SpongeBob SquarePants - TV Tropes (2024)

And this is just one of the many cases of Patrick's stupidity.

Let's face it; most of the plots throughout SpongeBob SquarePants tend to happen because of some stupidity on the parts of the characters. And with the exception of the rare infuriating episode, this is hardly a bad thing; after all, how else would we have such funny episodes?

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  • A basic staple: SpongeBob going to Patrick for advice, or vice versa.
    You'd Expect: That SpongeBob would realize that Patrick is Too Dumb to Live and has Toxic Friend Influence. Therefore, he should not take his advice.
    Instead: He does so and from that moment, the situation goes From Bad to Worse.
  • Another basic staple: Plankton keeps trying to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula. "Imitation Krabs" implies that Mr. Krabs patented the formula at some point (SpongeBob even explains that duplicating it is a felony).
    You'd Expect: Plankton to be mindful of this and think that succeeding would mean Mr. Krabs calling the police to have him arrested.
    Instead: He keeps trying to steal the formula anyway, heedless of the fact that he could face legal consequences.
    • When not trying to steal the formula, Plankton also tries to steal a Krabby Patty to analyze it.
      You'd Expect: Plankton to pay someone to buy a to-go order and take it to him.
      Or: Plankton to grab an unfinished Krabby Patty from the trash in the Krusty Krab dumpster.
      Instead: He continues to concoct outlandish schemes to steal a Krabby Patty.
    • On the flip-side, Plankton is shown to be a Gadgeteer Genius.
      You'd Expect: Plankton to go into the electronics business.
      Instead: This never occurs to him.
    • On Mr. Krabs' side, assuming he really patented the formula.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to simply remind Plankton of this and threaten to sue his rival for duplicating the Krabby Patty.
      Instead: He needlessly keeps taking measures to protect something that cannot be used by anyone who steals it.
  • Yet another basic staple: Mrs. Puff dreads having to teach SpongeBob, one of her most difficult students. However, she always abides by her own principle: that she will accept ANY student and never give up on them.
    You'd Expect: Mrs. Puff to simply make rare exceptions for students who have taken her classes many times and always fail.
    Instead: She doesn't, and she has to deal with SpongeBob constantly failing her tests and getting her put in jail or seriously injured to the point she has to stay in the hospital a few times. This once resulted in her getting so fed up with SpongeBob that she attempted to murder him.

Seasons 1-3

  • In "Tea at the Treedome", Sandy invites SpongeBob over for tea and cookies but the air inside the treedome starts drying him up. After SpongeBob gives her flowers, Sandy asks him if he needs anything. SpongeBob says, "Water would be nice."
    You'd Expect: Sandy to get SpongeBob some water.
    Instead: She assumes SpongeBob wants water for the flowers and fills a vase with it. When she sees SpongeBob has nearly dried up completely, she tells him "If y'all wanted water, you should have asked." Yeah, 'cause he totally didn't, Sandy.
  • In "Jellyfishing", Squidward gets badly injured from head to toe and really needs to remain in a hospitalized state.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to leave Squidward alone and let him recover back to health.
    Instead: They assume Squidward isn't harmed anyways, and in their attempt to make their "best day ever" for him, they inflict even further pain on Squidward, like blowing hot soup onto his face (even though it can't get into his mouth, which is bandaged shut) and, while taking him jellyfishing, Patrick impales a net through Squidward's hand.
    The Result: After getting brutally stung by a Queen jellyfish, Squidward gets his revenge on the two, by releasing the jellyfish SpongeBob and Patrick brought for him as an apology for getting him brutally hurt and it stings the duo repeatedly. Patrick even assumed at the beginning of the episode that Squidward doesn't like them, but SpongeBob convinces him that's not the case.
  • In "Plankton!", Plankton puts on a mind control device on SpongeBob's brain so that the latter is a helpless puppet of his. He uses SpongeBob to steal a Krabby Patty and put it into his formula analyzer. Plankton asks Any Last Words?, prompting SpongeBob to apologize to the Krabby Patty and gush about how delicious it is. This entices Plankton to eat the Krabby Patty.
    You'd Expect: Plankton to hold out until he makes SpongeBob drop the patty into the analyzer, since he is still controlling SpongeBob's brain.
    Instead: He jumps out immediately being so psychologically triggered by SpongeBob's words, which makes him bounce onto the Krabby Patty and land in his own analyzer. He gets disintegrated and imprisoned inside his own computer (Karen). As he puts it, "Well, this stinks."
  • In "Naughty Nautical Neighbors", SpongeBob and Patrick are sending messages to each other through bubbles; Squidward gets an idea and sends his own messages through bubbles he made from the soufflé he was eating, each with insulting and derogatory messages delivered by him in rather poor imitations of the sender's voice.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to recognize those poorly made messages as fake given that the opposite would never speak in a voice like that.
    Or: Them to tell those bubbles are not theirs, given that they use regular bubbles while Squidward's soufflé bubbles are pink and floppy.
    Instead: They act like they can't tell the difference between real and fake and assume they don't want to be friends anymore, causing the two to hate each other for the episode.
  • "Pizza Delivery":
    • Mr. Krabs makes Squidward deliver a pizza for a customer (even though it's near closing time and the Krusty Krab doesn't serve Pizzanote) and has SpongeBob join him. When they get to the delivery boat, Squidward tells SpongeBob to drive but SpongeBob says he can't as he's still in boating school and doesn't have a license.
      You'd Expect: Squidward to just drive instead.
      Instead: He not only makes SpongeBob do it anyway, but starts yelling and pressuring him when he's clearly nervous, causing him to panic and lose control of the vehicle until it runs out of gas, getting them lost in the middle of nowhere. Cue a ridiculously long journey to deliver the pizza.
  • "Squeaky Boots":
    • Mr. Krabs, after receiving Pearl's disdain, laments on what to do with the fishing boots he got her for $2.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to donate the boots to a charity fund, especially since he bought the boots as a gift in the first place.
      Instead: He lies to SpongeBob about them being valuable fry cook boots and accepts SpongeBob's ridiculously expensive bargain, setting the plot into motion.
    • Squidward eventually can't take the squeaking of the boots anymore and announces to Mr. Krabs that he's taking his vacation.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to confront SpongeBob about how the boots' squeak is making some people (himself included) incredibly annoyed.
      Or: SpongeBob to realize that the squeaking may be problematic due to Squidward going on vacation out of annoyance.
      Instead: Mr. Krabs never gets a word in, and SpongeBob does more tricks that cause squeaking, seemingly oblivious to the squeak in the first place.
      The Result: Mr. Krabs begins undergoing Sanity Slippage and plots to take the boots off of SpongeBob, while SpongeBob grows even more infatuated with the boots to the point where he vows to never take them off. When Mr. Krabs steals the boots overnight and hides them under the Krusty Krab, it causes SpongeBob to be reduced to nonstop tears over the loss of the boots, leaving Mr. Krabs to feel guilty over hurting the sponge's feelings.
    • Once Mr. Krabs' regret catches up to him and makes him hallucinate, he takes the boots out from under the floorboards and shrinks them via the deep fryer.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to capitalize on their shrunken status to easily rip the boots to shreds, putting himself out of his misery.
      Instead: He eats the boots, thinking it'll get rid of them for good.
      The Result: Upon going on vacation with Pearl and her new Flipper Slippers, he begins to hiccup, which mimics the squeaking of the boots, likely ruining his vacation.
  • In "Opposite Day", Squidward has had it with his two annoying neighbors and decides to move out but the realtor warns him that if his reason for moving out is because of bad neighbors, then the move-out will fall apart. Squidward is concerned the realtor will see for herself just how terrible SpongeBob and Patrick are at being neighbors.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to tell both SpongeBob and Patrick that today's a day for both of them to be quiet and out of the way with his lie of Opposite Day (do the exact opposite as what you normally do).
    Instead: He only feeds the Opposite Day myth to SpongeBob, neglecting to do the same with Patrick.
    Then: He just gets to packing so he can move out as soon as possible. But Patrick interferes with SpongeBob's initial plan to just be lethargic and lie in bed all day, as Patrick never heard of Opposite Day himself and SpongeBob decides in order to fully educate Patrick they must create random chaos starting with destroying SpongeBob's pineapple. Squidward sees this and panics, fearing this could scare away the realtor.
    Then: Squidward gets to work rebuilding SpongeBob's pineapple home.
    You'd Then Expect: Squidward to keep his eye on SpongeBob and Patrick as in make sure they don't barge into his home uninvited.
    Instead: He leaves his home unlocked and unguarded, allowing SpongeBob and Patrick to commandeer his home and assume/steal his identity when the realtor gets there.
    Then: They annoy the hell out of her and when the realtor finally meets him (the real Squidward), she gets annoyed as she has no idea who the real Squidward is, storms off in a bad mood and cancels Squidward's move-out of his home to sell to another potential client.
  • "I was a Teenage Gary":
    • After Squidward fails to take care of Gary, the doctor gives him snail plasma to inject in him. After a bit of a struggle between him and SpongeBob, Squidward accidentally injects the snail plasma inside SpongeBob's nose. SpongeBob starts to worry about what may happen to him, but Squidward tells him that he'll be fine.
      You'd Expect: Considering that Squidward failed to take care of Gary, SpongeBob would trust his own instincts and either call a doctor or poison control.
      Instead: He believes that he'll be okay, even when he starts transforming into a snail. He only finds out that something is wrong when his Body Horror is nearly complete, but by then it's already too late.
    • SpongeBob has now turned into a snail and goes to Squidward's house for help, much to Squidward's horror.
      You'd Expect: Squidward would realize that the snail plasma transformed SpongeBob into a snail and would get SpongeBob to the doctor to help change him back.
      Instead: He freaks out and boards up his house. Then, when SpongeBob gets inside his house, he runs around screaming until he accidentally gets the snail plasma injected into his own nose. Guess what happens next?
  • In "SB-129", SpongeBob wants to invite Squidward to come jellyfishing with he and Patrick, but he turns them down. Patrick then puts, "He doesn't want to play with us."
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to listen to Patrick and let Squidward be.
    Instead: He shrugs Patrick off and assumes Squidward's not ready, and keeps asking him if he is.
  • In "Karate Choppers", SpongeBob playing karate is interfering with his work at the Krusty Krab, and Mr. Krabs warns him to stop or he'll fire him. As SpongeBob walks out of the building thinking about Mr. Krabs' warning, Sandy pops up and attacks him, ignoring his explanations that Mr. Krabs told him not to play Karate in the Krusty Krab. Then Mr. Krabs sees SpongeBob and Sandy outside.
    You'd Expect: Krabs to notice that SpongeBob clearly isn't participating in karate and that Sandy is doing this and would perceive this as someone assaulting his employee, mind you and try to stop the conflict and save him (Especially considering that he was never properly introduced to her until this episode). They're also outside, after hours, not causing any property damage or hurting anyone.
    Instead: He thinks that SpongeBob is playing karate and fires him, driving the poor guy to tears. Luckily, Sandy explains everything and Mr. Krabs decides to give SpongeBob another chance.
  • In "Sleepy Time", when SpongeBob enters Mr. Krabs' dream, he is tasked with helping Mr. Krabs catch a dollar bill the same way a fisherman hunts for fish. He succeeds and SpongeBob gets his net (which is really Mr. Krabs' huge wallet) to put the dollar in it.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to keep a tight grip on the wallet.
    Or: For him to find something sturdy enough to hold the wallet down so he could congratulate his boss.
    Instead: He lets go of his arm to give Mr. Krabs a handshake, giving the dollar a chance to bounce and then escape. Mr. Krabs then uses a harpoon to fire SpongeBob out of his dream.
  • In "Suds", SpongeBob goes to work in spite of being very ill, which could easily contaminate the food at the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs then walks in and sees SpongeBob's condition.
    You'd Expect: Krabs to either call a cab or drive SpongeBob to the hospital, allowing him to recover.
    Instead: He only forces SpongeBob to walk back home, to prevent contamination of his food. SpongeBob gets more sick throughout the episode until Sandy takes him to the hospital.
  • "Valentine's Day":
    • SpongeBob and Sandy are going to surprise Patrick with a special hot air balloon full of chocolate, but scallops cause Sandy to take a detour, delaying the arrival of the gift. Patrick repeatedly asks SpongeBob what his gift is, but SpongeBob can't tell him, otherwise he'll risk ruining the surprise.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob not to say anything about the gift and focus on having fun with Patrick to keep the latter occupied. If Patrick keeps asking him about it or gets upset, SpongeBob can say that his surprise is still on its way and it's just running a little late.
      Instead: When Patrick becomes impatient, SpongeBob substitutes the gift by giving Patrick a handshake instead. This makes Patrick upset until he becomes full-on love-demanding and goes on a rampage through all of the carnival.
    • During his rampage, Patrick corners SpongeBob and several patrons who are about to face his wrath.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob and/or the others to escape Patrick by running around him or jumping into the goo below.
      Instead: They just stay where they are, frightened and prepare to face the inevitable from SpongeBob's furious friend. If Sandy hadn't arrived to save the day, then the poor sponge, along with the carnival patrons, would've received a total wallop.
      You'd Then Expect: That once Sandy finally arrives with the chocolate balloon, she would float it directly in front of Patrick or behind SpongeBob and the crowd, so he sees his real valentine.
      Instead: She lands the balloon behind Patrick, but in the viewpoint of SpongeBob and the crowd.
    • After the balloon lands, SpongeBob and the crowd try to get Patrick to turn around and see it, but he won't budge.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob and the crowd to turn Patrick around themselves.
      Instead: They keep screaming "Turn around!", but still, nothing. It's not until Sandy calls out to Patrick that he finally does turn around and see the balloon, and he reverts right back to his happy self.
  • In "The Paper", Squidward is chewing gum then throws away the paper wrapper. SpongeBob repeatedly asks him if he's sure he doesn't want the paper, but Squidward refuses and SpongeBob makes a solemn promise to never give it back to him. Then Squidward notices SpongeBob being able to use the paper as a helicopter, a clarinet, a parachute and many other uses. Eventually Squidward decides that piece of paper sure must be fun to have.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to buy another pack of gum to see if he can do the same tricks on a piece of gum wrapper himself.
    Instead: He keeps begging SpongeBob back for the same paper but he refuses due to the promise he made, and ends up trading away all his belongings (including his house) and only after he offers his shirt does SpongeBob agree to trade it for the paper. Only for Squidward to dismally discover the paper is utterly useless to him because he lacks the same imagination as SpongeBob before Patrick comes to take the paper away and use it to discard of his own chewed up gum.
  • In "Texas", SpongeBob is nearing the Krusty Krab while being chased after by a bloodlusted Sandy.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to keep running and shove the doors open once he reaches them.
    Instead: He makes a dive for the door, exponentially slowing him down.
    The Result: Sandy successfully lassoes SpongeBob and nearly pulls him away from the door, with him hanging on by just his index finger, and is only saved by the force of being pulled ripping apart the Krusty Krab's front entrance and revealing the party being held for Sandy.
  • In "Walking Small", Plankton plans to convert Goo Lagoon into the future site of the Chum Bucket Mega Bucket, and surmises that it needs to be cleared of the cretinous beachgoers.
    You'd Expect: Plankton to wait until night, when Goo Lagoon is closed and he can easily invade it thanks to his small stature not drawing any attention.
    Instead: He insists on doing it in broad daylight and tries to get SpongeBob to clear the beach for him by tricking him into becoming an aggressive jerk and scaring everyone away.
    The Result: SpongeBob eventually comes up with a Loophole Abuse and becomes "aggressively nice", undoing all his hard work, leaving Plankton a broken mess.
