2 3 0 3 1 I Carlisle 2h 3 0 0 lit McGee ss 40 1 0 1 Gaston 4 0 0 3ft prpavrs.c 4 ft ft ft Jackson.

ss 4 0 1 2 6 NVkola.o 3 0 1 ft 3 Brown. 3 0 1 13 Rndfter.1 10 0 Oft Totals 33 1 9 27 11 Totals 33 2 0 27 18 Batted far Nekola In 9th. Homestead Grays Bushwicks -0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 -1 0000000 01 Errors McGee. Harris, Runs batted In --Hall, Carlisle. Jackson.

Two-base hit Uasterllni. Sacrifices Ashworth. Sheerln, Harris, Carlisle. Stolen base Mishkln. Double play Jackson.

Carlisle and Leonard. Bases on halls Off Brown, 3. Struck out Bv Nekola. 5: by Brown. 1.

Hit pitcher By Brown iMishkinl. Umpires Brown. Meyers and Shannon. SECOND GAME Bushwicks Homestead G'ars nbrhna abrhol A.h"r!h.U 4 0 0 0 0 Whatlpv.rt 4 0 0 1 0 Reiss 3b 410 2 1 4 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 4 0 Harris. If-c.

3 0 2 3 0 Sheerm.rf 3 0 0 2 0 Leonard lb 4 1 1 in ft Mishkin.lh 4 116 1 4 ft 1 0 4 C'cmello 2b 2 1 1 3 4 Carlise 2b 411 2ft 3 1 ft S3 Gaston 3 0 1 1 Grofskl.e 4 0 0 4 1 Jackson. ss 311 ft fi Duffy. 2 0O ft 0 Hamilton. 4 0 1 0 2 Pnanaler.p 100 0 0 Brown. If 101 0 0 PaMison.p 101 0 1 100 10 Totals 3045 27 11 Totals 35 3 11 25 13 One out when winnm.

run scored. Homestead Grays Bushwicks -0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 13 -0 0030000 14 Errors Cucclnello. Jacksor 2, Jarllsle, Harris, Brown. Runs battea a Mish-kin. Leonard.

Wilson. Home run Leonard. Sacrifices Hall. Sheerin, McGee. Stolen bases Benjamin.

Hall. Double plavs Cucclnello and Mishkiu; Cuccm-ello' McGee and Mishkln 12'. Bases on balls-Off Duffv. 1: off Hamilton 3. Struck out By Duffy.

4: by Hamilton Passed ball-Van Grofski Hits Off Duffv. in fi innincs, Spanaler. 3 In 2 tnone out in 9th'. Umpires Meyera. Shannon and Brown.

Parkways Divide I the hero of Abe Spiro is still Krasmus Field, fans. Relieving Wally Holborow against the Cuban Stars, Spiro won his own game when he singled home. Bill Sala-nione in the 12th inning of the opener, which was decided by 54. However, the Bay Parkways dropped the nightcap. 52.

Thursday t.ight the Dukes play their first nocturnal test at Krasmus Field against the Baltimore Elite Giants. The score by innings: Cuban Stars-0 0000004000 04 Parkways 2 0010100000 15 Batteries -Fiauero. Howard. Gilbe and Caey; Holborow Spiro and Salamone. Ctlhan Stars 0 10 12 1 0 Bay Parkways 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 The Springfield Greys traveled to Mount Vernon, N.

and broke even with the league leading Scarlets, losing the opener, 63. but making 20 hits to take the night-rap, 155. Timmy Adams and Jimmy Girvan, Queens athletes, and Ed Dietz hit homers for the Scarlets during the bill. Gene Phillips, Glendale, remained unbeaten in five games, taking the opener for the Scarlets. The score by innings: Springfield Oreya 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 03 Mount Vernon 2 a 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 Batteries Benna, Smith and Duay; Phillips and Dietz.

Sprlnafleld Oreya 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 6 415 Mount Vernon 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 5 Batteries Miller and Duay; Sahlin, La vac. McCloskey and LaBoda. Although trailing, 70. the Queens Club came from behind to upset high-flying Cedarhurst, 109, in the opener at Queens Park, Woodside. Queens bowed to Barton's Nighthnwks, 87, in the afterpiece.

The score by innings: Cedarhur'l 1 31200200 9 Queens Club 0 0 0 0 1 4 4 0 1 10 Batter-es Znidak. Stevenson. Lucaire and Gall; Holub and O'Flaherly. Nitrh'hawks 0 0121400 tv-R Queens Ciub 1 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 07 Batteries Estwanlrk. Staner and Nle-hergaU.

