Exchange Server HealthSets – IT Blog (2024)

This is a monitoring feature included with Exchange that until recently, I did not know existed, as it wasn’t really mentioned in any of my dealings with Exchange Server up until recently. The HealthSets feature monitors every aspect of a running Exchange Server and is broken down into three monitoring components:

  • Probe: used to determine if Exchange components are active.
  • Monitor: when probes signal a different state then the one stored in the patters of the monitoring engine, monitoring engine will determine whether a component or feature is unhealthy.
  • Responder: will take action if a monitor will alert the responder about an unhealthy state. Responders will take different actions depending on the type of component or feature. Actions can start with just recycling the application pool and can go to as far as restarting the server or even worse putting the server offline so it won’t accept any connections.

From what I have experienced in the past year with these HealthSets, an alert will be thrown due to a change in a service, or a restart of a service, a failed monitoring probe result, or something of the like. The healthset will become “unhealthy” in state at that time. You can run the following on a server in order to get the healthset status of that server:


Get-HealthReport -Identity 'ServerName' | ? { $_.AlertValue -eq "UnHealthy"} | select HealthSet -Expand Entries | ?{$_.AlertValue -eq "Unhealthy"} | ft -a -wr

If you get alerts for multiple Exchange Servers, let’s say for instance, the transport array, you can run the following cmdlets to get the status of all the Transport Servers in the array:



$HTList = Get-TransportService | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name

foreach ($HT in $HTList) { $HT; Get-HealthReport -Server $HT.Name | ?{$_.AlertValue -eq "Unhealthy"} | select HealthSet -Expand Entries | ?{$_.AlertValue -eq "Unhealthy"} | ft -a -wr }

Now, a lot of times, the Unhealthy value in the HealthSet will have corrected itself as per the Responder, even though the AlertValue will remain Unhealthy. To clear the cache quickly and have the monitor probes run again for verification, perform the following restarts of services from this cmdlet in this order:


Restart-Service MSExchangeHM;Restart-Service MSExchangeDiagnostics;Restart-Service MSExchangeMailboxAssistants

That should clear the probe results and let them run again. Now, should they again return an error, we will need to dig deeper to figure out the issue.
What you will want to do first is get the monitor definition. In this example, the Mapi.Submit.Monitorwas the component that was unhealthy in the healthset. I had to run the following cmdlet to get the Monitor Definition:


(Get-WinEvent -LogName Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring/MonitorDefinition | % {[XML]$_.toXml()}).event.userData.eventXml | ?{$_.Name -like "Mapi.Submit.Monitor"}


auto-ns2 :
xmlns : myNs
Id : 404
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.ActiveMonitoringLocal.dll
TypeName : Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.ActiveMonitoring.OverallXFailuresMonitor
Name : Mapi.Submit.Monitor
WorkItemVersion : [null]
ServiceName : MailboxTransport
DeploymentId : 0
ExecutionLocation : [null]
CreatedTime : 2018-10-03T09:48:32.9036616Z
CreatedTime : 2018-10-03T09:48:32.9036616Z
Enabled : 1
TargetPartition : [null]
TargetGroup : [null]
TargetResource : MailboxTransport
TargetExtension : [null]
TargetVersion : [null]
RecurrenceIntervalSeconds : 0
TimeoutSeconds : 30
StartTime : 2018-10-03T09:48:32.9036616Z
UpdateTime : 2018-10-03T09:45:12.3073447Z
MaxRetryAttempts : 0
ExtensionAttributes : [null]
SampleMask : Mapi.Submit.Probe
MonitoringIntervalSeconds : 3600
MinimumErrorCount : 0
MonitoringThreshold : 8
SecondaryMonitoringThreshold : 0
MonitoringSamplesThreshold : 100
ServicePriority : 2
ServiceSeverity : 0
IsHaImpacting : 0
CreatedById : 57
InsufficientSamplesIntervalSeconds : 28800
StateAttribute1Mask : [null]
FailureCategoryMask : 0
ComponentName : ServiceComponents/MailboxTransport/High
StateTransitionsXml : <StateTransitions> <Transition ToState=”Unrecoverable” TimeoutInSeconds=”0″ /> </StateTransitions>
AllowCorrelationToMonitor : 0
ScenarioDescription : [null]
SourceScope : [null]
TargetScopes : [null]
HaScope : Server
Version : 65536

From the output, you look for the SampleMask. Getting the SampleMask will tell you the probe that is being used in the HealthSet query. From there, you can use that value to get the definition of the probe with the following cmdlets:

Get The Probe Definition



$Probes = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName "ServerName" -LogName Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring/ProbeDefinition | % {[xml]$_.toXml()}).event.userData.eventXml

