Percy Jackson 6: Der Kelch der Götter (2024)

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von Rick Riordan

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Band 6 :

Action, Witz und verrückte Monster – neue Serie über Percy Jackson aufDisney+ im Stream!

Percy Jackson musste schon mehrmals die Welt retten, nun hat er die Nase voll! Er hofft auf einen normalen Start am College zusammen mit seiner Freundin Annabeth. Doch leider sind die Götter noch nicht ganz fertig mit ihm. Angeblich braucht er für seine Zulassung drei Empfehlungsschreiben vom Olymp … Natürlich lassen sich die Götter da erst mal ordentlich bitten. Für sein erstes Schreiben muss er zusammen mit Annabeth und Grover in ein neues Abenteuer ziehen und den gestohlenen Kelch des Ganymed, des Mundschenks der Götter, wiederbeschaffen. Und die Aufgabe hat es in sich!

Die Jugendbuch-Bestsellerserie mit nachtragenden Ungeheuern und schrulligen Göttern
Als Percy Jackson erfährt, dass er ein Halbgott ist und es die Kreaturen aus der griechischen Mythologie wirklich gibt, verändert das alles. Von nun an stehen ihm und seinen Freunden allerlei Monster, göttliche Streitigkeiten und epische Quests bevor.
Gespickt mit Heldentum, Chaos und Freundschaft ist die sechsteilige Fantasy-Reihe rund um den Halbgott Percy Jackson inzwischen millionenfach verkauft. Der Mix aus Spannung, Witz und Mythologie begeistert Jung und Alt aus mehr als 40 Ländern und ist die bekannteste Serie von Rick Riordan.

***Griechische Götter in der Gegenwart: chaotisch-wilde Fantasy für junge Leser*innen ab 12 Jahren und für alle Fans der griechischen Mythologie***





148 mm x 220 mm




ab 12 Jahren











Percy Jackson



Lieferbar ab: 19.04.2024

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Autor*in Rick Riordan
Übersetzer*in Gabriele Haefs
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Carlsen in der Schule

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Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson 6: Der Kelch der Götter (12)

© Marty Umans

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Gabriele Haefs

Percy Jackson 6: Der Kelch der Götter (13)

© Thorsten Berndt

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Percy Jackson 6: Der Kelch der Götter (18)
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Percy Jackson 6: Der Kelch der Götter (2024)


Is there a 7th Percy Jackson book? ›

Percy Jackson's next quest — to get into college — isn't getting any easier. After securing his first letter of recommendation in last fall's Chalice of the Gods, the demigod has a new mission in the seventh book in author Rick Riordan's series, titled Wrath of the Triple Goddess.

Is there a 6th book of Percy Jackson? ›

After a hiatus of over 10 years, American author Rick Riordan is back with the sixth book in his popular Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. The Chalice of the Gods, published by Puffin, is the brand new adventure of Jackson, who has saved the world multiple times - battling monsters, Titans, even giants.

Who did Percy fail to save? ›

The prophecy thus comes true in an unexpected way: Percy fails to save what matters most by allowing his mother to save herself. Upon returning to Camp Half Blood, Percy is betrayed by his friend Luke, son of Hermes, who turns out to be the human hero whom Kronos used for the theft.

Can I read Chalice of the Gods without reading trials of Apollo? ›

You can still read this one without having read “Heroes of Olympus” and “Trials of Apollo.” You do need to have read the original “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” books. Overall, I had a great time with this one. if you enjoyed “Percy Jackson and the Olympians,” I highly encourage you to give this one a go.

What is the 8th Percy Jackson book? ›

The Last Olympian

Percy Jackson learns that Kronos' forces are preparing to attack Olympus. Poseidon, Percy's father, decides that it is time for Percy to learn what exactly the Great Prophecy means.

Will there be a Percy Jackson 8? ›

The eighth and final episode of Percy Jackson and the Olympians premiered on January 31.

What is the 7th Percy Jackson book called? ›

Wrath of the Triple Goddess, which will be the seventh book in the Percy Jackson series. It will follow Percy as he continues his quests for college recommendation letters. Two things we do know about Wrath of the Triple Goddess thanks to fans at the initial launch event: it will feature Hecate and also Mrs. O'Leary.

Do Percy and Annabeth marry? ›

Yes, Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe. How was Annabeth Chase born? Annabeth Chase is the half-blood daughter of the goddess Athena and the mortal man Frederick Chase.

Is Percy one of the 7? ›

Unraveling the Prophecy

The seven half-bloods are, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Hazel Levesque, and Frank Zhang. The second line refers to either Leo for fire or Jason and Percy for storm as the one who was destined to defeat Gaea.

Did Annabeth betray Percy? ›

No, Annabeth did not betray Percy in "The House of Hades" by Rick Riordan. Throughout the book, Annabeth remains fiercely loyal to Percy and their mission to save the world from the evil giants and the goddess Gaea.

Why did Grover betray Percy? ›

While this may seem like a betrayal at first, it was actually Grover playing the part of protector to a tee. Knowing that monsters will find Percy at Yancy, Grover realizes he has to get him away from the school as quickly as possible.

Did Percy get his mom back? ›

After Percy returns Zeus's lightning bolt, Hades realizes that Percy is not the thief, and returns his mother to her home.

How many kills does Percy Jackson have? ›

Just 1 Nemean Lion = 1 kill (Actually this was mostly done by the Hunters but the spoil of war went to him, so let's just count this as Percy's kill.) In total, Percy had approximately 5,467 kills throughout the OG series.

Is there swearing in Trials of Apollo? ›

Gay and straight couples flirt. A teen comes out of the canoe river after a swim with his boyfriend, and is "Very charged." Swearing is at a minimum. Several brands are mentioned, humorously, not as advertisem*nt. Wine and drunkenness is mentioned.

Is Rick Riordan done with Percy Jackson? ›

The world last saw Percy in a starring role in 2014's "The Blood of Olympus." It felt like goodbye. But in October 2022, Riordan announced a new book starring the original trio — Percy, Annabeth and Grover — from "The Lightning Thief" published more than 18 years ago.

Is the Percy Jackson book series over? ›

Though Rick Riordan has claimed he is finished writing books in the “Percy Jackson” series, he released two new additions in 2023 — “The Chalice of the Gods” and “The Sun and the Star”. “The Chalice of the Gods” follows Percy as he navigates his senior year of high school.

How many Percy Jackson books are there 2024? ›

And maybe Riordan felt some of the character's stories still had more juice in them, so he went back to a couple of them and added a book or two. To date, there are 17 books that take place in the Percy Jackson universe, and another is due out in September 2024.

Do Percy and Annabeth get married? ›

Yes, Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe. How was Annabeth Chase born? Annabeth Chase is the half-blood daughter of the goddess Athena and the mortal man Frederick Chase. She was born July 12, 1993.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.