Weissmir; Baratta, Dugan and Registro. iNigltthawks Top Cuabns With Walter Signer pitching six-hit, ball, Barton's Nighthawks scored a 7 to 1 victory over the Cuban Stars last night at. New Hyde Park. The Nighthawks hunched three hits and took advantage of three of the Stars' four Score by innings' Cuban Stars ft a ft Nlhthiks --0 3 10 0 2 10x7 Batteries Howard. Ciambrr and Casey, S.sner and Weissmrir.

Paced by Lelty Walker and Kowic Easterling who hit for the circuit the Homstcad Grays unleashed a 12 hit attack against Cedarhurst and score a 96 triumph under the arcs at Municipal stadium, Cedar- i hurst, last night, i Score by innings. Homestead drays --0 .1 0 0 ft 3 ft 19 Ceciarhursl 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 Batteries Wallcrr. Humohreys and Johnson, Money. Stmomn ar.d Call. Other results: Union City 5 12 limine House ot David, (second'.

House of Davit. Union City Reds, 8TANDINO OP TEAMS Mt. Ver. 22 7 Barton If! 10 SIS Bush 28 13 .683 Ourens 14 13 Ml Parkway IS t7 .49 Spratield 24 13 .649 Un. City 14 17 .432 TONIGHT SprinKlteld Greys vs.

Baltimore at Sherwood Oval. Sprinslield Gardens. 4S p.m. TOMORROW Cedarhurst vs. Bushwicks at Mtininpal fltadium cerlarhiust.

L. I. 8 45 p.m. Hottsp of David at tVxier Park. Wonailsvrn: G'-evs vs.

West Haven (Conn.l Sailors at Spr.nsfirlri Gardens: Barton's v. Hnme'teari Gravs at Barton's Stadium. New Hyde Fark. L. I Union Crv Rrds vs.

Federal Shin Builders of Jersey City at Roosevelt S'adium, Union City. N. J. (All niaht earnest. 1 HURSDAY Bay Parkways vs.

Baltimore Elite Giants at Erasmus F.eid. Brooklyn: Mount Vernon Scarlets vs. Homciead Oravs at Memorial Field. Mount Vernon, N. Y.

Bolh nltiht games'. FRIDAY Bushwicks vs. Fraser Club of Lynn. at Dexie: Park: Sprintfield Guys vs. Freepor: fit Spring field Guldens; Cedailiursl vs.

Houe cf David at Cedarhurst. L. 1.. Barton's vs. Union City Reds al New Hyde PaiK.

L. 1. nisht sanies'. SUNDAY Querns Club Barrhflrach Giants at Queens Park. Woorlside I2i: Bushwicks vs.

Sprinafield rl D'ter Park t2i: B.iv v. New York Fur and Police Departments' at Erasmus Field: Mount Vernon Scarlets vs. House nf David a Mount Vernon. N. Ui: Union City RMS vs.

Poronos fl' Union City. N. (2i; Cedarhurst vs. Baitimo-e Elite Giants at L. t.

tntBhti: Barton's Nichihawks vs. House of David at New Hyd- Tark. L. I. fniaht i Alice Remains Queen of Courts Baltimore, July 22 (P) Fresh from a pair of triumphs in the 1 mid-Atlantic section and Maryland tennis championships, blond Alice Marble, the statuesque queen of world's tennis, headed for Sea-bright, N.

today in search of more laurels on a tour that's been "more fun than you can imagine." Alice is toughest when the chips are down. Pauline Beta, 20-year-old Californian, found out about that here yesterday. Miss Beta tosk the first set of their women's singles title match, 64, and led at 4 3 in the second on her own service. Alice simply tightened her belt and took that one, 6 4, and the final set, 60. Miss Marble had teamed with Mary Arnold, another Californian.

to win the women's doubles title, defeating the English stars, Mary Hardwick and Valerie Scott. Young Donald McNeill, Okla- homa City, won the men's title over unseeded Jack Kramer, Bpivpriere Gardens. and Bobbv Rigs worid-3 mPn's sinePS coupled with Welby Van Horn, Los Angeles, to take the men's doubles crown from Kramer and Ted Schroeder of Glendale, Cal. Broad Channel Scores In Tennis League The Broad Channel A. C.