  • In "Fools in April", Squidward attempts to apologize to SpongeBob after pulling a mean prank on him, which he finds hard to do because he despises him so much. At one point, he attempts to do so by writing an apology on paper.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to just give the note to SpongeBob, as it's for him to read.
    Instead: He needlessly overcomplicates things by putting the note in a bottle with the cork on, rendering SpongeBob unable to read the apology note due to the lack of a bottle opener.
  • In "Hooky", after being caught riding the hooks with Patrick by Mr. Krabs and being warned to never ride them again, SpongeBob encounters another hook (actually a Secret Test of Character by Mr. Krabs to see if he learned his lesson, and if he hasn't, let him learn the hard way) on his usual route to work. Although tempted at first, he wisely decides to walk away.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to keep walking to the Krusty Krab, forgetting about the hook.
    Instead: He tries to. Key word, tries, but unfortunately, despite knowing the consequences, the temptation proves too much as he comes rushing back to ride on it. He ends up getting his pants hooked and later humiliated in front of his boss' daughter and her friends.
  • In "Squid's Day Off", Mr. Krabs is seriously injured and puts Squidward in charge of the Krusty Krab while he's in the hospital. Squidward, being the hard-working and dedicated employee that he is, sees this as a chance to get out of working on a slow day.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to simply close the restaurant for the day. If he wanted to get rid of SpongeBob, he could send him on some wild goose chase for a while.
    Instead: Squidward "promotes" SpongeBob to being both fry cook and cashier, while he goes to run some "errands" (i.e. go home and relax).
    The Result: Squidward grows increasingly paranoid that SpongeBob is somehow wrecking the place (from moronically giving all of the money in the cash register to Patrick to inexplicably burning down the restaurant simply by falling asleep) and wastes his self-given day off constantly checking on him even though he just stands in one spot all day. Eventually he snaps and ends up returning to work anyway, and it's revealed they forgot to switch the "closed" sign to "open", so he could've taken the day off if he wanted to.
  • "Something Smells":
    • SpongeBob wakes up on a Sunday morning and decides to have a sundae for breakfast (for no better reason than because of the wordplay), but he discovers that he's all out of ice cream; the only fruit toppings he has are bananas and cherries, which he finds boring; and Gary has eaten all the peanuts.
      You'd Expect: That the very moment SpongeBob sees that the ice cream is all gone, he would ultimately conclude that today is not his day to make a sundae and have a more appropriate breakfast food instead.
      Or: Assuming he has no problem with going grocery shopping on a Sunday, he would simply run out and get some more ice cream and sundae ingredients.
      Instead: He makes a "sundae" using absolutely abysmal substitutions for the ice cream, fruit toppings, and peanuts respectively – a huge pile of ketchup, a crap ton of onions, and an entire pot of rotting peanut plants from his bathroom windowsill (an entire pot of it, as in, he dumps the whole thing in there, pot itself and all), all while remaining completely oblivious to the horrendous monstrosity of putrid slop he's creating and insisting that it's going to taste great.
      The Result: He ends up getting very foul-smelling breath from the nightmarish concoction.
    • SpongeBob then goes around town saying hi to everyone he comes across, and naturally, they all react to the intolerable odor with utter disgust and appalment and run away from him.
      You’d Expect: SpongeBob to notice the blatant and clearly diegetic sickly green smoke that emanates from his mouth whenever he talks and that 90% of the time, people sniff the air before reacting, and take a hint that he has rancid breath and that this is the reason why everyone is avoiding him.
      Instead: He remains utterly clueless about why everyone is reacting the way they are; soon he and Patrick – who is also completely oblivious to the seemingly obvious problem because he doesn't have a nose – jump to the conclusion that it's because he's ugly, and he spends the entirety of the episode going through a big emotional crisis over it. It's only when Patrick eats some of the concoction and gets the rancid breath himself that SpongeBob smells it and finally realizes the truth.
      You'd Then Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to realize that the "sundae" is complete garbage and the source of all their problems, throw it away, and do everything they can to get rid of their putrid breath, such as brushing their teeth and/or using a powerful mouthwash.
      Instead: They're completely ecstatic and start rejoicing about the fact that they stink, because apparently everyone avoiding them because they smell worse than a horse's ass is somehow better than everyone avoiding them because they're ugly.
  • In "Dying For Pie", it's "Employee Brotherhood Day" and Mr. Krabs has Squidward and SpongeBob exchange gifts. Naturally, the former wants no part in it, but Mr. Krabs makes him take part anyway. As Squidward is looking for a gift for SpongeBob, he comes across a pirate ship full of pies and wants to buy one, but the crew inform they're bombs disguised as pies. When the captain overhears that Squidward has money, he rushes and claims they were kidding. and offers to give him one for 25 bucks.
    You'd Expect: Considering the pirates' shifty behavior and the fact that one clearly told him that the "pies" are actually bombs, Squidward would trust his instincts and refuse or at least suspect the captain's offer to buy the pie, or look for another gift that fits SpongeBob better.
    Instead: Squidward, in his haste to get Mr. Krabs off his back, buys the pie-bomb with no hint of suspicion, despite them clearly warning him beforehand.
    As A Result: By the time Squidward learns about the pie's explosive properties, it's too late as SpongeBob finds and seemingly eats it. Mr. Krabs gives Squidward a What the Hell, Hero? for this, and Squidward is horrified when it seems that SpongeBob is doomed. He thus commits himself to give his spongy neighbor one last special day before he seemingly blows up before dusk, as Mr. Krabs puts it... or not, as SpongeBob reveals to his furious and bewildered neighbor that he never actually ate the pie; he was just saving it in his pocket for them to share.
    You'd Thus Expect: Squidward to warn his co-worker about the pie's explosive tendencies, like he revealed beforehand (though Spongebob missed the point).
    Instead: He just watches dumbfounded as SpongeBob talks about the pie and eventually trips over an ill-fated rock, and send the pie flinging into Squidward's face.
    As A Result: A massive explosion destroys all of Bikini Bottom. You shouldn't have listened to those pirates, Squidward.
  • In "Wormy", Sandy needs to go out of town for a few days and leaves SpongeBob and Patrick in charge of taking care of her pets, one being a caterpillar named "Wormy".
    You'd Expect: Sandy to explain to the pair that Wormy is a special case and will turn into a creature called a "butterfly" in a few days.
    Instead: She doesn't, apparently because she didn't think Wormy would metamorphize while she was out of town. Guess what happens overnight?
    As A Result: The next day, a confused and terrified SpongeBob and Patrick are convinced that the butterfly is a "monster" that ate Wormy (though once they see its face, who can blame them?) and once it escapes the Treedome, mass hysteria ensues.
  • In "Squidville", Squidward decides to move to a place called Tentacle Acres, where everyone is like him and have all his favorite things, like bikes, clarinets, and even canned bread. However, Squidward eventually grows horribly bored by the town because nothing new occurs in the town, thus losing its novelty.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to move out, since, as a police officer points out, he doesn't have to live there.
    Instead: He blames the town itself for being too boring, steals a reef-blower and vandalizes both Tentacle Acres and their residents. Squidward even shamelessly rationalizes his crimes of burglary, assault and vandalism to the police officer who wants to arrest him.
  • "No Free Rides":
    • Mrs. Puff gives extra credit and passes SpongeBob so she doesn't have to deal with him for another year. SpongeBob ends up getting a boatmobile from his parents.
      You'd Expect: Mrs. Puff to explain to SpongeBob what she did in order to guarantee that he won't wreak havoc with his bad driving.
      Instead: She attempts, and fails, to steal his boatmobile. Hilarity ensues once SpongeBob notices Mrs. Puff trying to steal his new boat.
    • Highway cops catch eye of SpongeBob and Mrs. Puff punching and kicking each other while the boat is rapidly spinning in circles.
      You'd Expect: The cops to take action and come to SpongeBob's aid.
      Instead: They just watch the whole thing bored, and only react when SpongeBob and Mrs. Puff steer the boat off a cliff and crash down right onto them.
  • In "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III", SpongeBob and Patrick release Man Ray from his frozen tartar sauce-like prison, and should he act up aggressively, they will press a button that activates the tickle belt strapped to Man Ray. Man Ray then asks the two to help him learn how to be a good person.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to contact Mermaid Man so that he can freeze Man Ray again and realize that this is just a ploy, since this was a matter of if Man Ray will choose to behave, not know how to.
    Or: Simply use the Tickle Belt to force Man Ray to behave.
    Instead: They start teaching him lessons on how to be compassionate, though Patrick's stupidity makes Man Ray's task impossible to complete because Patrick turns away his own wallet when Man Ray tries returning to him.
    • Man Ray also has a "What an Idiot!" moment during his Good Lessons montage during the heavy box session.
      You'd Expect: That since Patrick keeps dropping the box on his foot, Man Ray would just move a little.
      Instead: Man Ray just stands right where he is and proceeds to get angrier as Patrick keeps dropping the box before giving him a Metronomic Man Mashing.
  • "Shanghaied": The Flying Dutchman decides SpongeBob and Patrick are not fit for a crew, so he decides to eat them alive. Near the end when he gives them three wishes, Patrick wastes the first (wishing they'd known that earlier), while SpongeBob uses the second (for Squidward to come back). When the three argue over who gets the last wish, the Dutchman decides to choose himself; he chooses SpongeBob.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to wish the Dutchman would not eat them and let them off scot-free.
    Instead: He wishes the Dutchman was a vegetarian, who gets around his want to eat them by turning the trio into fruits and making a smoothie out of them. Horrified, they run away, prompting a chase around his hippie bus.
    Even Worse: In the alternative endings where Patrick and Squidward are given the last wish, they too end up wasting it: Patrick simply wishes for gum, and Squidward wishes that SpongeBob and Patrick don't know him. Either way, all three of them end up the Dutchman's dinner.
  • "Welcome to the Chum Bucket": Mr. Krabs bets SpongeBob's contract in a card game against Plankton and loses, thus SpongeBob is transferred to the Chum Bucket. SpongeBob is threatened by Plankton into getting his brain transplanted to a robot chef lookalike if he doesn't make him a patty, but SpongeBob cannot bring himself to do it as it doesn't seem right to him.
    You'd Expect: Plankton to think of any flaws that would happen should SpongeBob's brain get put in the robot.
    Instead: He straight-up tries constantly to give the sponge compassion and understanding so he'll give him what he wants, but this causes him to become a naughty and lazy Spoiled Brat who won't do his job anymore. As a result, the brain is put in the robot, but Plankton discovers too late that this did not change his personality or attitude, thus the robot is lazy as well. Lampshaded earlier when Karen tried to warn him that said scheme won't work, but he didn't listen.
  • In "The Secret Box", SpongeBob has snuck into Patrick's house and taken his secret box, desperate to know the contents. Patrick is sleeping, and SpongeBob, trying not to wake him up, has just been through several near-misses after taking the box from Patrick.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to peek in the box, return it, and leave Patrick's rock, all in silence.
    Instead: He takes the opportunity to whisper to himself, "Gee, Patrick sure is a heavy sleeper." This wakes Patrick up for real.
    Then: Patrick finally allows SpongeBob to look inside the box. All he finds there is a string (or a "secret string", as Patrick puts it).
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to ask Patrick why he keeps a string in the box and why it's a "secret" string.
    Instead: He leaves the rock right after peeking in, and once he's out of sight, Patrick reveals the actual secret: SpongeBob didn't pull the string, which in turn opens a secret compartment on the outside of the box, which holds an embarrassing picture of SpongeBob from a Christmas party.
  • "The Graveyard Shift":
    • At the beginning of the episode, a customer shows up at the Krusty Krab immediately after closing time and asks if they're open. Squidward tells him to read the blatant "Closed" sign.
      You'd Expect: The customer to do as Squidward says, take a hint that the restaurant is indeed closed for the night, and leave.
      Instead: He tries to order something anyway, and gets mad at Squidward for "not wanting his money" when the latter rightfully turns him down.
      The Result: Mr. Krabs overhears the customer mention the word "money" and decides to keep the Krusty Krab open 24 hours a day, much to Squidward’s outrage and SpongeBob's excitement.
    • Near the end, the Hash-Slinging Slasher — the monster from the story Squidward made up to scare SpongeBob — turns out to be very real and is slowly approaching the duo at the counter.
      You'd Expect: Squidward and SpongeBob to hide somewhere, such as in Mr. Krabs' office or somewhere in the kitchen,
      Or: Run out the back door and get far away from there.
      Instead: They just stand there screaming and yelling for it to go away — which, of course, does not deter the evil entity in the slightest. Good thing for them the creature turned out to just be some normal guy wanting a job application.
  • In "Sailor Mouth", SpongeBob and Patrick are ordered by Mr. Krabs to suppress themselves from uttering a profane word that the audience can only hear as a dolphin call. SpongeBob accidentally lets one out when he loses a game of Eels and Escalators to Patrick. Patrick then runs to go rat him out to Mr. Krabs, but he also accidentally blurts one out too.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to blackmail Patrick to not tell Mr. Krabs, and to also realize that ratting out Patrick won't stop Patrick from telling Mr. Krabs that he himself said the same word a few seconds earlier.
    Instead: They both pretty much race each other to see who can rat out the other to Mr. Krabs first. The two rat each other out in front of Mr. Krabs, who decides to force both of them to paint the Krusty Krab as punishment, but when Krabs stubs his foot on a rock, he lets out not just the dolphin word, but all other 12 of the 13 profanity words.
    You'd then Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to force Mr. Krabs to call off the painting punishment in exchange for them not reporting him to his mother.
    Instead: The cycle repeats itself. SpongeBob, Patrick and Mr. Krabs rat each other out in front of Mama Krabs and, eventually, the trio are forced to paint her house.
  • In "Squid on Strike", Squidward and SpongeBob's strike has worked and Mr. Krabs is begging Squidward to come back. Squidward successfully manages to turn the tables and gets Mr. Krabs to agree on new working terms.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to notify SpongeBob (who has taken the strike more seriously) about this.
    Instead: He neglects to do this and SpongeBob ends up destroying the Krusty Krab (dismantling the establishment).
    The Result: Squidward's new working terms are disregarded by Mr. Krabs, and Squidward and SpongeBob are forced to work at the Krusty Krab forever! Good going, Squidward.
  • In "The Algae's Always Greener", Plankton gets to visit an alternate reality where he owns the Krusty Krab and has access to everything in it.
    You'd Expect: Plankton would use this opportunity to take the secret formula out of the safe and finally learn it.
    Instead: He takes two Krabby Patties and sets up a romantic date with them.
    The Result: The stresses of this new life cause him to return to his old one, still not knowing the secret formula.
  • In "SpongeGuard on Duty", SpongeBob dreams of becoming a lifeguard like Larry the Lobster, given his strength, handsomeness, and popularity amongst the beach folk. When Larry sees SpongeBob with ice cream on his nose and mistakes it for zinc oxide, he finally gets his chance.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to ask Larry what being a lifeguard is about before accepting the offer, as it's not just about walking around entertaining everyone and being cool.
    Instead: He just assumes the above and accepts, and it isn't until he sees Larry save a drowning beachgoer's life does he realize the true duty of a lifeguard, something SpongeBob cannot do since he can't swim.
  • "The Bully":
    • Flats tries beating the crap out of SpongeBob for no good reason, but it doesn't work because SpongeBob's too soft. After trying for days, he collapses from exhaustion. The other students in SpongeBob's class cheer for him and he celebrates his victory by making a fist. Mrs. Puff then sees SpongeBob making a fist and Flats out cold on the floor. She gets angry and accuses him of beating Flats up.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to ask his classmates who were witnesses to testify that he's innocent. Or even point out that there's not a single bruise on the exhausted flounder's face.
      Instead: He stays quiet and does nothing about Mrs. Puff's accusations except get surprised thus implying that Mrs. Puff is about to kick his butt for an assault he didn't commit.
