Whatever happened to Bobbie Gentry? In search of country music’s great vanished star. (2024)

It's the third of June. Somewhere in Mississippi, it's another sleepy, dusty delta day. Since the summer of 1967, when the Southern gothic ballad "Ode to Billie Joe," set on this day in that place, first hit the airwaves, the song has captivated American pop culture in a way few ever have.

Written and sung by an unknown young woman from Mississippi named Bobbie Gentry, it was an eerie, minor-key mystery about an unnamed young woman and her family sitting around a farm dinner table discussing, in elliptical terms, the suicide of Billie Joe McAllister.

It sold tens of millions of copies. It knocked the Beatles off the top of the charts. It spawned a 1976 movie. It made Gentry a hot Vegas star. She kicked around with Elvis and Tom Jones and briefly married casino magnate Bill Harrah.

The song’s iconic success also helped launch one of the most enduring riddles in pop: Whatever happened to Bobbie Gentry?


She had a few minor hits after "Ode," appeared on early '70s entertainment shows and then went kapoof in the early 1980s. No appearances. No pictures. No interviews.

Over time, she became regarded as the J.D. Salinger of pop music. She made Harper Lee look chatty. She went full Garbo.

It's most often reported that she is living in seclusion in Los Angeles, as if she has morphed into a Southern-fried Norma Desmond holed up in a creepy mansion on Sunset Boulevard.

That isn’t true.

And Gentry spoke to a reporter, for this story, apparently for the first time in three decades. We caution you not to get too excited about that. It’s one sentence. Could be two.

Then she hung up.

An open secret

All Southerners come home, even if it’s in a pine box, Truman Capote once opined.

That is what the 70-something Gentry has done, hidden in plain sight, known perhaps to a few friends and neighbors, but nobody who ever blabs.


"I think, to some, it's an open secret," says Tara Murtha, author of "Ode to Billie Joe," a 2015 book that's by far the most thorough biography of Gentry's public career. In it, Murtha cites reports from Savannah papers that a "Bobbie Gentry" lived in the Georgia city in the late 1990s but had since moved.

In an interview yesterday, she said she knew where Gentry now lives but had not printed it. She never spoke to Gentry but said she had sent letters through intermediaries that were never answered.

The short answer to one of pop’s great mysteries:

Bobbie Gentry lives about a two-hour drive from the site of the Tallahatchie Bridge that made her so famous, in a gated community, in a very nice house that cost about $1.5 million. Her neighbors, some locals and some real estate agents know who she is, although it’s not clear which of her many possible names she goes by.


We’ll be a little more specific in a minute.

First: How can someone once so famous vanish so completely?

A complicated family history, a stage name, a couple of short-lived marriages and a false birth date on her official PR material helped.

Gentry’s name at birth, in Mississippi, was Roberta Lee Streeter. But her parents divorced when she was young, and she lived with her grandparents. She moved to L.A. to be with her mom and soon adopted the “Bobbie Gentry” stage name. She divorced Harrah, then married and divorced country singer Jim Stafford in the late 1970s.

Further, the music studio had shaved a couple of years off her actual birthday.

Gentry’s family didn’t talk, and she had cut off nearly all her friends in the music business. When reporters reached out through intermediaries, there was never a reply.

“I think it’s simpler than it seems,” Murtha said. “She apparently didn’t like the music business, went on to other businesses and never missed the spotlight.”

Hot on the trail

Stafford and Gentry had a very small wedding in 1978, but they did allow a reporter from the Memphis Commercial Appeal to attend the ceremony on their 120-acre horse farm in Somerville, about 45miles east of the city.


“It’s wonderful to stand on your own land, where you plan to live and raise a family,” Stafford is quoted as saying at the time.

Today, computer databases clearly show that perhaps the nation’s most reclusive pop star lives in an 8,000-square-foot house with a great pool not all that far from the old homestead. Real estate agents confirmed it.

So, yesterday, I found myself looking at a phone number on my computer screen for several seconds. No reporter, to the best of my knowledge, has spoken to Gentry in decades.

I punched the numbers.

After a few rings, a pleasant woman’s voice said: “Hello.”

I introduced myself and my newspaper. I said I was looking for the person whose name appears on the property owner’s record.

There was a dead pause of several seconds. My fingers clenched open and closed.

“There’s no one here by that name,” she said, finally.

I apologized and started to read back the number, to make sure I had dialed it correctly, and she hung up.

But there isn’t really any doubt.

I talked, for about 13 seconds, to Bobbie Gentry.

Some mysteries can be solved. What Billie Joe and his girlfriend threw off the Tallahatchie Bridge? No. That can’t.

Alice Crites contributed to this report.

Whatever happened to Bobbie Gentry? In search of country music’s great vanished star. (2024)


Whatever happened to Bobbie Gentry? In search of country music’s great vanished star.? ›

Gentry is alive and presumably well at age 76, living back in the South, where she grew up, but she pulled off the unthinkable in the early 1980s: She disappeared. Poof! After a stint in Las Vegas, Gentry turned her back on show business, never to return despite constant clamoring for her to do so.