tennis team clinched second place in the Red Division of the Long Island Tennis League yesterday, traveling to the Seminole Club for a 4-to-3 triumph. Elizabeth Bivininger gained the Channel women's Class A singles final, defeating Josephine Bel'er, 6 3, 63, and Grace Anderson. 63, 46, 64. In upper-half quarter-finals, Lucy Belter, defending champ, vanquished G. Blando, 1, 63.

and Amann won from E. Hockin, 64. 63. In Broad Channel Softball tilts the Regals, in Class A. downed the Indians, 62, while Class games resulted In the HiLis trimming the Jays, 123; the Ayra nosing out Palisades, 1211.

and the Club defeating the O'Neills, 164. Smith and Davis Set Outboard Records Norris Lake, July 22 (Wi Two world outboard motorboat speed records were clipped unofficially yesterday In the fourth annual Nnrris Lake regatta witnessed by a rrowd estimated by Norris police at 16.000. Claude Smith, veteran Atlanta driver, guided his trim craft over the smooth waters of the lake in two heats of the Class division at 56.101 miles per hour, bettering the world mark of 55.419 hung up earlier this year at Lakeland, by Paul Wearley, Muncie, Ind. The other record-shattering performance was by 18-year-old Carl Davis, Chattanooga, who piloted his boat at a 51.43 mile-per-hour clip in one heat of the Class hydroplane race, trimming .02 off the record also held by Wearley. Between them, Smith and Davis won right of the ten events.

Cricket Matches Go to Brooklyn, Crescent Elevens The Brooklyn cricket team repulsed the Staten Island club in a championship fixture of the New York and Metropolitan District Cricket Association at Hoboken yesterday and won by 17 runs with one to spare. Staten Island, first at ran up a total of 105. to which Brooklyn responded with 122 for the loss of nine wicket'. W. R.

Silvera was high score man with the willow contributing 34 to Brooklyn's total. Silvera also was credited with five wickets for 21 runs. Other doubles for the vic- tors were those of J. L. Poyer.

27; R. A. Wiles. 23. and A.

Tilley, 11. The score: STATEN ISLAND C. C. D. Wiahtman.

c. Oreen. Siivera 24 J. Biebner. V.

H. co*ckeram. Pnyer 1 I. K.em. b.

Paver 0 H. Lets i. e. Wile. b.

gilifra 56 H. Bodin. Silsera 14 1 W. Cirestv. Green W.

DeMn'-e, b. Green 0 B'nnei'. noi out 0 Brunei! 1 yt b. 0 Bvasa. e.

Murlfn-d. flilsers 0 En ras Total BROOKLYN C. r. .1 L. river, Irs: A 'enr'd 'S H.

Corke'an! 0 R. h. DfMot'e 34 A. b. O-e-'y 2 V.

Cnciieram. not nut 2 .1 D. Mudlnrd. Leois 0 C. A D.

Chase, sub. n. DeMott 3 A. Tlliry. h.

DcMbtte 11 I .1 Roberts, c. R. Bennett, b. DeMotte 1 i Extras. 17 Total fnine aricketsl -122 Bowling Green.

2 for 21: Poyer. 2 lor 24. Silvera, 5 lor 21; Lewis. 3 or 43; Dc.Motie, 4 lor 28; Gresty, 1 lor 26. Simpson Tops Batters The cricket players of the Crescent Athletic Club defeated the Veteran St.

George eleven in a New York and Metropolitan District Cricket Association championship match nt Walker Park, Livingston, yesterday afternoon by a marin of 14 runs on totals of '75. The Crescents batted first, and ran up a total of RO. A. A. Simpson, 43, excelled at bat for the victors.

I. Williams, 12. was the only other batsman to get into double figures. W. E.

J. Coleman had the best bowling analysis, capturing four wickets for 37 runs, while R. C. Rosier took three for 30. The icore: CKk'rXfKN ATlll.ErlC CI UB A.

A y.l. H.j;r -U I. 11.1:1 ill b. 'I "li 1 M. Thomson, H.a.r 7 C.

Rosser. b. Tni.ri 9 W. Mend: ti. Tunley W.

Iluuk.nM.n, c. K. Ba w. Hood not oui Extras m. b.

uuiey 0 Total VETERAN ST. GEORGE C. C. .1. Zammli not out A Put, r.

sun. b. Rosser P. Bitham, run G. Barham.

Thomson, Coleman P. B.air. Coleman, b. Ro-ser W. Tuniev.

b. Reiser R. Mendlck, Thomson, b. Coleman Ramsev. run out Braham Coleman Lansdaie.

b. Coleman Extras Total 0 Bo Tuniev. 4 Inr 29. Blair 2 tor 3 to- 30 Coienmn 4 for 37. Ross Rod and Gun By Horace F.