    • Mrs. Puff also has a "What an Idiot" moment in this episode. Flats is making blatantly obvious threats to SpongeBob on the chalkboard by drawing out explicit diagrams of himself beating up the poor guy and then SpongeBob does rat out Flats to her.
      You'd Expect: Mrs. Puff to realize that Flats is violating school policy of no-violence and that she either report him to the police or give him detention.
      Instead: She just assumes Flats isn't actually threatening SpongeBob, misinterpreting Flats to be artistically creative on the chalkboard and gullibly believes Flats' lies that he just wants to be SpongeBob's friend and that "kicking his butt" was just a sarcastic expression.
  • In "Nasty Patty", Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob catch wind of a fake health inspector being on the loose while they have a health inspector of their own inside the building.
    You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob to ask the inspector for legal documentation to verify if he's legitimate.
    Instead: They make the Nasty Patty after blindly assuming that he's the impostor, even though he was clearly wearing a badge and they have no actual proof beyond circ*mstantial evidence.
    Worse: SpongeBob actually suggested at first to Mr. Krabs that they tell the inspector about the impostor. Mr. Krabs is the one to jump to the "obvious" conclusion that the inspector inside the restaurant is the impostor and SpongeBob is immediately convinced. If only Mr. Krabs listened to SpongeBob for once, none of this would've happened.
    So: SpongeBob gives the Nasty Patty to the health inspector. Just as he is about to take a bite, he chokes on a fly (underwater?) and passes out. As SpongeBob and Krabs are laughing about their trick, a news report comes on saying that the fake health inspector was captured, and they realize their mistake. They then look and see the real health inspector knocked out cold and they assume he ate the Nasty Patty.
    You'd Then Expect: SpongeBob, Krabs or someone else to go see if he's all right. He should still have a working pulse, and they could give him a real Krabby Patty and pass the inspection.
    Instead: They blindly assume they've killed him, starting a long charade of burying him and hiding him from the cops, unintentionally torturing him in the process, even though he turned out OK.
  • In "Idiot Box", SpongeBob and Patrick turn a cardboard box into their own imaginary playhouse.
    You’d Expect: Either of them to take the box home for safekeeping for the night.
    Instead: They leave the box out overnight in front of Squidward’s house.
    Result: A garbage truck comes by and takes the box away, complete with Squidward inside and now down in the dumps.
  • "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV":
    • Squidward finds out that SpongeBob has Mermaid Man's belt, after realizing that the belt has the power to shrink any physical object, and hasn't returned it to Mermaid Man yet. Squidward accuses him of stealing it.
      You'd Expect: Squidward to not do anything that can piss off or scare SpongeBob, and then call Mermaid Man in a quiet, discrete place where SpongeBob can't see or hear him.
      Instead: Squidward directly tells SpongeBob to the latter's face that he's going to rat him out and goes to the phone to call Mermaid Man, in front of SpongeBob witnessing this, intentionally making him anxious. Guess what SpongeBob does.
    • Earlier in the same episode, while in the kitchen, SpongeBob hears that Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are in the Krusty Krab, and desperately wants their autograph.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to come out of the kitchen by, you know, using the door.
      Instead: He somehow, for lack of a better term, pushes his way through the metal wall right next to the door, which actually takes him even longer to do than if he had just, again, opened the door.
  • "Snowball Effect": Squidward tries to get SpongeBob and Patrick to continue their snowball fight. He does this by acting as SpongeBob, then hits Patrick with a snowball. Patrick retaliates by doing the same to Squidward.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to remember that he was pretending to be SpongeBob, compliment Patrick, and then push him into pelting SpongeBob with snowballs for real.
    Instead: "Patrick, why didn't you hit SpongeBob?"
    Result: Patrick tells him off "You said you were SpongeBob, SpongeBob!"
  • In "As Seen on TV", SpongeBob only gets a small cameo in a Krusty Krab commercial, he believes he's become famous off of it; He points this out to Mr. Krabs and quits being a fry cook, but he only tells him vaguely, and soon after the customers start to complain, and he thinks they need entertainment.
    You'd Expect: Squidward, Mr. Krabs and the customers to tell SpongeBob that they need him to do his fry cook duties and they don't want entertainment.
    Instead: They only tell him vaguely, leading him to misinterpret them more.
  • In "Can You Spare a Dime?", while initially grateful for SpongeBob's hospitality, Squidward begins to take advantage of his generosity and becomes a Spoiled Brat, something Gary even pointed it out to him.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob would evict Squidward from his house or at least, he would refuse to do what he say and would straight-up told him that he is taking advantage of his hospitality.
    Instead: He brushes of Gary's warnings and tries to make an excuse. Granted he does snap in the end when he finally had enough but at the end of the episode, SpongeBob is shown wearing his maid garment again, showing that he didn't learn from his mistake.
  • In "Squilliam Returns", SpongeBob successfully renovates the Krusty Krab as a fancy, formal 5-star restaurant in a complete 360 spin from the greasy burger joint it once was, so Squidward can impress his rival Squilliam Fancyson. However, in the process of forgetting everything except fine dining and breathing, SpongeBob forgets his name. Squilliam, being so impressed, asks for the waiter's name, but SpongeBob can't answer that.
    You'd Expect: Squidward, who is standing right there during the conversation, to remind SpongeBob of his name, or better yet, just tell Squilliam himself.
    Instead: He just impatiently tells SpongeBob to stop kidding around and waits with Squilliam, allowing SpongeBob to have a nervous breakdown and start undoing all his own hard work.
  • In "Krab Borg", SpongeBob watches a scary movie involving robots chasing after people. Afterwards, he has nightmares and on the next day at work, he starts to believe that Mr. Krabs may have been replaced by a robot when he hears him beeping (which was really him calling the radio company to play the same music that had played for him and explaining what its title is) and later dances like a robot in his office. He freaks out and goes to Squidward for help.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to tell him how the whole movie went, including the ending, where it's revealed that there weren't any robots in the first place (it was all in the people's imaginations), as mentioned at the end of the episode.
    Instead: He remains so completely traumatized from the rest of the film that he forgets about the last part of the movie, and he and Squidward end up kidnapping Mr. Krabs and demanding he tell them where the "real" Mr. Krabs is. This results in them destroying most of his electronic belongings. It's only until they grab the cash register, where Mr. Krabs cries and admits his love for it, that they finally realize that they kidnapped the real Mr. Krabs all along and only then does SpongeBob reveal the ending of the movie. He then leaves, while Squidward has to endure Mr. Krab's wrath.
  • "Rock-a-Bye Bivalve": SpongeBob and Patrick adopt a baby clam which they name Junior and raise as their own with the former as the mother and the latter as the father. One morning, Patrick prepares to leave the house dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase, prompting SpongeBob to ask why. Patrick says that because he's the dad, he has to go to work.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to investigate this further by interrogating Patrick on where he works or asking him what's in the briefcase. SpongeBob already has a job at the Krusty Krab which would conflict Patrick having to go to work.
    Instead: He's fine with Patrick having to go to work with the promise that he'll help take care of Junior when he gets home. Patrick isn't true to his word and slacks off when he gets home. This cycle continues for a few days afterward until SpongeBob finally discovers that Patrick's idea of going to work is watching television all day under his rock.
  • "Wet Painters":
    • SpongeBob and Patrick are assigned by Mr Krabs to paint his house with permanent, white paint. Krabs decides to not pay them at all for this labor-demanding job, yet the two agree to do it out of kindness, and it turns out Mr. Krabs is a hoarder as he ridiculously covers up his walls with merchandise and pirate memorabilia to the last inch.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to start taking everything off the walls and put them back after the paint dries.
      Instead: He attempts to do the above, but before he could start, Patrick manipulates SpongeBob with Insane Troll Logic that he shouldn't clear the walls since they're not getting paid to relocate the stuff, even though they're also not getting paid to even paint the walls.
    • Then later, while desparately trying to find a way to clean the paint off of Mr. Krabs' first dollar, Patrick points out that Mr. Krabs has a computer.
      You'd Expect: The two to see if Mr. Krabs has internet, and if he does, look up a way to remove the paint.
      Instead: Patrick takes the computer and smashes it on the dollar in an attempt to remove the paint. It obviously doesn't work.
    • Right afterwards, Patrick goes on an elaborate, well-put rant about how Mr. Krabs is frivolous for hanging a dollar on the wall in the first place, and how if anyone were to stick an ordinary dollar bill on the wall in its place, no one would know the difference.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to rummage his own pockets for a dollar, since money isn't a concern to him.
      Instead: He tells Patrick to get out his wallet, and despite finding a dollar, Patrick forgets all about what he said, as per usual.
      As A Result: Patrick spends the dollar on a candy bar at a vending machine, with SpongeBob fruitlessly protesting, and SpongeBob never thinks to get out a dollar himself.
  • In "Krusty Krab Training Video", Plankton is stealing a Krabby Patty by having inserted spider-like robotic legs on it (at a comically slow speed). SpongeBob witnesses this.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to go snatch that Krabby Patty away from Plankton already. The narrator obviously implied SpongeBob should do this.
    Instead: SpongeBob panics, screams in fear and runs around in circles (knocking down customers and tables in the process) without realizing that he can run much faster than Plankton's robot spider legs can, since he already beat Plankton to the doors while panicking. Mr. Krabs promptly snatches the patty, picks up Plankton, and throws him out the doors. Just why did Plankton change his mind about getting the Turbo?
  • "Party Pooper Pants":
    • SpongeBob purchases a Plan Your Own Party Kit and decides to throw a house party. While things are off to a good start, one particular rule states to never leave the party unsupervised, otherwise it could lead to disaster.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to realize this rule means he should observe his guests now and then so they are having fun and not doing anything dangerous whatsoever.
      Instead: He assumes the rule means to keep everything in order and organizes a long schedule of events he wants to occur exactly, such as when the guests arrive, when they eat and dance, and even reading from topic cards.
    • During the party, when SpongeBob steps into the closet for a bit and comes back out, he finds the guests are not using the topic cards and doing their own thing.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to let his guests mingle and have fun because following a schedule will turn it into a boring Shoddy Shindig.
      Instead: He begins freaking out, thinking his party will fall through, and stops all the music and dancing and gathers his guests to the couch.
    • When SpongeBob leaves the house to grab the current edition of the newspaper comics, the guests resume their fun without SpongeBob's schedule. SpongeBob sees this, and tries to get back in to "fix" everything, but is locked out.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to remember he put a spare key under his doormat, and to use that to unlock the door and get back inside.
      Instead: He somehow never remembers this and tries various methods to get back in, but fails every time; he then gets arrested by the police for not inviting them. It's only when he's released the day after the party does he remember he had the spare key, and is disgruntled upon remembering too late.
  • "Chocolate With Nuts":
    • SpongeBob and Patrick come to a woman's house in an attempt to sell a chocolate bar to her, but all SpongeBob finds is several candy bar bags, one after the other.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to just give the bag to the woman so she can find the chocolate bar herself and pay them.
      Instead: He keeps shuffling through the multiple bags, prompting her to leave them after losing patience and by the time he finally gets the chocolate bar, it's too late.
    • SpongeBob and Patrick decide to "stretch the truth" and tell lies about what the chocolate does, which grants them a huge supply of cash. However, the customer they were about to play a Wounded Gazelle Gambit on turns out to be in an even worse situation than they appear to be, so they feel bad for him and help him in. Once inside though, the injured customer does not ask to buy chocolate and instead says he has to sell chocolate to pay his medical bills, and offers them all the chocolate he has in exchange for all the money SpongeBob and Patrick earned.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to get a little suspicious of this situation, given that their customer is asking for all their money in exchange for the chocolate to pay his bills and they've already encountered the same Con Man twice in a row earlier, with SpongeBob only being smart enough to recognize him the second time and they've already spent a large fortune on the bags they've used to carry the chocolate and have quite enough right now.
      Instead: They immediately give in and exchange all the money they've earned for the chocolate, leaving Sponge and Pat upset with no money left and no customer left in Bikini Bottom, at least until that chocolate-craving fish that chased them shows up. The customer, on the other hand, turned out to be the con man in disguise, who somehow Out-Gambitted the duo into losing all the money they've earned and escapes with no comeuppance. Thankfully, that guy was the only customer they didn't sell any chocolate to.
  • In "Clams", Mr. Krabs, having earned his millionth dollar, takes SpongeBob and Squidward on a clam fishing trip in a smelly old boat (SS Cheapskate) in a disgusting, stinky lagoon.
    You'd Expect: Krabs to put that dollar somewhere safe, like depositing in a bank or hiding it at home. A few episodes have shown that Krabs has his own cash vault in the back of his office.
    Instead: He sews it to the seat of his trousers, and clumsy SpongeBob rips it off with a fishing hook, throwing it into the open waters and attracting Ol' Blue Lips, the giant dollar-eating clam.
    As a Result: Mr. Krabs greedily forces SpongeBob and Squidward to go get that dollar back, depriving them of food for 3 days, and they get hungry enough to resort to bribing or fleeing from Krabs. Eventually, Krabs is driven to madness and uses them as bait to bring back Ol' Blue Lips. It works, and Krabs regains the dollar but at the cost of his body, save for his head and arm.
  • In "Mid-Life Crustacean", SpongeBob, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs embark on their panty raid, and successfully nab a pair of bloomers.
    You'd Expect: The three to make a break for it and head back out the window they came in through.
    Instead: The three loudly celebrate Mr. Krabs' victory inside the house, despite SpongeBob and Patrick proclaiming themselves to be "panty professionals".
    As A Result: Mama Krabs is woken up from their celebrating, catches them in the act of stealing her bloomers, and grounds Mr. Krabs for the night.
  • "Born Again Krabs":
    • SpongeBob finds a patty that fell under the grill years ago and tries to throw it away due to how rotten it is, much to Mr. Krabs's dismay, as to him, wasted food means wasted money.
      You'd Expect: Him to make this an exception, since rotten food would obviously drive his customers away.
      Instead: He decides to have the rotten patty sold the next day, driving his customers away for the next few weeks.
      You'd Then Expect: Mr. Krabs would realize that his business is falling apart because of what he's doing and just cut his losses and get rid of the rotten patty.
      Instead: Wanting to prove that it's harmless, he takes a bite out of the patty, causing him to suffer from food poisoning and be taken to the hospital, where he suffers a near-death experience. Had the Flying Dutchman not been kind enough to give him a second chance, he would've been hauled away to Davy Jones' Locker for eternity.
      Extra Bonus Points: Before his near-death experience, he tells SpongeBob to save the patty because he didn't finish it.
    • After getting another chance from the Flying Dutchman, Mr. Krabs attempts to turn a new leaf by allowing them to have refills, toys, and a TV, only to wind up in debt.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to remember what the consequences are should he revert back to being a cheapskate and politely close the Krusty Krab for the day to settle his debt calmly.
      Instead: He freaks out, takes back the refills (and refills the soda machine), the toys, turns off the TV (and uses the remote to erase the viewer's memories of what he watched), and threatens to tear a customer's arm off when he finds a penny on the floor. The Flying Dutchman sees this and instantly shows up to take Mr. Krabs to Davy Jones' locker for breaking his promise.
      Then: SpongeBob stands up to the Flying Dutchman and bets that Mr. Krabs would care more about his employees than money. The Flying Dutchman decides to let Mr. Krabs go, but asks if he would rather keep SpongeBob or have all of the change in the Flying Dutchman's pocket (which is a measly sixty-two cents).
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to take SpongeBob. Not only is sixty-two cents not worth much, but SpongeBob is the one employee who keeps that Krusty Krab running. Not to mention, he stood up for him.