$Probes | ? {$_.Name -eq "Mapi.Submit.Probe"} | fl


auto-ns2 :
xmlns : myNs
Id : 99
AssemblyPath : C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Local.Components.dll
TypeName : Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe
Name : Mapi.Submit.Probe
WorkItemVersion : [null]
ServiceName : MailboxTransport
DeploymentId : 0
ExecutionLocation : [null]
CreatedTime : 2019-01-05T03:22:02.4029588Z
Enabled : 1
TargetPartition : [null]
TargetGroup : [null]
TargetResource : [null]
TargetExtension : [null]
TargetVersion : [null]
RecurrenceIntervalSeconds : 300
TimeoutSeconds : 30
StartTime : 2019-01-05T03:23:36.4029588Z
UpdateTime : 2019-01-05T03:17:17.2695414Z
MaxRetryAttempts : 2
ExtensionAttributes :
CreatedById : 57
Account :
AccountDisplayName :
Endpoint :
SecondaryAccount :
SecondaryAccountDisplayName :
SecondaryEndpoint :
ExtensionEndpoints : [null]
Version : 65536
ExecutionType : 0

From there you can view and verify the associated error messages that the probe generated when it was run. According to the previous data output, the probe runs every 300 seconds. You will want to filter your logs based on criteria that you input into the cmdlet when searching the log for the events. Properties include:

  • ServiceName–Identifies the HealthSet used.
  • ResultName–Identifies the probe name. When there are multiple probes for a monitor the name will include the sample mask and the resource that you are verifying.
  • Error–Lists the error returned during the failure.
  • ResultType–Lists the value for the result type: 1 = timeout, 2 = poisoned, 3 = success, 4 = failed, 5 = quarantined, 6 = rejected.

So, based on that information, run the following cmdlet to get the last errors in the event log based on the ResultName (Mapi.Submit.Probe) and ResultType (failure). Since there could be a lot of returned data, I tell the cmdlet to select the first 2 results in the output:

Get the error messages from the probe results



$errRecords = (Get-WinEvent -ComputerName "ServerName" -LogName Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring/ProbeResult -FilterXPath "*[UserData[EventXML[ResultName='Mapi.Submit.Probe'][ResultType='4']]]" | % {[XML]$_.toXml()}).event.userData.eventXml

$errRecords | Select-Object -first 2 -Property *time,result*,error*,*context


ExecutionStartTime : 2018-10-12T04:42:26.4725482Z
ExecutionEndTime : 2018-10-12T04:42:26.5037975Z
ResultId : 350715748
ResultName : Mapi.Submit.Probe
ResultType : 4
Error : MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
ExecutionContext : MapiSubmitLAMProbe started. This performs – 1. Submits a new message to Store 2. Checks results from previous Send Mail operation. Sequence # = 636741569280603580. First Run? = False. Previous mail submission to store was successful. Results – # of previous results: 0. Could Not Find stages that ran. Previous SendMail failure – Mail submitted to Store during the previous run never reached SendAsCheck. This may indicate a latency from Store to Submission Service. Investigating. Found lower SA latency. Indicates an issue in Submission service. Investigate. In SendMail – NotificationID=00000063-0000-0000-0000-00006ab1f5bc Sending mail. SendMail finished. MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
FailureContext : MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.

Once we have the error, we can begin to investigate what the Responder did to automatically remediate the issue using the following cmdlet:

Get the Responder Definition for the Probe


(Get-WinEvent -ComputerName "ServerName" -LogName Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring/ResponderDefinition | % {[xml]$_.toXml()}).event.userData.eventXml | ? {$_.AlertMask -like "*Mapi.Submit.Probe*"} | fl Name,AlertMask,EscalationSubject,EscalationMessage,UpdateTime

Now, in this example, I did NOT get any output due to the fact that I am running the query on a server that did NOT have any localized events that had a recent day. The last time this event occurred based on my notes was September 18th, 2018. But based on the screenshot from my research, you should get some similar output to the output in the below picture:

Exchange Server HealthSets – IT Blog (2)

The responder we were looking for is Mapi.Submit.EscalateResponder as suggested by the screenshot above. This type of responder (Escalate) doesn’t make Managed Availability undertake any automatic repairs but is responsible for log notifications in event logs. After getting the correct responder, you would continue to troubleshoot and attempt to remediate the issue(s) that are behind the HealthSet failure.
In my example case, I found that the Health Mailbox used for the probe test was corrupted and had to be rebuilt. Once that mailbox was functional, the probe test ran successfully.

I hope that this will help you in troubleshooting any alerts in your Exchange environment that are HealthSet based. I know for sure that gathering this information has helped me get a grasp on how the Monitoring works and how it can be used to remediate issues.

A big “Thank You” to the following sites that helped provide most of the information that you see posted here:
Exchange 2013 Managed Availability HealthSet Troubleshooting
Managed availability in Exchange 2013/2016

Exchange Server HealthSets – IT Blog (2024)


How to check Exchange server health? ›

Use the Get-HealthReport cmdlet to return health information for the Exchange server that you specify. You can use the health values to determine the state of the server. The cmdlet also returns an alert value that provides the specific state of your server.