Rood New York Stale fared in the wildlife rpstorption projects Federal aid throughout th country. In such eases the Federa' Goternnient pavs 7.i percent of the cost while the Riate contributes percent. New York's share of Federal money will be $169,676.29. The monev will be spent on approved projects only. Such projects approved in New York State include among others a State-wide studv of effective wildlife manage- men: practices for important species.

Others imlucie the purclnse of 100 additional to the Dr-lma," Wildlife Research Center, and the construction ot patholottu-al laboratory on the Delmar game farm. Pa-t of tiie monev will be spent filter tlv for the hrneli: of New York's upland enme hun'ets. Tracts of land will be leased in various parts of the S'ate for seed sfvk tefuges for came and fin beanne animals Tins work will al: include the improvement 01 such refuges. Under the Federal Aid procatn participating States wlc-life restoration projects which include research into problems of wildlife management, restoration of areas of land and water to provide additional benefits lor all spe les of wildlife, and acquisition of lands for wildlife management and hreed-ins area. tv fish suffer pa'n then rtvk'd 1 Expert seem to fgree that iish 1 re.

legion Cubs 7 2 Rose 6 2 7i0 3 6JS. Httilop A. C. 5 4 Jei i Bros. SOO Fishery Council 2 6 V.

eei Suffolk Downs Entries FOR Tt KSOAY. Test, 2:1, n. S. FTP ST RACE (ICO; r.n minB year-olds; mile end Ti ynrtis. Ihree- Vs'st.

105 9xJe-aima 110 10B 10 xTcche Lorjy 103 110 11 R. Remmen; 110 in i2 Mary's assie 105 100 13 Miss MotuI 113 110 14 Axeison 107 105 15 Jack 1 10 JIB lb xGameslcr 113 1 Spiteful 2 Success Slorv .1 Blue Jay 4 Peanut Ladv 5 Onia 8 Sir Brookside 7 Canpasse Totache SECOND RACE- $1 000: claiming: four-year-olds and upward: six thine p.p. wm.p.p Wl. 1 Forcible 113 9 sMvrnc 113 10 Junsl 118 11 Ouraunn I 12 Fraidv Cat 108 13 xNeiile Mr. 1 18 14 vCliardf sh 118 15 Melnurus 118 lfi xQti': 108 113 118 118 11.8 113 lift 113 2 xLikewise 3 Don Byid 4 xBl own Ma reel 5 Ooori Omen fi Bic Bully 7 Paper Drnp 3 Air Chute THIRD RACE Jl.nno; claimiru: two-yesi-oids; Ine lurlonss.

P.P. 1 siarr tl Rf 105 105 1C0 105 Pessimist 3 Part Ccure 4 Miss Remorse 5 Bluemere Cheval de Fer 7 Sweet Sukcy 8 xCftscades 108 10 SlMPpv H' 10R 1 1 105 Gertrude 105 13 Victory Bound ICR 10R 14 xNost'l 105 105 15 Beail'y Time 105 108 16 Lanslip 105 FOURTH RACE i maiden Ihree-year-olds up. six furionto 1 chuie. i p.p. W'sl.

9xF.mlema:d 110 I 1 xNoon Sun 115 lOEr.opan 107 2 More Sir 112 11 xSellslarler 102 3 Honey Boy 112 12 Mister Major 120 4 Krrmcss 1 15 13 xRoi'iitli Hrels 110 i5Llbm 115 14;sm 112 6 xCallJtip 102 15 Toe Loom 112 7 Ariel Cpe 112 Itj Sams 102 i xS'ch Bonnie 102 FIFTH RACE Uo-vear-oids; live luiloiiKs. pp. UKt. 7 Spr.118 107 1 103 Ot! 2 Fancy Free 111 tt Lost Cold 118 3 Frontier 1 10 10 Aphrndi'e, lid 4 xMlstv Oursl 103 lUHrrniar 1'0 5 Pairhed rants 112 12 Aikyon 114 6 Zaraline Ho SIXTH RACE eiaim ns Handicap, mile and 1 Dusky Duke 4Plav House 10, 1 2 True Kn htesj lOSSBurnins StirH 104 3 Army Sons 120 Bar-! 000: miie and six'eenth. 1 DarK Mrius 118 5 xPeiesar 10i i 2 Miss Gallant 111: 6 Bulivtime 01 3 Muble 107 7 Tlllld Try 118 4 xChance M.