      Instead: He takes the change and allows SpongeBob to be taken away to Davy Jones' Locker. Squidward, of all people, then calls him out for his actions. Only then does Mr. Krabs realize what he just did. Had SpongeBob's annoyance not stressed up the Flying Dutchman, Mr. Krabs would've lost his best fry cook forever.
  • In "I Had an Accident", SpongeBob gets into a painful accident from sandboarding since he had his eyes closed while laughing, forcing him to have a trip to the hospital.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to realize that this accident was due to him being careless and not paying attention while he was sandboarding. He was keeping his eyes closed while sandboarding down a high-risk slope!
    Instead: He blames his accident on the fact that simply being outside is too dangerous and refuses to leave his pineapple home no matter what how badly his friends Sandy and Patrick beg him to come out.
  • In "The Camping Episode", Squidward unwillingly lures a sea bear to where he, SpongeBob and Patrick were camping (their front yard) after doing a list of things that attracts to prove them wrong. Once the sea bear is seemingly through mauling him, he's pretty badly injured, so his neighbors offer him a spot in their anti-sea bear circle (which repels a sea bear when attracted).
    You'd Expect: Squidward to just join them. If SpongeBob and Patrick were right about the sea bears existing, then they surely must be right about the circle; after all, notice how the sea bear completely ignored them and went for Squidward? As a bonus, Patrick reveals that sea bears often attack more than once, which is an extra reason for Squidward to hide.
    Instead: He refuses, decreeing that "a dirt circle" won't be able to stop it, and opts to flee instead.
    As A Result: The sea bear comes back and attacks him again, as SpongeBob points that running only angers them further.
    Even Worse: Squidward continues pissing it off further via more unintentionally offensive gestures (until the sea bear attacks him again via Irrational Hatred). Eventually, after six beatings, Squidward wises up, joins his neighbors in the circle, and dodges another sea bear attack.
  • In "SpongeBob Meets the Strangler", the Tattle Tale Strangler puts on a mustache gag to get closer to strangling SpongeBob.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to see through the Paper-Thin Disguise.
    Instead: He falls for the oldest trick in the book.
    What's worse: When SpongeBob's friends were around for his parties, they don't see through the disguise either. It's especially egregious when you see Squidward there and remember that he was the one who first recognized the Strangler and told SpongeBob who he was. Mr. Krabs and Larry are there too and the Strangler was established to be The Dreaded even to them. Luckily, the Strangler plans strangling SpongeBob when the two of them are all alone and the parties only drove him crazy to the point of turning himself in to the police but it could've ended with him still getting what he wanted.

Seasons 4-9A

  • "Fear of a Krabby Patty": The Krusty Krab arranges to be open 24 hours to beat Plankton; Plankton uses this as an attempt to overwork SpongeBob enough, which in turn causes him to be afraid of krabby patties. Disguising as a psychiatrist named Peter Lankton, he takes in SpongeBob and tries to subconsciously get him to tell him the formula.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to recognize Plankton in disguise.
    Instead: He is immediately fooled.
    You'd Also Expect: Plankton to note any flaws in his plan, like before when Karen tried to warn him such in "Welcome to the Chum Bucket".
    Instead: He just goes out of his way and carries it out; as he didn't think, SpongeBob's krabby patty phobia prevents him from saying anything about the formula because he's too scared to even think of them or even see them.
    Additionally: Given that everyone working at the Krusty Krab was getting fatigued from working 24/7, not just SpongeBob, Plankton could have tried taking advantage of this to just steal the formula with the Krusty Krew too weak from tireness to counterattack instead of even bothering with the sea sponge.
    • When Mr. Krabs changes the business hours (6:00 AM to 11:00 PM) and places the sign to the window of the Krusty Krab, he sees a sign next to the Chum Bucket stating that it's now open 23 hours a day, much to his shock.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to ignore the sign. It's obviously a competition trap and besides, it wouldn't make a different if he kept his restaurant open longer. The Chum Bucket has little to no customers.
      Or: If he really wanted to open the Krusty Krab for 24 hours a day, hire more employees. He may be a penny-pincher, but it would be insane (and in real life, illegal) to have his two employees work nonstop.
      Instead: Not only does he fall for the temptation and open the Krusty Krab for 24/7, but he also has his only two employees (and himself) work nonstop.
      The Result: All three of them become extremely exhausted, with Squidward close to dying and SpongeBob hallucinating krabby patties after 43 days of working with no breaks (with the exception of Squidward of getting a five-minute nap 10 days in).
  • In "Skill Crane", Mr. Krabs installs a crane game machine in the Krusty Krab to generate extra revenue from customers. Squidward turns out to be terrible at playing but SpongeBob is so good at it he wins multiple toys.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to ask SpongeBob to win him a toy.
    Instead: He burns through his pockets, his paycheck, and his life savings (including his house) repeatedly playing and losing and it's only when SpongeBob intervenes to help him win does he score a prize (a teddy bear).
    Then: Squidward spots a construction crane next to a shopping mall under construction. He decides to try it out, but SpongeBob warns him the same principles do not apply.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to listen to SpongeBob that a construction crane is far more complex to operate than a toy crane.
    Instead: He doesn't listen, and ends up destroying the under-construction shopping mall, then speeds and spins out of control destroying the Krusty Krab and leaving him to be beaten up badly by the angry construction workers.
  • In "Good Neighbors", Squidward is ready to have have a perfect Sunday alone, but he is bothered by his neighbors SpongeBob and Patrick wanting to prove they're "good neighbors" by making him the president of their Good Neighbor Lodge, even though he wants to be on his own without them making too much noise.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to leave Squidward alone and let him have his Sunday to himself.
    Or: Squidward to tell Sponge and Pat to leave him alone for the whole day.
    Instead: They constantly annoy him, ruining his Sunday in various ways.
    Afterwards: Squidward has finally had it with his Sunday being ruined and after driving his neighbors away with an angry "The Reason You Suck" Speech, discovers an ad for a security system that he is quick to order.
    You'd Then Expect: Once Squidward gets the system, that he would go over the instructions and see what it would consider a threat.
    Instead: He just turns it on without warning, and pretty soon it's not long before Sponge and Pat to walk right into his house.
    Then: SpongeBob apologizes to Squidward for ruining his Sunday and even hands him an apology cake in reply.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to return the apology, allowing the two to get out of his hair.
    Instead: He rejects the apology and tries to get the security system to deal with them, only to realize it does not consider them a threat. The system then considers Squidward a threat and zaps him, surprising SpongeBob and causing him to toss the apology cake into the air.
    You'd Then Expect: SpongeBob or Patrick to catch the cake.
    Instead: They just stand there looking surprised as the cake falls onto the security system, causing it to go haywire. This leads to an accident that triggers a chain reaction where Squidward is thrown out of his house which goes on a rampage that creates another perfect Sunday vampire in the form of community service for him and his neighbors, causing a total Downer Ending (though it doesn't hit Sponge and Pat because they don't seem to care).
  • "Mrs. Puff, You're Fired":
    • Mrs. Puff has been fired, and a shark drill sergeant has taken her place, who addresses new rules. The second rule is no eating in class, after which he offers bonbons.
      You'd Expect: For the entire class to not listen to the sergeant and refuse the food.
      Instead: While most of the class (SpongeBob included) were able to resist, one of the students ultimately succumbs to temptation and eats one of the bonbons, and gets thrown out.
    • One of the sergeant's methods of teaching SpongeBob to drive is how to drive while wearing a blindfold. He drives flawlessly and succeeds.
      You'd Expect: The sergeant to teach SpongeBob the same driving methods, but without the blindfold.
      Instead: He somehow neglects to do this.
      The Result: By the time it's time to demonstrate to Mr. Fitz, SpongeBob has learned to drive a boat blindfolded, but ONLY if he has a blindfold on.
  • In "All That Glitters", SpongeBob's traditional spatula breaks off and he needs a new one to resume working. He sets his eyes on Le Spatula, a high-tech spatula, but the seller demands an unreasonably high price for it.
    You'd Expect: For SpongeBob to find a cheaper spatula instead.
    Instead: He gives up everything he has (all his money, his pineapple home, and even his clothes) just to get Le Spatula, who then runs off refusing to cook Krabby Patties because they're not fancy cuisine.
  • "Wishing You Well":
    • Everyone's wishes magically come true and Plankton, who wished to be taller, grows to about fifty feet tall. He greets SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs in his new form.
      You'd Expect: Plankton to demand the Krabby Patty formula or else SpongeBob and Krabs would suffer the consequences.
      Instead: He merely says it's a fine day, runs off and then destroys every building in sight except the Krusty Krab.
    • Mr. Krabs, fully convinced that magic isn't real and that all of the wishes being granted are a series of coincidences, decides to make a wish himself to prove his point.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs would make a relatively harmless wish, just in case magic does turn out to be real.
      Instead: "I wish... I was steamed, and served with a side of melted butter!"
      The Result: He is immediately poofed away to a dinner table to be eaten as he begs for his life.
  • "The Thing":
    • At the beginning of the episode, Squidward is ready to watch some smooth jazz on TV, but SpongeBob and Patrick want to join him, the former quipping they're not here to ruin his day, but to enhance it. Reluctantly, he lets them join in when they find their way to the couch.
      You'd Expect: For SpongeBob and Patrick to be on their best behavior.
      Instead: They ask him so many questions one after another, annoying him so much that he shouts at them for ruining his peace and quiet, and leaves them to watch his TV alone.
    • While trying to get away on his bicycle, an accident causes Squidward to be coated with cement and unable to talk or move properly. SpongeBob and Patrick find him while jellyfishing and assume he's an endangered species, naming him "Smelly".
      You'd Expect: Sponge and Pat to recognize "Smelly" as Squidward given his visible eyes and droopy nose, and his familiar voice grunts.
      Instead: They somehow never find out, aside from Gary who attacks him violently; SpongeBob puts aside Squidward is the only one Gary attacks like that, but still doesn't realize they're one and the same.
  • In "Best Day Ever", after SpongeBob fixes Squidward's clarinet before his concert, the theater usher refuses to let SpongeBob in because he forgot his ticket.
    You'd Expect: For SpongeBob to tell the usher his name. Or for the usher to ask for SpongeBob's name.
    Instead: He tries alternate methods to get into the theater, which fail.
    As a result: By the time the usher finally learns SpongeBob's name (Mrs. Puff said it when he hid in her purse), he realizes he's on the VIP list and lets him in... only for the concert to end right when he sits down.
  • In "Night Light", SpongeBob develops a fear of the dark, and he gets a night light to help him sleep. This seems smart, until he sees a door open that is very dark on the other side.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to close the door, plus every other door in his bedroom.
    Instead: He goes back to the shop to buy another night light. And then another. And another. And another. Even for nonsensical places like under the fridge, and inside the toilet. He buys so many night lights, he might as well just not turn the lights off at all. It gets so bad, he even goes and takes a LIGHTHOUSE after Patrick makes a hole in his wall.
    Alternatively: If he is so afraid of the dark, why doesn't he just sleep with the lights on instead of buying a billion night lights?
  • "Waiting":
    • SpongeBob wants a free prize from the Kelpo cereal he got, but there's nothing in it; he then discovers the prize is actually an offer by sending in 99 box tops.
      You'd Expect: After buying up all 99 boxes, for SpongeBob to rip the tops off of them and save the cereal, before mailing the tops out.
      Instead: He somehow begins eating all the cereal without even sending the tops out. Luckily, Gary suggests the better solution and he realizes his mistake.
    • After the box tops have been mailed out, all that's to do is wait for the toy to arrive; SpongeBob chooses to constantly stand by the mailbox and wait to see the mailman arrive and deliver the toy to him. Patrick waits with him for a while, but after some time, starts to get hungry and suggests getting something to eat to pass the time.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to listen to Patrick, leave the mailbox, and do whatever he can to be patient, as it isn't fun at all to just stand in front of a mailbox nonstop.
      Instead: He stays at the mailbox for the entire episode, fearing he could miss the mailman delivering the toy. This causes him to scream violently at his friends and turn down whatever they want to do with him.
    • While waiting, SpongeBob ends up missing his own surprise birthday party, so Patrick brings him a slice of his cake and a present to make up for it. Unfortunately, he can't find the fork.
      You'd Expect: Patrick to let SpongeBob hold the cake and present to free his hands while he looks for the fork, or put them on the ground.
      Or: SpongeBob to open the present first, as it could have something unexpected inside.
      Instead: Patrick ends up eating the cake when he stuffed it in his mouth to free up a hand while he looks for the fork. The two decide to open the present instead, which turns out to be the fork.
    • Once the toy finally arrives, SpongeBob and Patrick admire it, but when Patrick touches it, its limbs spring out of the body.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to investigate his package further and find the toy's supposed instruction sheet, listing anything that states it's a springy toy.
      Instead: He chews Patrick out for supposedly breaking the toy and how long he has waited for it, and the two burst into tears.
      Fortunately: Squidward comes out, de-springs the toy, and demonstrates its springing actions for them.
  • In "Good Ol' Whatshisname", Squidward tries to learn the name of a Krusty Krab customer in order to win what he thinks is a free vacation for a contest called by Mr. Krabs. When the fish only answers his question with "What zit tooyah?" (which, by Contrived Coincidence, is actually his name), Squidward tries distracting him in order to take his wallet and find his ID.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to keep Whatzit Tooyah distracted and quickly read his ID before slipping his wallet back into his pocket.
    Instead: He waves the wallet in Whatzit's face before running off with it, and in doing so, runs through a No Crossing sign, attracting the attention of a police officer. Squidward ends up in jail for a long time with Patrick as his cellmate, and to add insult to injury, the real prize for the contest was simply the brochure of a resort that Mr. Krabs presented, and not a vacation to said resort.
  • Played for Laughs in "Money Talks". Mr. Krabs wishes he could talk to money so he makes a deal with the Flying Dutchman. However, when he takes his coins and bills out of his vault, they are outraged at being put in storage and demand to be spent. Two such bills want to be spent on a fairy princess outfit and diapers, respectively.
    You'd Expect: If Mr. Krabs was going to cave in and spend the money, he would maybe do so on more practical things such as quality upgrades for the Krusty Krab or groceries. It shouldn't matter to the money how it gets spent as long as they're away from Mr. Krabs.
    Or: Mr. Krabs to deposit his money in a bank so that they can't annoy him at home or work.
    Instead: Mr. Krabs gives in to their demands and buys the princess outfit, corn dogs and diapers anyway, and becomes embarrassed at doing so.
  • In "Atlantis SquarePantis", SpongeBob and Patrick accidentally destroy the World's oldest Living Bubble (via flash photography of all things) and confess to the Lord Royal Highness. Luckily, it was a prop and the real bubble was in a secure place.
    You'd Expect: For the Lord Royal Highness not to show the real bubble to SpongeBob and Patrick, knowing that they somehow managed to destroy the fake bubble from behind an enormous glass sphere.
    Instead: He shows them the real bubble, which could be destroyed significantly easier than the fake bubble. Patrick takes a picture of it and it pops, making the Lord Royal Highness furious.
  • "Goo Goo Gas": Plankton once again tries to steal the krabby patty formula, this time by using an anti-aging spray to turn Mr. Krabs into a baby. However once tries to spray SpongeBob with the spray while he is holding an infant Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob turns into a baby while Mr. Krabs turns back to his original age. This leads Plankton to spray the two continuously to test out how the spray doses work in the aging process. At one point, he manages to turn both Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob into babies.
    You'd Expect: Plankton to stop then and there with the spray since both Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob are incapacitated and steal the formula unopposed.
    Instead: He sprays them both back to normal just to continue testing the spray.
    Result: Plankton runs out of the gas right after turning Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob back to their normal ages and is promptly kicked out by the former.