How to resolve HTTP 500 error in Exchange server 2016? ›

1 answer
  1. Use a Different Browser (Chrome or Firefox)
  2. Install Pending Server Updates (If there is an update)
  3. Reinstall Updates.
  4. Improved resource allocation (CPU and Hard Disk Space)
  5. Update Server Configurations.
  6. Recreate Virtual Directories.
  7. Repair Exchange Server.
Jan 28, 2023

Why is my Outlook not connecting to the Exchange server? ›

You cannot connect to the Exchange server if there is a problem with the network or bad internet speed. Try reconnecting to the same network by forgetting the connection or see if Outlook on another computer works with the same internet connection, and make the changes accordingly.

Why is my exchange email not working? ›

One possible reason is that there might be a problem with the connection between your email client and the Exchange server. Another reason could be that there might be an issue with your email account settings.

How do I check my server health status? ›

How to Conduct a Server Health Check
  1. Hardware metrics: For physical servers, it's necessary to check the fans, disk drives, storage, CPU, memory, and their environmental conditions.
  2. Performance metrics: It should collect and collate server data on usage, uptime, and other KPIs.
Jan 2, 2024

How do I know if my Exchange Server is working? ›

Test connectivity of your Office 365/Exchange Server service...
  1. Click on the following link:
  2. Click Service Account Access.
  3. Complete the form. ...
  4. Complete the verification process and click Perform Test.

How do I bypass 500 server error? ›

You can do that by selecting the refresh/reload button, pressing F5 or Ctrl+R, or trying the URL again from the address bar. Even if the 500 Internal Server Error is a problem on the web server, the issue might be temporary. Trying the page again will often be successful.

What is the solution for 500 server error? ›

The first solution to a 500 internal server error is to refresh the page. If the error persists, you may try clearing the cookies, deactivating faulty plugins or themes, fixing the . htaccess file, or contacting your hosting provider.

How do I handle 500 server error? ›

If the error is caused by a local problem from your end, the steps below can save you a lot of time from troubleshooting.
  1. Reload the page. ...
  2. Clear your browser cache and cookies. ...
  3. Visit the website using another network. ...
  4. Check the Error Logs of the Website. ...
  5. Reset File and Folder Permissions. ...
  6. Change the PHP version.

How do I force Outlook to sync with Exchange server? ›

Automatic synchronization
  1. On the File tab, select Options.
  2. In the Outlook Options dialog box, select Advanced.
  3. In the Send and receive section, select the Send immediately when connected check box.
  4. Select Send/Receive.
Jan 24, 2024

How do I repair Outlook Exchange? ›

Choose Account Settings > Account Settings. On the Email tab, choose your account (profile), and then choose Repair.

How do I know which Exchange server is connected to Outlook? ›

Finding the Microsoft Exchange Server in the Account Settings can be tricky. To start, open Outlook, click on the “File” tab, then select “Account Settings” twice. In this window, select the account you want to check. Click “Change,” and look for the “Server Information” section to see the server name.

How do I fix email not connecting to server? ›

You may need to perform actions such as restarting the server, clearing the cache, repairing the database, updating the software, changing the settings, or contacting the service provider. You should also document the issue and the solution, and communicate with the users about the status and resolution of the issue.

What is the difference between Exchange and Outlook? ›

Microsoft Exchange is a server application and an email server solution. This means that Exchange is a dedicated network resource management platform. Outlook is an email client installed on your desktop. Outlook is designed to send and receive emails, and it keeps in sync with Exchange.

How to use Outlook without Exchange server? ›

One of the easiest ways to use Outlook without an MS Exchange Server is by connecting it to various webmail services like Gmail, Yahoo, (formerly Hotmail), and others. Outlook has built-in support for popular email protocols such as IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) and POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3).

How to check the status of an Exchange Server? ›

Get-Exchange Server Health Using PowerShell
  1. Get-MailboxStatistics.
  2. Get-PublicFolderStatistics.
  3. Get-DistributionGroupMember.
  4. Get-DistributionGroup.
  5. Get-LogonStatistics.
  6. Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus.
  7. Get-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy.
  8. Get-ActiveSyncDevice.

How do I check my ad server health? ›

DCDiag — This command-line tool provides 30 different directory health checks. If you run DCDiag, you can check the connectivity of DNS servers, the RPC and LDAP connections of domain controllers, replication errors, accessibility of RID Manager, registration status of machine accounts, and much more.

How to check exchange database health in PowerShell? ›

Alternatively, you can use PowerShell to check the status of the database. Run the Get-MailboxDatabase cmdlet as given below. With this simple command, you can see all the databases and their mounting status. If the database 'Mounted' status is 'False', it indicates a problem.

How do I check for Exchange Server updates? ›

Click on the Windows Start button and search for 'Updates'. In the results, click on 'Check for updates'. Click on 'Install now' to immediately download and install all available updates. Depending on the number of updates this process may take a while.

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.