Significant severe storms possible in eastern Nebraska Friday afternoon (2024)

Jessica Blum,

A TORNADO WATCH is in place through 7:00pm, April 26, 2024. Please be weather aware today.

Live radar can be found HERE.
Severe weather alerts can be found HERE.

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Additional rounds of thunderstorms are expected through the weekend, and at times they will be severe. We’re closely watching especially Friday afternoon right now for significant severe weather: an important timeframe to stay alert and be prepared for tornadoes, large hail and damaging winds.


An Enhanced (Level 3 – orange) risk in place over eastern Nebraska includes Lincoln and Omaha for storms expected after about 2 p.m. Friday afternoon.

Any storms that manage to develop will be capable of producing strong tornadoes (EF2 or higher), large hail (up to 3″) and damaging wind (gusts up to 70 mph). Each threat for eastern Nebraska can be seen below.

  • Friday – Tornado Risk

  • Friday – Large Hail Risk

  • Friday – Damaging Wind Risk

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Stormcast has these storms starting up after about 2 p.m. Friday and lasting into the evening, racing north and east.

One of the bigger keys to the severe weather potential today will be clearing cloud cover to allow for more heating. Any storms that do manage organize will pose a damaging threat overall as they rapidly intensify. This severe threat will be one that friends and family need to know about.


More severe weather is expected in southeast Nebraska after about 3 p.m. Saturday afternoon onward. Right now, the severe threat increases the farther south and east you go in Nebraska, with Beatrice, Falls City and Pawnee City included in an Enhanced (Level 3 of 5) risk.

All severe weather threats will be possible – very large hail (up to 3″), damaging winds (up to 70 mph) and a few strong tornadoes particularly for those included in the orange above.

Stormcast below shows storms starting up around that 3 p.m. timeframe in southeast Nebraska. These will move northeast, increasing in coverage Saturday night into early Sunday.


The severe threat diminishes with another round of storms on Sunday. At this point, there is a Marginal (Level 1) risk for most of southeast Nebraska for hail up to 1″, gusts up to 60 mph and a low-end tornado threat for Sunday afternoon into the evening.

Then, we’re expecting much quieter day on Monday before some weaker storms possible Tuesday and Wednesday.

Meteorologist Jessica Blum
Twitter: JessicaBlumWx
Facebook: JessicaBlumWx
YouTube: JessicaBlumWx

Categories: Channel 8 Eyewitness News Weather, Forecast

Tags: damaging wind risk, enhanced risk, forecast, friday afternoon, large hail risk, lincoln forecast, nebraska weather, severe storms, severe weather, significant severe weather, storms, strong storms, tornado risk, weather

Significant severe storms possible in eastern Nebraska Friday afternoon (2024)


Where did the tornado hit in Nebraska? ›

The hardest hit areas all saw EF3 tornadoes, including Elkhorn, Blair, Lincoln, Council Bluffs and Minden. The tornado that hit Lincoln also impacted Waverly, rated as an EF3. It had peak winds of 158 mph and three injuries were reported. Video Player is loading.

How wide was the tornado in Nebraska? ›

It was about one mile wide, and it was on the ground for just over 31 miles.WATCH: Drone video shows damage, devastation in Elkhorn after Friday's tornadoAfter that, Pacific Junction had an EF1 tornado with peak winds of about 100 miles per hour, 800 yards wide and then about a 2.7-mile track.

How many tornadoes are in Omaha, Nebraska? ›

According to the NWS, there were nine tornadoes in the Omaha area, traveling a total track of 162.5 miles and they were on the ground for a total of 4 hours and 51 minutes.

What county in Nebraska has the most tornadoes? ›

Hall County has the highest density of tornado activity in Nebraska, with 121 tornadoes per 1,000 square miles (2,600 km2), about 4 times the state average.

How big was the tornado in Omaha yesterday? ›

One or possibly two tornadoes then spent around an hour creeping toward Omaha, leaving behind damage consistent with an EF3 twister, with winds of 135 to 165 mph, said Chris Franks, a meteorologist in the National Weather Service's Omaha office.

What is the 2 worst tornado in history? ›

On May 7 ,1840, the second deadliest tornado in the U.S. hit Natchez, Mississippi. It caused over 300 people to lose their lives.

What state had the worst tornado ever? ›

The deadliest tornado in US history, the Tri-State Tornado, struck Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana in March 1925. St. Louis, Missouri and neighboring East St.

When did the tornado hit Nebraska? ›

On April 26, a violent supercell produced dozens of tornadoes over eastern Nebraska in Elkhorn, Waverly, Blair and communities outside of Omaha. During the severe weather outbreak, the NWS office in Omaha issued a rare Tornado Emergency, warning of the life-threatening weather event.

Where is Tornado Alley in 2024? ›

While there is no official designation, the area known as Tornado Alley is generally designated as between Texas and South Dakota. AccuWeather identified the area as northern Texas northward through Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri and parts of Louisiana, Iowa, Nebraska and eastern Colorado.

When did Nebraska have its most severe tornado? ›

The Omaha Tornado March 23, 1913 - 101 Dead

This was the darkest day in Nebraska severe weather history. A family of at least seven tornadoes moved across Nebraska and Iowa. The Omaha tornado was the deadliest. It started in Sarpy County, ripping its way northeast through Ralston, where seven people died.

What tornado was 2 miles wide? ›

Tornado: Widest Tornado (maximum diameter)
Record Value4184 meters (2.6mi) in width
Date of Event31/5 (May)/2013
Length of Record1950-present
Geospatial LocationEl Reno, Oklahoma [35°31'N, 97°57'W, elevation: 414m (1358ft)]

Has Nebraska ever had an f5 tornado? ›

Overview: Click to see the NWS Hastings poster about this event. Tuesday, May 5, 1964, a historic, damaging and deadly tornado event affected several counties within central and eastern Nebraska.

Was there a tornado in Omaha Nebraska in 1975? ›

The 1975 Omaha tornado was a violent tornado that hit the Omaha metropolitan area in the U.S. state of Nebraska. It was the costliest and most powerful tornado out of 36 that touched down across the Midwest and South during the two-day outbreak.

Do tornadoes hit Omaha? ›

A tornado plowed through suburban Omaha, Nebraska, on Friday, damaging hundreds of homes and other structures as it tore for miles along farmland and into subdivisions. Some injuries were reported but there were no immediate reports that anyone was killed.

Did Omaha get hit by a tornado? ›

(AP) — A tornado plowed through suburban Omaha, Nebraska, on Friday afternoon, destroying homes and other structures as the twister tore for miles along farmland and into subdivisions.

Where was the Omaha tornado? ›

The damage from the April 26 strike on Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Nebraska, at 5 p.m. was captured later in images taken by Omaha Airport Authority staff, who briefly shut down the airport after multiple tornadoes struck the area, one making a direct hit on the airport, though sparing the commercial aviation side.

How big was the tornado that hit Elkhorn, Nebraska? ›

Nebraska was hit by nine of these tornadoes, including an EF-3 in Elkhorn, just west of Omaha. The tornado had wind speeds of 165 mph, was on the ground for over 30 miles, and left only a few walls remaining of several homes.

Was there a tornado in Nebraska? ›

1 week after severe storms, confirmed tornado moves through Nebraska Friday night. KEARNEY, Neb. (KHGI) — A week after storms tore through parts of Nebraska, at least one confirmed tornado touched down Friday night in South Central Nebraska.

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