  • "Krabs a La Mode:" After failing yet again to steal a krabby patty, Plankton reveals to Mr. Krabs that he changed the thermostat to freeze the Krusty Krab and proceeds to switch it back and forth between cold and warm to submerge Mr. Krabs in the melted water and freeze him. He does the same to everybody else inside the Krusty Krab.
    You'd Expect: Once everyone except him is frozen, Plankton would just leave everyone frozen and steal a krabby patty now that everyone that could stop him is frozen.
    Instead: Out of power hungriness, he continues to go back and forth between freezing and thawing everyone.
    Result: Plankton slips off the thermostat right after turning it to the warm temperatures and thawing everyone out. This gives Mr. Krabs an opening to turn the thermostat to cold and freeze him into an ice cube.
  • "Picture Day": SpongeBob struggles to get to Boating School Picture Day without getting dirty, yet all his attempts are flawed. Patrick comes over with an empty jelly jar and with that, SpongeBob manages to seal himself of any kind and Patrick takes him to the school unharmed.
    You'd Expect: Patrick to release SpongeBob immediately once he reaches the door.
    Instead: He mistakes SpongeBob for jelly and adds him to the peanut butter taco he made, dirtying him again. SpongeBob tried to stop him, but he didn't hear.
    Alternatively You'd Expect: SpongeBob to wear a poncho or a jacket or coat of some kind to protect his clothes.
    Instead: He doesn't.
  • In "Pat No Pay", Mr. Krabs while manning the (empty, spider-infested) register, eagerly catches Patrick barging in and orders Krabby Patties.
    You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to charge Patrick money first and then give him Krabby Patties.
    Instead: He just takes Patrick's word that he can pay for it and feeds an entire pyramid of Krabby Patties to Patrick. Patrick after finishing his huge meal then states he doesn't have any money. How Mr. Krabs reacts to that is predictable and it starts the episode's plot of Patrick getting forced to Work Off the Debt. Unfortunately, Patrick, being Patrick, causes trouble and screws up the first task Mr. Krabs gave him (mopping the floor) by eating all the hand soap, and Mr. Krabs gives him another task, arranging ice cubes into a freezer.
    You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs would either supervise Patrick himself or send SpongeBob to do so.
    Instead: He leaves Patrick on his own again. This time, the starfish breaks the freezer holding the ice cubes, causing them to melt.
    Even Worse: He makes the same mistake again, only threatening to not give any more Krabby Patties to Patrick if he messes up again.
    The Final Result: The Krusty Krab is ultimately destroyed after Patrick foolishly tries to throw the money bag SpongeBob was carrying to the vault for Mr. Krabs into the trash shredder, which causes the machine to explode. All because he forgot to charge Patrick first.
  • "The Inmates of Summer":
    • SpongeBob is going away to summer camp and will miss Patrick badly, prompting the two to cry so much they miss the ship taking off and another ship leading to the prison Inferno Island takes its place.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to realize that's not his ship.
      Instead: He and Patrick, being oblivious, board it.
      You'd Then Expect: When SpongeBob sees the Sun and Fun ship out the window, for him to realize he and Patrick got on the wrong ship and they have to get off.
      Instead: He passes it off as a "boring old ship", and they arrive at Inferno Island.
    • The mean warden puts the prisoners through harsh tortures one after another.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to realize this is not their island and they're being put through hell, and call the warden out and try to at least call Sun and Fun Island to rescue them.
      Instead: Being as dumb as they are, SpongeBob and Patrick fail to realize it's a prison and mistake the tortures as group activities, and even make a good time out of it. Eventually the Sun and Fun warden arrives and takes everyone there, but SpongeBob and Patrick ironically admit they liked Inferno Island better and burst into tears again.
      Alternately You'd Expect: The Sun and Fun counselor to realize SpongeBob is not there once the ship takes off.
      Instead: It takes several days before he arrives on Inferno Island and points out SpongeBob's absence.
  • In "SpongeHenge", a mighty wind blows through SpongeBob's holes and makes music with them, which attracts jellyfish. This causes a problem throughout his day.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to plug up his holes so the wind won't blow through them.
    Instead: He never bothers to do this, and spends the whole episode being followed by jellyfish nonstop.
  • "Banned in Bikini Bottom":
    • Krabby Patties are banned by Miss Gristlepuss, and thus the Krusty Krab is shut down. Mr. Krabs then decides to open a secret Krusty Krab to keep the business booming.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to choose a secret location where Miss Gristlepuss would not find them, specifically somewhere underground.
      Instead: He chooses SpongeBob's house, which worries him.
      You'd Then Expect: Mr. Krabs to be stealthy enough that the police wouldn't notice.
      Instead: He puts a "Secret Krusty Krab" banner along the door, meaning it would be a dead giveaway for an illegal product.
      The Result: Plankton discovers the Secret Krusty Krab and investigates.
    • Once Plankton discovers the Secret Krusty Krab, he sneaks in to call the cops on them.
      You'd Expect: That since Mr. Krabs is scanning for any police officers, for him to catch sight of Plankton and shoo him out.
      Instead: He doesn't see Plankton nor is made aware of his presence for any matter.
      You'd Also Expect: Gary, who is serving as a waiter, to sense Plankton around, attack him, and turn him in.
      Instead: He isn't aware either.
  • In "Krabby Road", Plankton forms a rock band with SpongeBob, Patrick and Squidward in his latest attempt to get the formula. The second they get to the Krusty Krab, he disappears while the other three are getting ready.
    You'd Expect: Plankton to escape out the back door in the kitchen after getting the formula.
    Instead: Once Plankton gets the formula, he tries to escape out the front door; this causes SpongeBob to catch him and realize the band was just a trick.
  • At the end of "Penny Foolish", the penny SpongeBob found that Mr. Krabs was obsessed with getting turns out to be gum for his gum collection. The "gum" in question turns out to be a $500-bill.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to keep the dollar or at least give it to Mr Krabs.
    Instead: He discards it simply on the basis that it's not gum.
  • "The Splinter":
    • When SpongeBob's spatula gets stuck to the ceiling, SpongeBob climbs up to pull it out; right when he says "This thing is stuck pretty good," he actually removes the spatula when he talks.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to realize he pulled the spatula out.
      Instead: He doesn't realize it and puts it right back in the ceiling before getting it out, leading to the incident below.
    • After getting his spatula down, SpongeBob trips on the floor and gets a splinter in his thumb.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob, being a sea sponge and all, to simply rip his arm off and regrow it, as he did before in earlier episodes.
      Instead: He apparently Forgot About His Powers and spends the whole episode trying to get the splinter out.
  • "Sun Bleached": SpongeBob and Patrick discover they have to get tanned to attend a party hosted by the tannest man in Bikini Bottom. They turn Patrick's house into a tanning booth; Patrick goes first and gets a good tan, then it's SpongeBob's turn. SpongeBob reminds him it must be 15 seconds exactly.
    You'd Expect: Patrick to stay near the tanning booth until the 15 seconds are up, then release SpongeBob.
    Instead: He somehow leaves the tanning booth with headphones on, thinks someone called him only to dismiss it, and drives around with girls. He returns two hours later to reveal SpongeBob has been sun bleached from the excessive tanning.
  • "Patty Caper":
    • The Krabby Patty secret ingredient has gone missing, and Mr. Krab sends SpongeBob around town to find out who took it. When he couldn't find one culprit and SpongeBob gives out the clues, Mr. Krabs suggests SpongeBob did it and calls the cops on him, even though he had nothing to do with it.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to stand up to his boss, call him out for framing him and making him frame everyone else for nothing, say he obviously didn't do anything about it, or better yet, remind him that if he arrests him, then the Krusty Krab will be rid of its only fry cook and will fall into disarray.
      Instead: Mr. Krabs shuts him up right before he could speak, and he does nothing except get surprised as the cops come in, and in the process, Mr. Krabs accidentally revealed he took the secret ingredient himself to avoid paying.
      You'd Also Expect: Patrick to stick up for SpongeBob and call Mr. Krabs out for the above.
      Instead: He doesn't.
    • Regarding the above, Mr. Krabs is revealed to have stolen the secret ingredient himself to avoid paying for it, and he is shown to at least have thoughts of framing someone else for it and getting them convicted.
      You'd Expect: That Krabs would make Plankton the fall guy for the robbery, especially since Plankton coincidentally also made his own Krabby Patty using chum as his own special ingredient, in the same very episode. Essentially, Krabs would kill two birds with one stone.
      Instead: Krabs decides to frame SpongeBob, a.k.a. the only person who keeps Krusty Krab business afloat. While he ultimately undoes his own scheme thanks to waving the stolen ingredient bottle in front of SpongeBob and two police officers, chances are Krabs' business would sink even if he were to somehow succeed in the frame-up.
      You'd Also Expect: That Krabs would put the secret ingredient bottle in a safe which is right in his office.
      Instead: He keeps the thing in his pocket, only to pull it out accidentally while pointing at SpongeBob in an attempt to get him arrested. Naturally, it backfires on him spectacularly.
    • The cops arrive and are about to arrest SpongeBob.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to stand aside and let them arrest SpongeBob.
      Instead: He orders the cops to arrest SpongeBob while pointing at him with the secret ingredient in his hand!
      As a Result: This allows SpongeBob to realize Mr. Krabs is the true thief, and he ends up getting arrested instead and is forced to watch SpongeBob sell free Krabby Patties for a day.
  • "The Krabby Kronicle": Mr. Krabs launches a newspaper, and forces SpongeBob to write "juicy" stories (actually lies) about the Bikini Bottomites.
    You'd Expect: For SpongeBob to look for a middle ground; he could write something juicy enough to satisfy Mr. Krabs' greed while not harming anyone's reputation too badly.
    Instead: He goes out of his way to exaggerate every situation that has been happening to his other friends, which leads to their lives being ruined and SpongeBob himself getting wrecked with guilt.
    You'd Also Expect: For Mr. Krabs to specifically mention not to write lies about him, or risk getting fired.
    Instead: He fails to mention it, resulting in SpongeBob eventually writing a forged story about Mr. Krabs mistreating him, causing the customers to take their money back.
  • In "The Slumber Party", SpongeBob is forced by Mr. Krabs to don a pizza man disguise in order to keep surveillance inside Pearl's party. His mustache flies away and Pearl and her friends confront SpongeBob. SpongeBob runs to Mr. Krabs and tells him to drive away so that he doesn't get maimed.
    You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to wait for SpongeBob to get in the car so he can drive him home.
    Instead: He drives off without him, causing SpongeBob to get impounded into a pizza.
    You'd Also Expect: For Mr. Krabs to have more faith in his daughter that she and her friends wouldn't mess the place up.
    Instead: He sends SpongeBob to infiltrate the party and spy on them (ironically as Mr. Krabs told Pearl that no boys are allowed at the party), who ends up doing much more damage than Pearl and her friends could do.
    As A Result: Pearl's slumber party and Mr. Krabs' house is ruined, and Mr. Krabs is forced to pay for an expensive beach party to make up for it, that he and SpongeBob are rightfully banned from.
  • "Porous Pockets": After gaining an extreme amount of wealth from a pearl dispensed by an ailing clam, SpongeBob becomes incredibly rich and can get anything he wants. Soon after when getting ice cream, one of the customers is out of money so he gives some to him; this soon results in more and more fish asking for his money and the sponge becoming obnoxious and forgetting Patrick. Patrick soon infiltrates SpongeBob's rich party and tries to warn him not to keep giving away his money like that, otherwise he'll have none left.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to listen to Patrick and evict everyone from the house.
    Instead: He ignores him and has him thrown out; it is that point he realizes he has no money left and has to go back to his old life.
  • In "Krusty Krushers", Mr. Krabs wants to win one million dollars from a wrestling match, though the champions are quite tough to beat.
    You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to enter the match himself, given that he once worked in the navy.
    Or: If he really didn't want to go through with the hard work, he would hire someone who's a naturally skilled fighter like Sandy, one of his old friends in the navy, or Larry the Lobster.
    Instead: He hires SpongeBob and Patrick, who have no knowledge of wrestling.
    You'd Then Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to try and beat the champions up, given that they each showed a Temporary Bulk Change at the Fry Cook Games.
    Instead: They let the champions maul them in many ways and have fun with it for the sake of thinking they're playing pretend, leaving Mr. Krabs to call them out, but they don't listen. Fortunately, they manage to beat the champions thanks to Patrick's iron bun.
  • "Cephalopod Lodge":
    • SpongeBob is suspicious when Squidward is consistently happy on the third Wednesday of every month, so he and Patrick decide to follow him and see what he's up to. Turns out, every third Wednesday of the month is a meeting of the mysterious "Cephalopod Lodge" where multiple octopi and squids alike congregate; however, non-cephalopods, especially sea sponges and starfish, are considered "outsiders" in their book, and anyone responsible for letting them in is considered a disgrace and betrayal to the lodge.
      You'd Expect: Roger, the doorkeeper of the lodge, would notice SpongeBob and Patrick and keep them away from the lodge.
      Instead: They somehow manage to sneak past Roger without him even noticing and end up at the meeting, which shocks the members of the lodge.
      You'd Then Expect: Squidward to keep shut about it.
      Instead: He complains to SpongeBob and Patrick and asks them if he followed him here (SpongeBob nods "yes", but Patrick shakes his head "no"), causing the lodge leader to think Squidward is responsible for letting outsiders in. Thus, he is banned from the lodge for life.
      Then: SpongeBob and Patrick decide to talk it out with Roger saying it wasn't Squidward's fault for letting them into the lodge and he didn't do anything about it.
      You'd Expect: For them to own up to what they did.
      Instead: They say it isn't either of their faults either. When Roger then asks whose fault it is, Patrick guesses, "Maybe it's your fault."
      You'd Then Expect: For Roger to realize Patrick was right and he didn't do his job to not let any non-cephalopods into the lodge, and since SpongeBob and Patrick were able to get in, this means Roger is the one responsible and he should have been the one kicked out.
      Instead: He just shouts at the two that Squidward is no longer allowed in the lodge and slams the door.
    • Later on, the two decide to help Squidward get back into the club by staging a giant eel attack with them using a giant sock to disguise themselves. Squidward "stops" them, and in honor of his bravery, he is let back into the lodge.
      You'd Expect: For SpongeBob and Patrick to keep shut and walk away silently.
      Instead: They decide to cheer for Squidward and take off their sock, revealing themselves to the lodge members. Realizing it was just a trick and Squidward let outsiders participate, he is banned again.
  • "Squid's Visit": SpongeBob desperately wants Squidward to visit him, so in an attempt to have him "feel at home", he replicates his entire house interior to look like Squidward's, and steals his vacuum cleaner to lure him to the house while he simultaneously has a casserole cooking in the oven. Squidward is shocked to see what the sponge did, but wants his vacuum back stat.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to get the vacuum and give it back to Squidward as asked.
    Instead: He ignores Squidward and goes out of his way to ensure he stays, to the point Squidward tries to get it himself.
    The Result: Squidward spends so much time during his visit that his casserole catches on fire and ends up burning down his entire house. That night Squidward sleeps in the replica, but SpongeBob is forced to sleep outside on the wreckage.
  • In "Pet or Pests", the baby worms that SpongeBob is trying to find an owner for suddenly end up in the middle of the road, and a truck is coming right for them.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to grab the worms and run them to safety.
    Instead: He tries to make the truck stop, and he succeeds, with the truck ending up barely an inch from hitting the worms.
  • "Gullible Pants": Mr. Krabs has to go out for 15 minutes to treat his split toenail, and leaves SpongeBob in charge. When he tries to get Squidward to do something, Squidward takes advantage of him and tells him various "secrets" Mr. Krabs told him, such as using his feet instead of hands and sticking gum to the bottom of the tables.