113, Eisiith Race SI 000; claiming: four- year-olds and up mile ann emnin 'l Country 113 9 Hulls Pace ww P. 120 10 HtiKiy Wire 3 Khav 11 UxCold Dick 4 116 12 NAnmkin 5 111 13 Hid Jatii. HI Little 7 'En 106 10 xBlai-kbud-r ui in lot; lint 1 111 lit; 8 Mac 108 Hi S.ipulale ri A. C. Weather cloudy; track I.s-;.

Westbury Show To Aid Red Cross The 18i annual all-breed dog I show, "The Show of Distinction." will be held for the benefit of the Nas.sau County Chapter of the American Red Cross by the West-bury Kennel Association. The show will be held again this year on the J. S. Phipps polo field, Westbury, Sunday, Sept. 29.

The show is the outgrowth of match shows held monthly without a break shut April, 1922. The association was formed by i Leonard Brumby. Hickjsville. and an ardent group of fanciers, for the purpose cf im pro vine slock through competitive and comparative opportuni: ics offered hv monthiv meetings. The matches have proved of such benefit, that many nuns are iniiowing ine smite procedure.

Hotelmen's Golf Play Draws Entry of 500 Five hundred hotelmen are entered In the ninth annual Holel Gazette Golf Tournament to be held at. the Winded Foot Golf Club, Mamaroneck, N. tomorrow, was announced today by Frank A. McKowne, chairman of the tour- nament. committee.

I It will bo the biggest entry list since the event, the outstanding sports activity of hotelmen in America, started nine years aso. More than 200 prizes will be awarded. Besides golf other sports i events are scheduled, including i putting contests and softball games. A dinner in the evening will top I off the day's program. Bower to Race i Babe Bower, national midget auto champ at, Roosevelt Speedway, will be featured in the weekly A.

A. A. races at Thompson Stadium, Sta-pleton. S. tonight.

Bower has won fne consecutive main events at lh Staten fclanrj Bob De Groot Proves cass jn Swim Meet National A. A. U. conquests may not be an immediate goal of 16-year-old Bob DeGrool, Maruat Training student and Dragon Ciub representative, but State and Met swim titles are. Bob.

who holds tile senior Met 100-ard backstroke, competed in lus specially over the cenlun -meter course yesterday at Broad Channel and topped the in 1:11.1. Jack Brown, Bent-back A. John Gibson, N. Y. A.

C. and Art Campbell of the Dragons followed DeGroot to the finish line in the A. A. U. open meet.

Frank Donohne. N. Y. A. C.

out -swam rlubmaies Charles Roozan and Ross Brown and Dragon Harry Sullivan In the 50-mter freestyle race, being limed in 0:28.2 In the century-meter freestyle for women, Ruth Stevenson, unattached, won by three ards in a duel with Sue Hernsdorf. S'lelton Dolphins. Another Dolphin, Florence Milligan. came in third. Stevenson limed in 1:15 2 The women's fancy dive was capiired by Ann Ross of the Dragons with a total sco'p of "Ofifi.

Winif-ed Hekker taMhd 63 53. Fileen Sifa-ik. 61.54 and Marsaret Hnark. (S0.7S Brooklyn Kinnnls Lear, tie CI ASS RPStU TS s- 1 Bit' 0 T.L- 1 Mohawks Cr.b'ai .1. Gaels Sa'sr 1 Ailee Cub.

Shamrocks 11. Rams 4 STANDING OF CLUBS SV-ord I. 1 4 2 rrt. T.ser- .667 Arlee CUb Cobras SOO 3 40 4 .200 5 .167 tviamr ks a Mohawks 3 3 Rams I S'lamr ks 4 667 Gae CLASS RESULTS Gophers 7 Newport Indian 3 7 Brooklyn Diamond' 0 Flde-t Ame-icans 11 7. Paikvtews 7.

Si John STANDING OF CLUBS 'Serorri PC I Pr' m4 R-nok So'iv 1 ,14 smord-. 4 ,111 Fine-- Nrwpc" r. S7 Irfl 1 4 Pirt' 67 4 331 Regent I .147 Field vs. Delhi and Texas v. Easi Wil.

lislon. at, 8rhitl Field. L. I 5 30 m. Cedarhurst vs.

West Point Officers, at Cenarhurst L. 1 Stadium, fl 4" nm. WRESTLING 1 Oneeoshnrn Bt 'Afe PUra Lnnp Island CUT, .10 p.m..

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.