What happened to Bobbie Gentry, the country singer? ›

The last time Gentry appeared in public was when she attended the Academy of Country Music Awards on April 30, 1982. Since that time, she has not recorded, performed or been interviewed. One 2016 news report stated that Gentry lived in a gated community near Memphis, Tennessee.

What was thrown off the tallahatchie? ›

They seem like arbitrary inventions of the filmmakers, but they're the closest thing the song has to an official “solution”: In the movie, Billy Joe tosses his girlfriend Bobbie Lee's rag doll off the bridge and jumps the following day, tormented by uncertainty over his sexual identity.

Is there really a Tallahatchie Bridge? ›

The wooden bridge collapsed in 1972 after being set alight by vandals. It crossed the Tallahatchie River at Money, about ten miles north of Greenwood, Mississippi. The bridge has since been replaced.

Did Bobbie Gentry ever marry? ›

She was married three times: to casino businessman Bill Harrah for a year in 1969 when he was 58 and she was 27. Gentry then married Thomas R Toutant in 1976 until 1978. That same year, she married singer and comedian Jim Stafford, with whom she had a son, Tyler Gentry Stafford. They divorced in 1980.

Who was the homeless country singer? ›

On a rainy November afternoon, Doug Seegers revisited some of the places he stayed when he was homeless — and ran into a few of his old friends. Seegers didn't envision this lifestyle when he moved to Nashville. During the '80s and early '90s, he had never lost the desire to follow his country music dreams.

Who was the country singer that stuttered? ›

Mel Tillis was born in Tampa, Florida, US. His parents were Burma (née Rogers; 1907–1990) and Lonnie Lee Tillis (1907–1981). While he was still young, the family moved to Pahokee, Florida (near West Palm Beach). After a bout of malaria during his childhood, he developed a stutter.

Why did Billy Joe McAllister jump off the? ›

Billy Joe and Bobbie Lee (the narrator) are both white and their relationship is never consummated, but Billy Joe jumps off the bridge after a drunken hom*osexual encounter.

What is the meaning behind the song "Tallahatchie Bridge"? ›

As a family talks about the death of their neighbor Billie, the song juxtaposes the severity of death with the lighthearted nature of a casual dinner conversation. “Today, Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge. And papa said to mama, as he passed around the blackeyed peas.

Who jumped off the Tallahatchie River? ›

After reminding them to wipe their feet, the mother announces she received news from Choctaw Ridge: "Billie Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge." The verse is repeated through the song as the story develops to "heighten the mystery."

Is there a real Choctaw Ridge? ›

Choctaw Ridge was a real place, and until its collapse in 1972, the Tallahatchie Bridge crossed the river at Money, Mississippi. After the song's release, so many people decided to jump off the bridge, which was only 20' above the water, that a law was enacted fining jumpers $100.

Are there gators in the Tallahatchie River? ›

They caught the gator on the Tallahatchie River. Two local couples have filled one of two gator tags they were issued for the 2022 Mississippi alligator harvesting season, which closes at noon Sept.

What movie jumped off the Tallahatchie bridge? ›

A sweet and tragic rural romance. ODE TO BILLY JOE is a humerous and touching tale of events leading up to why "Billy Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge", as related in the Bobbie Gentry hit. Director Max Baer Jr. (who would have thought "Jethro" had this kind of talent?)

Where is Bobbie Gentry living now? ›

Although she had a few other hits, none could touch what she had with "Ode to Billy Joe," and she hasn't been involved in music since the '70s and seen in public since 1981. In recent years outlets like the Washington Post, Medium and the Guardian tried to find Gentry and concluded she likely lived near Memphis, Tenn.

Why did Bobbie Gentry retire? ›

Gentry became more and more disenchanted with the music business as time went on, and after the failure of her 1978 single "He Did Me Wrong But He Did It Right," she decided to retire from show business, giving her last public performances in two TV appearances in 1981.

How did Bobbie Gentry make her money? ›

Years ahead of her time, Bobbie was also a keen businesswoman: Within months of the success of her first single, she established two music publishing companies, organized beneath her parent company Gentry Ltd which among other activities produced her live shows.

What happened to the country band Montgomery Gentry? ›

Despite Gentry's death, Montgomery continues to tour under the Montgomery Gentry name and has pursued a solo career.

Is Jimmy Dean the country singer still alive? ›

Jimmy Dean passed away on June 13, 2010 at the age of 81.

What happened to Billy Walker country singer? ›

On May 21, 2006, Walker died in a road accident when the van he was driving back to Nashville after a performance in Foley, Alabama, veered off Interstate 65 in Fort Deposit and overturned.

Who is known as the queen of country pop? ›

Shania Twain – Queen of Country Pop.

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