    You'd Expect: For SpongeBob to think twice about what Squidward tells him, ask him if he's sure that's what Mr. Krabs said, tell him he's unsure as it would be unsuitable or dangerous, call Mr. Krabs and ask if he told him such, or better yet, just shrug Squidward off and do his own business.
    Instead: He is gullible and foolish enough to believe every single "secret" Squidward tells, and carries them out until the Krusty Krab is a total disaster, complete with SpongeBob holding customers hostage with a dance routine.
  • "Overbooked": SpongeBob has to attain to three things on the same day: Sandy's science presentation, Mr. Krabs' telescope DIY, and Patrick's birthday party.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to tell one of his friends he has other things to do at the moment and can't do them all at once.
    Alternatively: He could ask Sandy what her new machine does. If he knew from the start that Sandy had invented a cloning device, it would've prevented this conflict.
    Instead: He keeps silent about it, and struggles to do every job at the same time, running back and forth. Lampshaded by Sandy near the end - he would've solved the problem a lot sooner if he just told them what's going on. Also if he'd stayed and helped Sandy earlier, she would've cloned two of him to help Patrick and Mr. Krabs.
  • In "Toy Store of Doom", SpongeBob and Patrick successfully defeat a monster that was scaring them—the monster, however, is actually just a harmless, miniscule wind-up toy robot.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to either destroy the toy or just put it back on the shelf.
    Instead: Patrick walks over to the toy, picks it up, and winds it back up, thus causing more needless trauma for the cowardly two.
    Fridge Logic: If Patrick is scared of the toy robot, then how come he was able to walk over to the toy and wind it back up without freaking out?
  • In "The Clash of Triton", King Neptune is hosting his 5,000th birthday party at The Krusty Krab. Neptune has an estranged son named Triton that he is depressed over. Amphitrite has prepared a list of guests that will be read at the party.
    You'd Expect: The list of guests would include only family members that are on good terms with Neptune.
    Instead: Amphitrite puts Triton’s name on the list, despite knowing that Neptune is depressed over him. This causes Triton to break down and show everyone a film about him and his son's painful separation, ruining the celebration.
  • "I ❤️ Dancing": SpongeBob is given a big audition by a talent agent; Squidward, jealous, attempts to steal the audition from him by asking him to do a simple ballet move that he cannot perform well, and insists he do it over and over until he gets it right, no matter how many times he does it. SpongeBob ends up practicing and failing so many times he does it all night long and does not get enough sleep. Squidward still insists.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to suspect something's up with Squidward's training, ask him why he's overworking him, and accuse him of trying to ruin his audition.
    Instead: He obeys and keeps practicing; and when he finally does the move right, Squidward insists he do it again, but he is far too tired to do so and finally falls asleep, no way to wake up, and misses the audition. Squidward wins in his place, but to his shock, he is to be in Squilliam's show, who gives him the same harsh treatment he did to SpongeBob, to the point of wanting to replicate SpongeBob's dancing whether he wants to or not.
  • In "Stuck in the Wringer", SpongeBob is...well, yeah. Patrick happens to come along and SpongeBob asks him to help.
    You'd Expect: Patrick to go to SpongeBob's aid and be a good friend to a friend in need.
    Instead: He uses Forever Glue on the wringer, thus trapping SpongeBob forever...at least it would were it not for the rather odd ending.
    Thus: Strawman SquarePants was completely in the right to do what he did to Patrick.
    Alternatively You'd Expect: SpongeBob to ask Patrick to free him from the wringer.
    Instead: He only tells him vaguely, "Well, I'm a little stuck, if you know what I mean." Patrick thinks he wanted to be more stuck; cue the Forever Glue.
  • "Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy":
    • Plankton sneaks into Sandy's treedome and steals her fur while she takes a shower.
      You'd Expect: Sandy to put on her suit or at least throw on some clothes before running out to catch Plankton.
      Instead: She goes outside in her underwear and gets arrested for public nudity.
    • Plankton, having rigged Sandy's pelt with controls so it can walk normally, takes it to the Krusty Krab to - what else? - steal the Krabby Patty recipe. He walks the pelt into the kitchen with SpongeBob.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to realize it isn't Sandy. It's obviously not her voice, there were holes in the pelt where her eyes and mouth should be and to top it off, she isn't even wearing her air suit.
      Instead: He happily shows Sandy!Plankton how to make a Krabby Patty, and then, when Mr. Krabs puts the bottle with the secret formula in the kitchen, Sandy!Plankton swipes it, and tries to run off with it.
  • "The Inside Job":
    • Plankton attempts to get inside Mr. Krabs' head and connect to his mind so he can learn the formula; however, he ends up inside SpongeBob's instead.
      You'd Expect: Plankton to escape out of SpongeBob's pores or have Karen fly him out to Mr. Krabs.
      Instead: He spends the majority of the episode in the sponge's mind, and it isn't until near the end that Karen flies him out.
    • Plankton tries to see and hear what SpongeBob is doing by hooking up to his eyes and eardrums.
      You'd Expect: Plankton to note any consequences for doing such.
      Instead: He goes right along with every plan and discovers too late that just because he can see and hear everything SpongeBob is doing doesn't mean SpongeBob himself can; while Plankton is hooked up to his eyes, it causes SpongeBob to go completely blind and accidentally make a krabby patty out of sink equipment, and when Plankton unplugs the eardrum, he cannot hear Mr. Krabs telling him the formula and keeps screaming at him to repeat.
  • What sets off the premise of "Model Sponge": SpongeBob freaks out thinking Mr. Krabs is going to fire him (He hears him say over the phone he's going to "let the little guy go" — he's really talking about his pet scallop).
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to consult Mr. Krabs over what he heard.
    Instead: He leaves the Krusty Krab without any reason whatsoever, kicking off the plot of the episode.
    Then: In the end when SpongeBob returns to the Krusty Krab, he begs Mr. Krabs to give him his job back because of what he heard over the phone.
    You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to explain to SpongeBob that he was not referring to him during his phone call.
    Instead: He doesn't do so, but still decides to keep him, though on one condition: mop the bathroom.
    Alternatively you'd expect: For SpongeBob to ask Mr. Krabs who was the "little guy" he was talking about.
    Instead: He doesn't.
  • "A Pal for Gary":
    • The whole episode involves SpongeBob trying to prove to Mr. Krabs that he's a responsible pet owner by getting a new pet named Puffy Fluffy for Gary to play with so he isn't lonely when he goes off to work, completely unaware that it hates being around other pets (as warned by the peddler who sold Puffy Fluffy which he ignores); he even straight-up steals the creature without paying. He showers Puffy Fluffy with attention and tries to force Gary to accept him, and whenever he is out of the picture, Puffy Fluffy takes this cue to fight Gary and tear up the place, only to revert to his cute state when SpongeBob comes back, making it appear like Gary is ignoring him or avoiding him for no reason.
      You'd Expect: For SpongeBob to realize that Gary has been acting strangely since he brought Puffy Fluffy home and suspect something up with his new "pet".
      Instead: SpongeBob assumes that Gary is ignoring or being mean to Puffy Fluffy for no reason, berates him for not accepting his new "friend", and punishes him.
    • That night, Puffy Fluffy transforms into a monster and terrorizes Gary throughout the house.
      You'd Expect: For SpongeBob to wake up with a start, hear his snail is in danger, and come to the rescue.
      Instead: He sleeps right through the fight, despite waking up one time before when Gary barged in on him.
      You'd Also Expect: When a fire starts in the library, for the smoke to trigger any smoke alarms in the house, setting them off, which could wake SpongeBob and send him coming.
      Instead: This somehow never happens, and even though he smells the smoke, he's too deep asleep to realize.
    • The next morning when SpongeBob sees the damage caused to the house, he thinks Gary is somehow responsible, assuming he did it out of jealousy, and is furious with him. He enters the exercise room and sees Gary in Puffy Fluffy's mouth.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to try to save Gary.
      Instead: He angrily tells Gary to put Puffy Fluffy down. As he continues to rant, he is then taken by Puffy Fluffy's fangs.
      Then: Gary saves SpongeBob by using a lasso and acting like a cowboy, and knocks SpongeBob out of Puffy Fluffy's mouth. Puffy Fluffy then breaks out of the pineapple house and flees to parts unknown.
      You'd Then Expect: That, since he nearly died, SpongeBob would finally realize what Fluffy really was and apologize to Gary for treating him so terribly.
      Instead: He tries to get Puffy Fluffy back, but after that fails, he scolds Gary again, despite the fact he saved his life. He was shown all of the proof that Puffy Fluffy did everything and still thought that everything was Gary's fault, despite the fact there's absolutely no way a snail could do all that damage. Worse is that he seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that his life was in grave danger even as Puffy Fluffy had him ensnared in his mouth about to swallow him whole. Despite this, SpongeBob and Gary make up in the next scene with little trouble, and SpongeBob decides to take Gary to work everyday so he won't neglect him.
      You'd Also Expect: SpongeBob to understand Gary's fear throughout the whole visit, given that he speaks snail language as revealed in "Grooming Gary".
      Instead: He shows no knowledge of such, and only listens to Puffy Fluffy, thus abandoning Gary's attention all together.
      Extra Idiot Points: Considering that SpongeBob felt bad that he was neglecting Gary at work in the beginning of the episode, he could have easily thought of that idea before getting Puffy Fluffy, and in turn avoided the entire episode. The peddler even comments aside, "Why bother? They never listen."
  • In "Kracked Krabs", Mr. Krabs enters a video of him being cheap to win the "Cheapest Crab Alive" award. In the video, Mr. Krabs puts a sign for free Krabby Patties attracting a crowd of customers and then charges $1 per footstep.
    You'd Expect: The crowd to do the smart thing and, upon seeing the sign, would get all their Krabby Patties to go and take very large strides to make sure they can pay as little as possible, or go to a different restaurant.
    Instead: Upon seeing the sign, the customers start bouncing around and taking tons of footsteps in panic. Later, they lose around 50 Krabby Patties, throwing them off balance and making them take more footsteps, which ends up costing them more than what the Krabby Patties regularly cost. It's incidents like this that make you wonder if anyone in Bikini Bottom except Squidward, Sandy, and Mr. Krabs knows the value of a dollar. At least it was kind of Funny.
  • In "One Coarse Meal", SpongeBob has witnessed Plankton wishing to get run over due to being scared to death by Krabs in a whale's disguise, when he told it to Krabs, he laughs at Plankton's misery. SpongeBob then returns to Plankton who gets told a secret by SpongeBob.
    You'd Expect: For SpongeBob to either mouth off to Krabs about what he had done to Plankton just like previous seasons or attempt to help Plankton get out of his suicide mode in any way, even if he has to tell his boss Krabs his true fear of losing money.
    Instead: SpongeBob tells Plankton Krab's false fear of mimes that didn't even budge Krabs one bit and just as Plankton gets his deserved revenge SpongeBob drives him back home with the (holographic) whales nearby essentially returning Plankton to his suicidal state again. And Krabs congratulates him for it.
    Thus: Thanks to SpongeBob's obliviousness of Krab's Moral Event Horizon (aside from chewing him out for what he did to Plankton and becoming The Mole to get back at him for it), Krabs becomes a Karma Houdini, which both combines to become one of the worst episodes of the entire show.
  • "Gramma's Secret Recipe" is about Plankton masquerading as his grandmother in order to steal the Krabby Patty recipe. At the beginning of the episode, Plankton has an Imagine Spot where he, in disguise, goes into the Krusty Krab and is able to get the recipe from Krabs pretty much just by asking.
    You'd Expect: Plankton to simply perform the plan he just came up with in his head.
    Instead: He goes to SpongeBob's house and claims to be SpongeBob's grandmother to learn the formula's location from him (of course, SpongeBob falls for it, but that's not the point). Plankton, as SpongeBob's "Great Grammy-Maw," is dragged around by SpongeBob to do boring activities, and when he actually does get to the formula, he (Plankton) ends up getting busted by his real grandmother.
  • "The Cent of Money" has Gary somehow become a living pet magnet and attract loose change; Mr. Krabs sees this as a chance to become more rich, but SpongeBob doesn't think so because this skill also causes Gary tiredness and discomfort and would never do it to him. Mr. Krabs then secretly plots to use Gary to find more loose change while sending SpongeBob to do various impossible tasks to keep him from finding out.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to get a little suspicious when Mr. Krabs keeps giving him all those tasks.
    Instead: Mr. Krabs does something to cover it up which causes SpongeBob to fall right for them; it's not until he hears what happened from a muscly sailor does SpongeBob realize Mr. Krabs is hurting Gary and goes to call him out.
  • In "That Sinking Feeling", Squidward is tired of SpongeBob and Patrick always running back and forth across his lawn, so he puts chalk lines around his house so they cannot do so. Unfortunately, they cannot run across to see each other, nor can they use the road.
    You'd Expect: For SpongeBob and Patrick to run behind Squidward's house and meet up, since Squidward never put the lines behind his home.
    Instead: They dig a tunnel between their houses underground, kicking off the plot of the episode.
    Later: When SpongeBob and Patrick are running away from a furious Squidward for sinking his house underground, they eventually come across a giant rock in their path and cannot break it.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to dig over, under, or around the rock and escape.
    Instead: They keep trying to go through it and stay right where they are, resulting in Squidward catching them.
  • In "Buried in Time", Patrick brings in his favorite rock that he wants to donate to the time capsule.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to just let Patrick put his rock in the capsule, since it's not really a big deal.
    Instead: He gets into a fight with Patrick to stop him.
    As a result: They lose grip on the rock which then lands on the end of the loose plank they're standing on, causing them to fly into the capsule and close on them.

However: Mr. Krabs opens up the capsule to add in one last item: a copy of the secret formula.
You'd Expect: For SpongeBob, Patrick and Squidward to quickly jump out of the capsule when it opens the last time.
Instead: They just stay there, shielding themselves from the light as if blinded after being in the dark for a while.
You'd also expect: Mr. Krabs to notice them when the capsule opened.
Instead: He doesn't even take one slight notice of them.
As a result: The capsule is buried with the three still inside it.

  • In "Shellback Shenanigans", Plankton disguises himself as Gary, SpongeBob's pet snail, to get the Krabby Patty formula. However, SpongeBob is shocked about "Gary" "turning green and talking", believing his pet is terminally ill, and Plankton experiences a visit to the hospital instead.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to realize that so-called Gary that's "turning green and talking" is really Plankton.
    Instead: He actually believes that Plankton is Gary. Not only that, the doctors thought he was Gary, too! To make it worse, they think that "Gary" is sick and SpongeBob has a tantrum when he learns that "Gary" is about to "die".
  • Plankton's plan in "Frozen Face-Off". He builds a robotic duplicate of himself to distract everyone else at a sled race while he is back at the Krusty Krab. But Karen is left out of it.
    You'd Expect: Plankton to have built a duplicate for Karen or a robotic worm. With Karen around, Plankton could have stolen the formula much quicker than in the episode.
    Instead: He has Karen freeze her circuits in the sled race so he could get the formula himself. Ultimately, Karen joins SpongeBob and friends to thwart his plan.
  • In "Oral Report", SpongeBob is to present a report for boating school, but he gets stage fright and is too nervous. Sandy deduces that SpongeBob has "Oral Reportitis", which is a condition when Bikini Bottomites develop a fear of public speaking. To get around this fear, Sandy offers him special goggles which allow the wearer to see everyone in their underwear to amuse them enough into presenting without fear.
    You'd Expect: When SpongeBob started to freak out, to immediately grab the goggles and put them on without hesitation.
    Instead: He goes about a minute or two of freaking out, before asking Patrick for the goggles. He decides to clean them first, but he accidentally breaks one of the lenses, causing the goggles to short out and result in the underwear having scary faces on them insisting he get on with it. This causes him to freak out again and flee the scene.
    Alternatively You'd Expect: SpongeBob to tell Mrs. Puff he's afraid of public speaking so she can excuse him.
    Instead: He doesn't.
  • In "House Sittin' for Sandy", SpongeBob accidentally knocks a science beaker off a table and it rolls off.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to run and pick it up.
    Instead: He stays there and watches it roll.
    Extra Idiot Points: Had this been real life, SpongeBob could've easily picked up the beaker because it'd stop rolling midway through due to friction, or at the very least roll in a tight circle due to its shape.
    Then: It rolls into the shed where Sandy keeps her robots and taps one of the robots, causing him to fall onto another one, activating it. The robots then fight each other, blast out of the shed, and then wreak havoc in Sandy's treedome.
    You'd Then Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to take evasive action like try and find the switch that can turn off all the robots, or just fight them.
    Instead: They still just stand there, and do NOTHING to stop the robots.
    After All Of This: Sandy comes over and uses a ray gun that looks like she's going to shoot them at first, but actually shoots everything damaged, returning them to as they were before. She then reveals all of this was an experiment so she could test the gun. They all say "YAY!", then SpongeBob drops the beaker AGAIN!
    So Now You'd Expect: For all of them to run and pick it up again.
    Instead: What happened before happens again.
    By now, You'd at least Hope: That they'd fight the robots, turn off their switches or for Sandy to blast them with the ray gun.
    Instead: They WATCH the robots destroy the treedome AGAIN. Luckily for Sandy, she plans to fix everything with the ray gun... but then one of the robots takes it and destroys it. SpongeBob and Patrick then nervously exit the treedome to prevent themselves from getting into more trouble with Sandy.
  • In "The Krabby Patty that Ate Bikini Bottom", Mr. Krabs learns that Sandy has invented a serum that makes food grow to giant size. He manages to get SpongeBob over with a Krabby Patty, and Sandy tests her serum by putting one drop on the patty. Nothing happens. Sandy then announces that she needs to use the ladies' room.
    You'd Expect: Sandy to give the serum to SpongeBob, since he's better friends with her and he knows not to go against what she says.
    Instead: She gives the serum to Mr. Krabs, who clearly wants to use the serum for his own gain, and runs off. Krabs promptly dumps the whole bottle of serum on the Krabby Patty, despite SpongeBob's protests. The two then leave.
    It Gets Worse: Later, not only has the patty grown to gigantic size, it's become sentient and starts consuming everything in the Krusty Krab. The customers, Squidward, and SpongeBob begin to flee the restaurant.
    You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to join the crowd and get away from the monstrous patty.
    Instead: He blocks Squidward and SpongeBob in, claiming the giant patty is "a dream come true," and that they should "stay and work." He then runs straight into the Monster Patty, because "Cashie" is getting eaten, with Krabs following suit.
  • "Free Samples":
    • SpongeBob is shocked that the customers are rioting against the Krusty Krab and call him out for making those patties that caused them to get sick and nearly die.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to question the customers about what patties they were talking about, as SpongeBob can be quite a ditz and forget if he made something properly.
      Instead: He just assumes the patties he made expired when they were eaten, and buys right into their rioting.
      Then: SpongeBob sees Mr. Krabs wallowing in pity because everyone in Bikini Bottom now hates the Krusty Krab and won't come anymore, and he can't find out why.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs to ask the customers why they turned against them, explain they didn't do anything on the spot, and who was the one truly responsible for it.
      Instead: They don't do anything about it and tried to give out free Krabby Patty samples to win them back, but nothing works until SpongeBob sells the real patties under a new name with different taste, which does win them back.
    • Earlier, it's Plankton who's responsible for this conflict, for disguising his rotten chum samples as regular krabby patties to trick the customers into hating the Krusty Krab. When the customers are about to eat them, one of them gets suspicious and recognizes him as the same guy who gave them the chum samples; Plankton quickly lies and says that was his twin brother "Flankton" to avoid blowing his cover.
      You'd Expect: The customers to not trust Plankton this time, as they've seen what he looks like and how he sounds, and there's in fact only one of him.
      Instead: They immediately fall for his lie and proceed, kicking off the conflict for the rest of the episode.
  • In "Face Freeze!", SpongeBob and Patrick are told that if they keep on making "funny" faces, then their faces will freeze and stay like that. They try so hard to not make faces, but it's obvious that they are going to snap.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to make only three or two faces and keep them on for, say, a microsecond.
    Instead: They make several funny faces and keep one on to debunk the "freezing" claim. Their faces freeze.
    So: They go to Sandy's to fix their faces.
    You'd Expect: That Sandy would use some serum experiment or other thing to fix their faces.
    Instead: She "fixes" their faces by moving them around with her hands, which only makes them look even worse. Mr. Krabs discovers SpongeBob made faces, and he promptly gets face freeze. Then Patrick comes over, and Squidward's face freezes as well.
  • "Demolition Doofus":
    • One of SpongeBob's driving accidents causes Mrs. Puff to deflate having burst her inflation sac, and may never inflate again.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to apologize to Mrs. Puff.
      Instead: He comically insults her, to the point of calling her "Mrs. Pop", which angers her to the point of murderous rage.
      You'd Then Expect: When he tries to cheer her up later on only for her to flip out, for him to realize this was all his fault and apologize for making her what she is now.
      Instead: He goes, "Sheesh, I don't know what she is so upset about!"
      Earlier: SpongeBob takes his test once more, and the boat is parallel in between two others.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to turn the wheel and slowly maneuver the boat out of the parking and into the road.
      Instead: He keeps driving straight forward and back, crashing and inflating Mrs. Puff more and more, leading to above.
    • Mrs. Puff overhears the phrase "risking our lives for our amusem*nt," inspiring her to enter SpongeBob into a demolition derby so he can be maimed after all he did to her. He does not know all about this, but goes anyway.
      You'd Expect: Mrs. Puff to think twice with her decision, as there might be something about SpongeBob she's forgotten.
      Instead: She just fully lets him in without a thought.
      The Result: Because of his bad driving, and since he's an invertebrate, two things about SpongeBob that Mrs. Puff completely forgot, he has become a completely impossible target, thus he does not get killed, maimed, or injured otherwise, and ends up winning. Mrs. Puff then enters the derby to strike him out herself, but he keeps avoiding her, and they eventually crash into the school. Mrs. Puff then regains her puff, and the whole school comes crashing down on them.
      You'd THEN expect: Mrs. Puff to be arrested for trying to kill SpongeBob.
      Instead: She isn't.
  • In "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!", Plankton decides that in order to get the Krabby Patty, he needs to sell fruitcakes with the element "Jerktonium" in them. He goes to sell it and finds SpongeBob, who eats all of the fruitcake without turning into a jerk because his deep love of Christmas renders him immune and unaffected. When Plankton walks off, SpongeBob sells the food to nearby Christmas carolers, who turn into jerks upon eating them.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to realize that the fruitcake has Jerktonium and to try to get rid of it, or at least check up and see if the citizens are feeling well after eating the fruitcake.
    Instead: Since he's immune to Jerktonium and apparently doesn't even recognize it in the first place, he goes around selling the fruitcake—and promptly turns everyone into jerks.
    Compounding It: There's Plankton's plot with the Jerktonium. The first song in the special claims that Santa 'has his Jolly Little Eyes' on everyone in Bikini Bottom.
    You'd Expect: That Santa, being the personification of all that is good, would realize that the citizens of Bikini Bottom have artificially been turned into jerks, give Plankton another lump of coal for the year and find a way to reverse the element. Like song.
    Instead: He never suspects Plankton was behind the plot the whole time.
    To Make Matters Worse: When Plankton builds a Robotic SpongeBob due to the real one's immunity to the element, it starts to wreck havoc. Keep in mind it is colored gray, and essentially looks nothing like him.
    You'd Expect: See above, but replace 'artificially been turned into jerks' with 'The robot framed him.'
    Instead: Again, Plankton isn't suspected and SpongeBob gets the blame. It takes until Santa actually sees the fake sponge and a tag reading "property of Chum Bucket" does he finally get caught.
  • In "Chum Fricassee", Squidward quits his job at the Krusty Krab and decides to work at the Chum Bucket. After using his grandmother's fricassee recipe to make chum edible, the resulting dish is a hit, and soon people are flocking to the Chum Bucket, while ignoring the Krusty Krab. Later on, however, Squidward begins letting the fame go to his head and orders Plankton to serve the next batch of chum ASAP, despite having earlier told him that the chum needs to cook for exactly 24 hours.
    You'd Expect: Squidward to wait until the chum is ready, given that there was only one more hour left, or least have made other batches ahead of time.
    OR: That he would hire more chefs to cook more chum, given that Plankton was the only notable cook.
    Instead: He forces Plankton to serve the undercooked chum anyway. Sure enough, Squidward's grandmother shows up and chews him out for misusing her recipe, causing the angry customers to riot and burn down the Chum Bucket.
  • "Squid Baby"
    • Squidward gets infected with "Head-Go-Boom-Boom-Itis", causing him to act like a baby which proves to be a challenge to SpongeBob; when he has to come into work, he tells about Squidward's condition to Mr. Krabs and is in no shape to do his job properly with the mind of an infant.
      You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to realize Squidward's condition and at least give him the day off to recover.
      Instead: He ignores SpongeBob and doesn't care if Squidward is not himself and forces him to work, to the point it nearly brings SpongeBob to tears.
    • At one point during the shift, Squidward poops into his diaper and needs it changed.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob to take Squidward somewhere private to change his diaper.
      Instead: He somehow decides to change his diaper right in front of the customers, which they find disturbing. Fortunately, Mr. Krabs points out this flaw and insists SpongeBob take Squidward to the kitchen where he has privacy.
  • In "Little Yellow Book", where Squidward catches SpongeBob writing in his diary and when Squidward has it in his hands, wondering what it is, SpongeBob defensively takes it away from him.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to keep it with him or hide it when Squidward's not around.
    Instead: He leaves it out in the open and Squidward reads it after luring him away.
    Thus: SpongeBob is humiliated.
    However: As it turns out, Squidward only read SpongeBob's work diary, which was published and became a best seller, and not his secret, personal one.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to keep that diary hidden as well.
    Instead: He leaves it sticking out of his back pocket, and without warning, Squidward grabs it and reads it, and SpongeBob is humiliated again!
  • At the end of "Eek, an Urchin!", SpongeBob has gathered all the urchins in a trash can and is going to several places in order to release them, but no matter how far away he is, Mr. Krabs still thinks that the places he's in are still too close to the Krusty Krab.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to release the urchins somewhere far away, no matter how close it may seem to Mr. Krabs.
    Instead: He releases them right in front of the Krusty Krab, right back where he started!
    • Mr. Krabs isn't blameless either; when he tells SpongeBob to release the urchins as far as possible...
    • You'd Expect: Mr. Krabs to just let SpongeBob release them as far as possible. Anywhere counts as long as they stay away from the Krusty Krab.
      Instead: Not even a forest far away or a snowy mountain is enough to convince Mr. Krabs that this is far enough.
      As A Result: SpongeBob ends up in a circle right back at the Krusty Krab, and the above moment happens.
  • "Kenny the Cat":
    • The titular cat wants to be special and make others happy by pretending that he can hold his breath for incredibly-long periods of time, in actuality secretly using a hidden oxygen tank when he starts running out of air. When at the Krusty Krab, Kenny needs air again and goes into the bathroom.
      You'd Expect: Kenny to lock himself into one of the bathroom stalls, where no one can see him use the oxygen tank.
      Instead: He uses the oxygen tank in plain view, resulting in SpongeBob seeing him once he enters and realizing that he's a fraud.
    • Later, Sandy begins to pressure Kenny to try to expose him as a fraud. Eventually, her statements start to get to him and he runs short on breath.
      You'd Expect: Kenny to run back into the bathroom or some other private place to use his oxygen tank again. Alternatively, he pretends to get sick so that Sandy will lay him off for a little while and get help.
      Instead: He cracks down under Sandy's questions, shouts "I can't take it! I need oxygen!" and uses his oxygen tank in front of everyone in the Krusty Krab, exposing himself.
  • "SpongeBob You're Fired": Mr. Krabs finds that he can save a measily nickel by laying off one of his employees.
    You'd Expect: For him to fire Squidward. He vocally hates his job, sleeps during his shift, is rude to customers, and he literally asks to be fired. And in situations where he's not present, the restaurant runs fine without him. Both sides in this situation would benefit with Squidward getting fired. If the company really needed someone to run the cash register, he could just have SpongeBob do it as well, or better yet, just have it automated by buying a machine that can do that without asking for any money in return
    Instead: Mr. Krabs fires SpongeBob. You know, the guy cooking the food, possibly the best burger chef in town, the guy in which without him, the place literally falls apart. For a nickel. Why doesn't he fire Squidward? Because he has seniority. Really, Mr. Krabs?
    The Result: Mr. Krabs decides to cook the food himself, but as it turns out he is a no better cook than Squidward. By the end of the episode, they are begging SpongeBob, who had to be pried out of the hands of the Krusty Krab's competitors, to come back.
    Speaking of the competitors: After being fired, SpongeBob finally decides to look for a new job after Sandy gives him a pep-talk. When he visits four diners that are looking for a cook, his habits at making Krabby Patties end up creating potentially unique variations of hot-dog, pizza, taco and noodle, respecively.
    You'd Expect: For the diner owners to at least serve SpongeBob's version of food to customers.
    Instead: Three out of four managers kick SpongeBob out at the mere sight of the new versions of their trademark food, and the one who does give him a chance still ends up firing the poor guy once the "tacoburger" ends up splattering two customers.
    Then: It turns out that SpongeBob's Krabby Patty versions of food are liked by the customers of every diner that kicked him out.
    You'd Then Expect: For the diner managers to send their apologies to SpongeBob and ask him to come back.
    Instead: All four diner owners try to kidnap SpongeBob (at once, mind you) and force him (against his own will) to cook for them. SpongeBob understandably does not want to work for them, and ultimately the Krabby Patty mascot ends up defeating the other managers and save SpongeBob. Said Krabby Patty mascot turns out to be Squidward in disguise and takes the cook to Krusty Krab where Mr. Krabs hires him back and apologizes for firing him.

Seasons 9B-present

  • "Lost in Bikini Bottom": SpongeBob is intent on using shortcuts to get to the Krusty Krab faster, thanks to Patrick, despite Squidward saying there's no shortcut and it's always the same.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to listen to Squidward and take the traditional route.
    Instead: He keeps believing his own words and tries to find as many shortcuts as possible; this eventually causes him to get lost.
    The Result: In the end, he finally shows up eleven minutes late to work totally trashed, and he is sent home by Mr. Krabs to take a bath to his dismay.
  • "Squid Plus One": Squidward is looking for a friend to take to a gallery opening. After getting offended by Norton the mailman and repeatedly turning down SpongeBob (the only one intent on going with him), he finds Larry and gets on his good side. Larry promises to come with Squidward to the gallery, but only after taking a protein shake, something Squidward cannot really stand.
    You'd Expect: That Squidward would keep his mouth shut and swallow his pride. After all, he is very close to getting a "plus-one", so it would be a waste to squander the chance so stupidly.
    Instead: He expresses his disgust out loud, offending not just Larry but all bodybuilders in general.
    The Result: Squidward ruins any chance of getting along with Larry for the gallery and ends up pummeled slammed into the ground when the lobster reaches his Rage Breaking Point.
  • "Company Picnic": Mr. Krabs hosts a picnic for the Krusty Krew, but due to Mr. Krab's cheapness, it doesn't go well at all. Plankton, however, is also having a (much better) picnic with his two "employees" Simmy and Tally. Squidward predictably abandons Mr. Krabs' picnic in favor of Plankton's. Mr. Krabs, on the otherhand...
    You'd Expect: For Mr. Krabs to realize that the picnic is somehow yet another trap to get the Krabby Patty formula and to stay away.
    Instead: After he realizes how terrible his own picnic is, he has no qualms joining Plankton's.
    Then: When Squidward expresses interest in employment at the Chum Bucket, Plankton gives both him and Mr. Krabs a contract to sign.
    You'd Expect: For Mr. Krabs to immediately realize that it's a trick to get the Krabby Patty formula out of him and refuse to sign.
    Instead: In a disturbingly Out of Character moment for Mr. Krabs, he's eager to sign his life away to the Chum Bucket without even reading the contract first. Had Mr. Krabs signed it, it would've given Plankton ownership of the Krabby Patty formula.
    Luckily: SpongeBob, of all people, immediately realizes that it's a trap and stops Mr. Krabs and Squidward from signing the contract, inadvertently exposing Plankton's picnic as a holographic illusion in the process.
  • "Unreal Estate": After SpongeBob starts sneezing and begins to think he's allergic to his pineapple, this gives Squidward an idea to trick SpongeBob and sprinkles pepper in the cracks of the house, causing the sponge to sneeze nonstop and nearly get sick. However, Gary was able to witness him adding the pepper the night before and attacks him. Squidward then suggests SpongeBob move away into another house to be rid of the allergy.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to realize the pepper visible where Squidward added it, and especially when he blows some in his face and when Squidward spills some on his head.
    Instead: He takes no notice.
    You'd Then Expect: Gary to tell SpongeBob that Squidward was behind it all, because he witnessed it.
    Instead: This never happens, and when SpongeBob wakes up to see the two fighting, he assumes it to be playtime.
    Alternatively You'd Expect: Before deciding to move out, for SpongeBob to call some authority (like a health inspector) to come over and inspect the pineapple for anything suspicious, specifically something in it that's making him sneeze.
    Instead: He never does so.
    The Result: This causes SpongeBob to be unable to live in his house for the rest of the episode.
  • "Sportz?":
    • SpongeBob and Patrick accidentally receive a package of sporting goods meant for Sandy.
      You'd Expect: Sponge and Pat to look at the side of the package and read the label to see if it was for them or someone else.
      Instead: They open the package without reading the label and discover the equipment, but unfortunately don't know what they are and how the sports work.
    • After accidentally destroying Squidward's flower bed with their reckless bad sporting skills, Squidward shows them what they are and SpongeBob asks Squidward to teach he and Patrick how to play the sports correctly. Squidward then decides to use their idiocy to get back at them by creating several fake sports in which they use the wrong equipment.
      You'd Expect: During the fake sports, for SpongeBob and Patrick to ask Squidward if this is really how they're supposed to play correctly, as running in ice skates on dry ground and using tennis rackets to bash each other don't seem like the right way to play at all.
      Or: Sponge and Pat to look up the sports online or in a dictionary to see how they're properly played.
      Instead: They are foolish enough to listen to every bad rule given, and are thus brutally injured. Squidward then gets a taste of his own medicine once Sandy finds out the truth and challenges him to a sport where he gets immediately outmatched.
  • "Stuck on the Roof": SpongeBob sees the chimney is blocked, so he goes up to the roof of the Krusty Krab to clean it out. Unfortunately, he somehow develops a never-before-seen fear of heights, and is too scared to come back down, so he confines his life to working on the roof.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to go back into the Krusty Krab through the same chimney he got out of.
    Instead: He doesn't.
    You'd Then Expect: Since SpongeBob shown he can extend his arms and legs to any length he wants several minutes prior, for him to stretch either limb to the ground and have Mr. Krabs, Squidward, or one of the customers pull him by those and yank him right off the roof.
    Instead: This never happens.
    Alternatively You'd Expect: For Mr. Krabs to use the pulley he used to bring the grill up to SpongeBob to help him get back down.
    Instead: He doesn't.
  • "Krabby Patty Creature Feature":
    • Sandy invents a new Krabby Patty called the Secret Patty because some hippie customers at the Krusty Krabs want something new.
      You'd Expect: Sandy to test the Secret Patty for any side-effects. After all, there have been episodes where Sandy's inventions have doomed the day.
      Instead: She just skips to selling the Secret Patties without further testing. Guess what happens next.
    • In the climax, an infected Patrick eats some chum spilled out by SpongeBob, which spits out the Secret Patty reverts him back to normal; SpongeBob realizes chum is the cure.
      You'd Expect: Patrick to realize what happened when he ate the patty and leave it alone.
      Or: For him to realize that he's in danger and get as far away from the zombies as possible.
      Instead: He says, "Oh, a patty!" and re-eats the patty, turning right back into a zombie. SpongeBob promptly chews him out.
      Alternatively You'd Expect: That since SpongeBob knows Patrick can be dim-witted, for him to either quickly take the Secret Patty away or yell at him to get to high ground to avoid any further consequences.
      Instead: He just leaves the Secret Patty where it is; cue the moment above.
  • "Chatterbox Gary": SpongeBob orders a Translator Collar to translate Gary's meowing to sentences; when Gary insults Squidward's artwork which offends him, he begins taking advantage of Gary's hospitality to SpongeBob by swapping the collar with a knockoff that has a walkie talkie on it while the sponge is sleeping.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to take notice of the walkie talkie on the knockoff, realizing the real collar is gone.
    Instead: He acts like he can't tell real from fake, possibly due to being half-asleep.
    You'd Also Expect: SpongeBob to get a little suspicious when he hears the orders from the knockoff collar, as the real collar works when Gary is meowing, and since he isn't meowing when the knockoff is working, then something is definitely fishy around here.
    Instead: He buys right into the orders of the fake collar, and it continues until SpongeBob is homeless and he begins to cry. Gary realizes what's going on and teaches Squidward a lesson, but SpongeBob never finds out the truth. It's also unknown what happened to the real collar, and it is never seen nor brought up again.
  • These examples are from "Doodle Dimension".
    • Sandy needs to get a tool to work on her new teleporter.
      You'd Expect: For Sandy to not trust SpongeBob and Patrick with complicated machinery, especially after what they did a few seconds ago, and the fact that they've messed up some of her previous inventions as well.
      Instead: She just tells SpongeBob and Patrick to not touch anything and they inevitably begin touching every button, lever, and switch.
      As a result: The two idiots end up opening a portal to the Doodle dimension which they enter.
    • Later on, in the titular White Void Room, SpongeBob and Patrick begin dwelling on how they miss Bikini Bottom, and Patrick mentions that he misses SpongeBob.
      You'd Expect: For Patrick to realize that SpongeBob is right in front of him.
      Instead: Patrick draws another SpongeBob and doesn't realize until it's too late. Bear in mind that in the Doodle Dimension, anything they draw comes to life (Much like the Magic Pencil in Frankendoodle).
      As A Result: SpongeBob and Patrick go from being trapped in a White Void Room to being trapped with a vengeful Doodlebob. Nice work, Patrick.
  • "One Trick Sponge": SpongeBob has a new circus trick to perform, but cannot find who to demonstrate it for, and it seems everyone else is too busy.
    You'd Expect: SpongeBob to show his trick to Gary.
    Instead: He never bothers to ask Gary throughout, and tries in vain to find someone else.
  • "Jolly Lodgers":
    • Squidward goes to a hotel to relax while his home is being de-contaminated of a sea urchin infestation caused by SpongeBob and Patrick; he chooses Hotel Halibut.
      You'd Expect: Upon first entering the hotel, for Squidward to look at a programmer of hotel activities to see if there are any events held here that SpongeBob and Patrick would find interesting.
      Instead: He doesn't.
      You'd Also Expect: Prior to entering, for Squidward to look at the hotel exterior and check for any advertisem*nts of events that SpongeBob and Patrick would obsessively love.
      Instead: He strangely doesn't notice.
      Then: It turns out SpongeBob and Patrick are staying at Hotel Halibut as well, for it is hosting a jellyfishing convention — as told by the banner hanging outside the hotel — and Squidward's room is in-between theirs. When they ask Squidward to come to the convention with them, he makes it clear he's not interested and would rather have peace and quiet.
      You'd Expect: SpongeBob and Patrick to leave Squidward alone and let him enjoy his private time, and cater to the jellyfishing convention themselves.
      Instead: They constantly keep following him around the hotel and disobeying his pleas, to the point of cornering him in the halls until there's nowhere to run and he's reduced to a total Freak Out, and actively forcing him to enter the door where the jellyfishing convention is held, just as they planned.
      You'd Also Expect: Squidward to board the doors, windows, vents, etc. around SpongeBob's and Patrick's rooms so they won't come out.
      Instead: He doesn't.
      You'd Then Expect: Squidward to hire guards to keep SpongeBob and Patrick away from him.
      Instead: Again, he doesn't.
      You'd THEN Expect: Since this hotel carries way too much of a pest for Squidward aside from living between SpongeBob and Patrick, for him to quickly check out of the hotel and find another one far away, one that isn't hosting anything SpongeBob and Patrick like.
      Instead: Once again, he doesn't.
    • Earlier, upon checking in themselves, SpongeBob and Patrick check into the hotel and are given the rooms right between Squidward's.
      You'd Expect: For the two to be on their best behavior.
      Instead: They do various annoying things like screaming and running back and forth through Squidward's room playing "Hotel Slam-And-Run", impersonating room service and prank-calling his hotel room, and sneaking into his room unattended.
      You'd Then Expect: The two to be arrested or kicked out of the hotel for their impersonation and destructive attitude.
      Instead: They aren't.
  • "SpongeBob's Bad Habit": SpongeBob has somehow developed a habit of Rapid-Fire Nail Biting and can't find out why. He ultimately goes to Hans, who happens to be a hypnotherapist, who hypnotizes him and reveals he subconsciously got the habit from Squidward. He then proceeds to undo the habit.
    You'd Expect: Hans to phrase his order fluently so SpongeBob's habit will go away for good, specifically "You will never bite nails again."
    Instead: His order goes, "Your desire to bite your nails will—Poof! Disappear."
    The Result: As a case of Exact Words, SpongeBob's habit is not gone completely, as instead of biting his own nails, he now bites other peoples' nails instead, as shown when he bites Hans' nails once he sees him in the full light.
  • "The Hankering": Mr. Krabs is revealed to have a secret love for chum. When the place he goes to for his usual fix closes and SpongeBob is unable to make him some, he decides he has no choice to but to go to Plankton, who offers him a lifetime supply of chum in exchange for the Krabby Patty formula.
    You'd Expect: That after Krabs upholds his end of deal, for Plankton to honor his end. After all, this would finally allow him to have a regular customer at the Chum Bucket, and it's implied that wanting customers is the sole reason he wants the formula in the first place.
    Instead: He grabs the Villain Ball and double-crosses Krabs, forcing the latter to eat through a large vat of chum to prevent Plankton from getting to the formula first. He ends up being eaten alive for it.
  • "Lockdown for Love": When Mr. Krabs drops the formula outside the locked-up Chum Bucket, Plankton takes it his chance to retrieve it; he makes a hole in the wall, but because it was pointing upright, it keeps smacking against it.
    You'd Expect: Plankton to rotate the bottle facing forward, allowing it to safely pass through the hole thus finally securing it for good.
    Instead: He keeps the bottle pointing upright and struggling, and keeps doing such long enough for Mr. Krabs to find out and take the formula back safe and sound.
    Then: Karen is about to reveal her downloaded copy of the formula to Patrick dressed as Ray-Ray, and Plankton rejoins.
    You'd Expect: For Plankton to be patient and wait silently as Karen explains.
    Instead: He gets excited and asks her anxiously, which angers her and ignites an argument between the two Ray-Rays.
    The result: Karen is forced to delete the formula and shackles Plankton to his chair on their next date so he doesn't leave her.
  • "Say Awww!": Plankton is annoyed at the customers gushing at how small and potentially adorable he looks when he tries to steal the formula, so he constructs an adorable-looking duck robot, Q.T.-π, which is programmed to hostilely eat anyone who adores it and says "Awww".
    You'd Expect: Plankton to have installed a voice exclusion filter into the robot that would exempt his voice from accidentally activating Q.T-π's predator form.
    Instead: This doesn't cross his mind until after he shows it to Karen.
    The Result: After Karen is unimpressed with Q.T.-π and tells him to take out the trash, Plankton inadvertently triggers the robot's monster form by yelling out an annoyed groan that sounded like him saying "Awww!", causing the robot to eat him. "Barnacles..."
    Then: Q.T.π breaks out of the Chum Bucket and starts roaming in search of an unsuspecting victim to make them say "Awww." It encounters SpongeBob, who given his track record of liking cute things, predictably says "Awww!" to it.
    You'd Expect: Q.T.-π to eat SpongeBob.
    Instead: It stays in its cute form and SpongeBob takes it into the Krusty Krab where it eats all the customers, allowing SpongeBob to get suspicious upon everyone disappearing before realizing the truth when he takes Q.T.-π to the vet much later.

Other media

  • In The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie:
    • While en route to Shell City, SpongeBob and Patrick have to pass the county line. Not even a few inches over, they encounter a thug who tells them, "Outta the car, fellas."
      You'd Expect: For SpongeBob and Patrick to ignore the thug and try to drive around him.
      Instead: They obey the thug and get out, leaving him to take the Patty Wagon.
    • Upon making it to the Thug Tug, Patrick tries to distract the thugs by asking to use the bathroom, while SpongeBob tries to grab the Patty Wagon's key.
      You'd Expect: The thug who stole SpongeBob and Patrick's car would be rather suspicious when the two of them happen to show up at the bar to take back their vehicle.
      Instead: He somehow doesn't even acknowledge them as the two unlucky schmucks he ran across earlier, and even points Patrick to the bathroom.
    • When Squidward realizes that Plankton is giving away Krabby Patties at the Chum Bucket.
      You'd Expect: For Squidward to keep quiet and not reveal to Plankton that he knows his plan. He could then go notify the authorities.
      Instead: Squidward storms into the Chum Bucket and explicitly tells Plankton about his plan and says that he will report him, thus allowing Plankton to activate the Chum Bucket helmets and have the mind-controlled citizens kidnap him. Lampshaded when Plankton called Squidward "Inspector Loose Lips."
    • Later, when SpongeBob and Patrick is arrive at the free icecream stand, SpongeBob is getting the ice cream while Patrick is to wait in the Patty Wagon. However, Patrick starts noticing there are skulls all over the place and realizes that they should get out as soon as possible.
      You'd Expect: Patrick to drive the Patty Wagon to get SpongeBob away to safety.
      Instead: Patrick at first tries screaming for SpongeBob rather than just driving to him, and once SpongeBob is already at the ice cream stand which is a trap, he pauses and replies, "Make mine a chocolate!".
    • Neptune was too busy worrying about his bald spot to realize Plankton had successfully taken over Bikini Bottom.
      You'd Expect: Neptune, upon returning to Bikini Bottom when the six-day time limit is up, would grow a little suspicious seeing the enslaved townsfolk or the statues dedicated to Plankton.
      Instead: He makes his way to the Krusty Krab as if it was just another regular day.
  • In SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, Plankton has built a machine that will mass-produce him a robot army to help him steal the Krabby Patty formula and possibly destroy or conquer Bikini Bottom in the process. However, he included an "Obey"/"Don't Obey" switch, and left it on "Don't Obey".
    You'd Expect: Plankton to notice this and set the switch on "Obey" before turning on the machine. Or, you know, not put that switch on the machine in the first place.
    Instead: He leaves the "Obey"/"Don't Obey" switch alone, turns on the machine and creates the robots. They immediately turn against him, kicking off the plot of the game. Later, he tries to rectify this upon getting back into the Chum Bucket, but by this time the machine made a robotic version of himself which is giving commands so it still doesn’t work.
SpongeBob SquarePants - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.